Hair mask with mustard and burdock oil -homemade recipes. The beneficial effect of the mustard hair maskBurr oil”

Чт, 09 ноя 2017 Автор: Валентина Рыжкова

Burdock mustard oil can be found in the arsenal of
the struggle for the health and beauty of hair since ancient

Modern women strive for the perfect hairstyle every day,
exposing your hair to inappropriate or even harmful
cosmetics, heat treated. Gradually hair lose
your health.

Here come to the aid of the recipes of traditional medicine, based
on the use of natural ingredients to help restore
healthy hair condition, strengthen and protect against negative
exposure to harmful environmental factors.


Hair mask mustard and burdock oil at home.
The advantage of burdock

Burdock oil is made from burdock roots. At home
The conditions of the mask with the addition of this oil are necessary to strengthen
structure of the hair and its bulb. Oil is sold at the ready
form in any pharmacy, and you can also prepare it yourself.
To do this, take 100 g of burdock root, chop, pour
a glass of olive oil and leave to infuse in the dark
cool place for 14 days.

Burdock root oil is rich in stearic and
palmitic acid, inulin, essential oils, protein and tannins

Its healing effect on hair lies in

1. • Strengthening the blood circulation process of the scalp.

2. • Strengthen hair follicles.

3. • Restoration of metabolic processes of the scalp.

4. • Accelerate hair growth.

5. • Stop the fallout process.

6. • Reduce dry scalp.

Who recommended the use of burdock oil?

1. • For owners of brittle hair with split ends, weakened
daily heat, chemical perm or

2. • Suffering from dandruff (as a result of dry skin

3. • Having a loose head of hair (after pregnancy, postponed

4. • Suffering from excessive hair loss, baldness.

Hair mask mustard and burdock oil at home.
Tips for using burdock oil

There are several top tips for using and
application of burdock oil.

1. • Burdock oil is used for both clean and polluted

2. • Hair needs a bit before applying.

3. • Before applying the oil, it must be heated with water.
bath or microwave.

4. • Spread the oil as evenly as possible over the entire length.
hair with a comb. The product is rubbed into the scalp.
fingertips or cotton pad.

5. • After the oil is distributed through the hair and skin, the head
it is necessary to cover with cling film and bath towel on top. So
due to the thermal effect, the oil warms up, gives the maximum
its beneficial substances, blood circulation in the scalp will increase.

6. • The oil should be on the hair from 60 to 90 minutes.
Recommended for maximum effect to keep
means on the hair for the whole night.

7. • To effectively remove the oil from the hair you need to use
shampoo and wash your hair 2 times.

Burdock oil, when used, can cause allergies.
reaction, therefore, before using it, perform a skin test.
Apply a drop of oil on the skin of the inside of the elbow (bend) and
wait about half an hour. If the surface of the skin does not turn red, do not
itching or irritation occurs, then the oil is suitable for further
of use.

Hair mask mustard and burdock oil at home.
Sorting Mustard Benefits

The effectiveness of the use of mustard for the health and beauty of hair
easy to explain by its unique chemical composition. So
mustard contains:

• proteins;

• vitamins of groups A, B, E and D;

• zinc;

• magnesium;

• potassium;

• calcium;

• iron;

• fatty acid;

• alimentary fiber;

• enzymes;

• essential oils.

Mustard gives the following beneficial effect
hair and scalp:

1. • “Awakens” hair follicles, triggers and accelerates growth

2. • Stops excessive fallout.

3. • Has an antibacterial effect on the skin.

4. • Reduces the number of split tips.

5. • Accelerates blood circulation.

6. • Increases oxygen supply to the hair follicles.

7. • Improves hair structure.

8. • Hair after using mustard is noticeably smoother,

Mustard is a specific product. Its use
not all categories of persons are shown and allowed.

So, применение горчицы запрещено:

1. • Pregnant and lactating women.

2. • To those who have even minor integrity damage.
the skin of the head.

3. • Those who have individual intolerance to the product.

Mustard has a drying effect for the skin, so its
frequent and intensive use as an ingredient mask for
hair may cause dandruff.

Hair mask mustard and burdock oil at home.
Mustard Tips

Mustard not only has a healing effect, but can
cause some harm to hair improper use.
There are certain principles for using mustard in
As an ingredient in hair masks:

1. • Only dry mustard in powder form is suitable for the mask.

2. • Dissolve the powder in water from 37 to 40 degrees.

3. • Before using the mustard mask, test on
possible allergic reaction of the body. For this little
mustard is dissolved in water and applied to the inner fold of the elbow. If a
there will be redness, itching or burning, then use
product is prohibited.

4. • Mustard dries hair, therefore owners of fragile hair
not worth using. If a же такая необходимость существует, то в
the mask needs to add some kind of moisturizing ingredient (honey,
sour cream, burdock oil).

5.•Средство наносят на сухие загрязненные hair.

6. • The maximum time the mask should be on the hair should not be
more than 60 minutes.

7. • Mustard is easily washed off with warm water using

8. • Hair after washing should be moistened with balm.

9.•If a волосы жирные, то максимальное количество раз
The use of a mustard mask should not exceed 6 per month. With
dry hair this number should not be more than 2 times in 30 days. For
wellness preventive effect will be sufficient
use it once a month.

Hair mask mustard and burdock oil at home.
Effective recipes

1.•Горчица и репейное масло. Great option
masks, accelerating hair growth and eliminating hair loss. Need to
mix one egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil
and 3 teaspoons of dry mustard. Mix ingredients to full
dissolving sugar. Mask to distribute the hair and leave on
30-40 minutes. Rinse, alternating warm and cold water and using
shampoo. Repeat several times.

2.•Репейное масло и крапива. Helps
get rid of seborrhea and prolapse, nourishes the hair follicles and
структуру hair. Take 1 cup boiling water, 3 tablespoons burdock
oil and 2 tablespoons finely chopped nettle leaves.
Nettle should be filled with hot water and allowed to infuse for
half an hour. Next, add a burdock oil to a warm infusion, then
distribute the mixture in the hair, cover with a film and wrap your head in
cotton towel. Leave in this form for 60-90 minutes,
further rinse hair with shampoo.

3. Репейное масло, горчица и мед. This composition
will increase blood circulation, as a result – accelerated growth
hair, reduced fat content, strengthened structure. Take 1 dining room
spoon of mustard powder, mix with 2 tablespoons of burdock
oil, preheated in a water bath. Add tea
spoon of honey and, if desired, the yolk of one egg. Mask applied only
on the hair roots for 20 minutes. Frequency of use – 2 times a
a week for a month.

4. Витаминная репейная маска. Withготовить ее
совсем не сложно: 2 столовые spoons of burdock oil подогреть на
water bath or microwave and mix 2 capsules of vitamin E and 2
vitamin A capsules. Distributed evenly over the roots,
and the entire length of the hair to the very end. Keep at least
30-50 minutes.

5.•Горчица со сметаной. Take 1 dining room ложку
mustard powder, dissolve in warm water to mushy
states. We mix in here 1 tablespoon of burdock oil and 1
tablespoon sour cream. The composition is used only for
pre-hydrated skin. Keep on hair roots at least 60

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