Hair masks – popular recipes, provenby time. The best folk recipes for hair masks

Чт, 30 ноя 2017 Автор: Кристаллина

In recent decades, the cosmetic industry has flourished,
because women spend more money promising
youth and beauty. But despite this, homemade recipes
continue to be popular. They are tried by moms,
grandmothers, girlfriends and always made from affordable and
natural products.


Recipes folk masks for hair: how to apply?

Proper procedure will provide a good result. For
There are a few simple recommendations to follow.

Before applying the masks hair should be combed, it is better to do
This is using a massage brush.

Do not use the same mask for many months.
It is believed that if after four weeks there is no result,
then the tool needs to be changed.

The cosmetic course, as a rule, consists of 10-15 procedures.
Masks are applied once or twice a week. After completing the course,
hair should rest a month or two, after which you can again
apply homemade cosmetics

It is important to remember that some foods cause allergies.
reaction. To avoid undesirable consequences, before the test
A new recipe should be tested for sensitivity of the skin.
Make it very easy. You just need to take a drop of the finished
mixture and put on the inner fold of the elbow. If during the day on
the skin did not appear any irritation or itching, which means that the mask can be
feel free to use. Otherwise, cosmetic
wash it off and do not use it in the future.

Mask is recommended to keep on hair as much time as
indicated in the recipe. Do not keep longer, hoping that the result
will be better. Some homemade products contain
aggressive ingredients that with prolonged exposure to the skin
and hair will lead to the opposite result.

Sweet Therapy: folk recipes for honey hair masks

Honey is a popular component of many home care products.
hair Bee product is rich in carbohydrates, organic
acids, essential oils, vitamins and beneficial
microelements. Masks should be done within a few weeks.
The results will not have to wait long. After applying hair
become beautiful and smoother, fluffiness disappears, which
so do not like many women. Lung effect is also noted.
lightening and toning – hair gets a nice golden

For приготовления маски понадобится 3 столовых ложки меда. If a
He candied, then pre-melt in a water bath. Head
wash with shampoo. Lightly towel dry. Hair should be
wet but not wet. Gently (better with a brush)
apply honey and comb with a comb with rare teeth. Wrap your head
plastic wrap, and top wear a warm scarf. Keep
mask for at least one hour, then rinse hair thoroughly with cold
water To better comb your hair, you can use
air conditioning.

Gelatin hair masks – folk recipes for beauty and

Enjoy the special love of the fair sex
gelatin masks. What caused such popularity? Many
women claim that the mask brings almost the same result
as is the expensive lamination procedure. This is explained by the fact
that gelatin contains hydrolyzed collagen. Its molecules
so small that they quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of the hair shaft.
They restore the structure of the strands, gluing the damaged
plots. In addition, collagen creates a thin film on
the surface of the hair, which makes the curls shiny, keeps
moisture and protects against various mechanical damage.

To prepare the mask for the basic recipe will need only two
ingredient – gelatin and water. The main condition is correct
prepare the mixture. A tablespoon of gelatin soak in a small
the amount of water (approximately 75-100 ml). Leave for 15 minutes
for swelling. Heat up gelatin in a water bath until
absolute dissolution of the product. When the liquid has cooled, you can
proceed with the procedure. Head вымыть и промокнуть
fly towel. Gelatinous mass applied to the strands with a brush
or with your fingers. Spread over the entire hair length. Sure to
wrap your head in cellophane tape and a thick towel for
getting more noticeable effect. Keep не менее 40-50 минут.
Ополоснуть голову прохладной water After applying this mask
hair becomes smooth, easy to comb. Therefore it is possible
do without air conditioning or balm.

Gelatin mask is suitable for different types of hair. Strengthen it
The effect can be added to the basic recipe of various ingredients.
Well combined with gelatin egg yolk, vegetable and essential
oils, honey, lemon juice. Such procedures should not be done more often.
once a week, because the addictive effect appears, and already
after several sessions the mask action becomes nearly

Prevention of baldness with the help of folk masks recipes for

Mustard is another product that is often used to
cooking homemade cosmetics. Spice has
disinfecting, drying and local irritant effects.
Mustard masks are recommended primarily for strengthening
hairяных луковиц, профилактики облысения и укрепления истощенных
strands. They are also useful for the care of oily scalp.

The most common recipe consists of the following

– dry mustard powder – 1 tbsp;

– vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. L .;

– yolk;

– sugar – 0.5 tsp.

Into a deep dish pour all the ingredients. Rub carefully
until a homogeneous consistency. Pour 50 ml of cool water and
stir again.

Unlike many other masks, mustard blend should
наносить только на грязные hairы. Natural fat on the scalp
will create a kind of protection from the aggressive effects of the mask.
Состав осторожно нанести на корни hair, нежно втирая кончиками
fingers. Put on a special polyethylene cap on the head,
tie a warm scarf or scarf. In a few minutes should
appear warming burning sensation. This is a normal skin reaction to
the effects of mustard. However, if the head is unbearably baked, you should
тотчас промыть hairы большим количеством воды. Mask hold
quarter of an hour. After the procedure is prohibited to use a hairdryer.

Mustard as a cosmetic product is not suitable for everyone.
Seasoning has several contraindications, such as
sensitivity or dryness of the skin, minor head injuries
(scratches, cuts), pregnancy, susceptibility to allergic

Простые маски для hair: народные рецепты из глины

In folk medicine, clay is used to treat various
skin diseases. It has cleansing, strengthening,
disinfectant properties. Thanks to its beneficial effects
on the scalp, it is an important component of some remedies
по уходу за hair There are different types of clay, and any of them
can be used for making masks.

To prepare a mask is very simple. For этого 2 ст.л. clay diluted
water to the consistency of thick cream. When dry damaged
hairах рекомендуется использовать молоко. Fatty type is better
decoctions of such herbs as nettle, yarrow, oak
bark and others

Head вымыть нейтральным шампунем и немного подсушить.
Подготовленную глиняную массу равномерно нанести на hairы,
dividing them into strands. Mask can, but not necessarily, slightly rub
in the skin. If a hairы сухие, не стоит наносить смесь на
кончики hair. Head обмотать полиэтиленом или надеть шапочку для
soul. Mask hold полчаса.

The clay mixture is sometimes hard to wash off. As a result, instead of
блестящего шелка hair можно получить тусклую паклю. To prevent this
happened, you need to remember that it will take a lot to flush
time and effort. Вначале hairы промывают теплой проточной water
Then you need to use shampoo, once again thoroughly.
rinse. After that, use a nourishing balm and
снова смыть подогретой water

To get a more noticeable effect in the recipe masks include
other ingredients. Например, для ухода за жирными hairами в
clay paste add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Dry
strands will enjoy a mixture with egg yolk, aloe, bee honey,
fruit puree, natural oils.

Народные рецепты масок для hair предназначены для улучшения
the appearance of strands, restoration of structure, recovery
skin cover. For достижения наилучшего результата необходимо
use the tool that best suits the type and
состоянию hair.

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