Hair Growth Mask Recipes

Homemade hair growth mask from black radish:

Homemade masks for hair growthRub the peeled radish on the finest grater (or grind in a blender, or skip through a meat grinder), and squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry through cheesecloth. This juice must be rubbed into the roots and scalp in about 1 hour before washing it. For convenience, the juice can be typed into a syringe, and put on parting.

You can also just very finely chop the radish to juice is formed, and rub the resulting pulp into the roots.

After some time after application, you may feel a burning sensation. scalp, it should be so, but if it is impossible to endure, wash off the radish before the appointed time.

Black radish juice very well stimulates the growth of hair, and also prevents its thinning. It is recommended to use it 1 time in Week.

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Recipe for hair growth from parsley seeds:

Recipes for parsley hair growthGrind into flour (for example, in a coffee grinder) dry parsley seeds. The resulting “powder” need to rub into the roots about 2-3 times a week. Not worry, such a procedure will not contaminate curls, and even on the contrary, it helps to eliminate excessive grease from dirty strands.

Also, using parsley seeds, you can cook the following composition:

Grind dry seeds into flour, and mix well 1 tbsp. l this flour with 2 tbsp. l castor or burdock oil. Received thoroughly rub the mass into the roots for 2-3 hours before washing the hair. Wash your hair with shampoo afterwards.

The procedure is recommended to be done 1-2 times a week.

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Homemade stimulating mask for hair growth from onions and cognac:

Homemade hair growth masks with cognac and onionBesides onions and cognac in this recipe you will need more dry burdock roots (burdock).

Pour 1 tbsp. l slightly chopped and dry burdock roots half a glass of boiling water, and boil over low heat until moment until the roots are completely softened. After cool and strain. Squeeze the juice from the onion, and stir 2-3 tbsp. l from the 6th Art. l decoction of burdock, and with 1 tbsp. l cognac. Rub received the mixture in the roots (can be applied parting with a syringe), and after about 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

This composition may give a burning sensation to the scalp, and if it is unbearable for you, it is recommended to add 1 more Art. l burdock or castor oil.

Frequency of use – 1-2 times a week.

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Recipe for hair growth from brandy and aloe juice:

Mask for hair growth with cognac and aloeSqueeze about 2 Art. l aloe leaf juice and add them to one raw egg the yolk. Add 1 tbsp there. l cognac, and 1 teaspoon of honey. Rub everything thoroughly, then rub into the scalp, and leave for 1 hour. Then wash your hair, as you usually do are doing.

Instead of yolk, you can use 1-2 tbsp. l burdock or castor oil.

Do regularly 1-2 times a week.

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Recipe for a homemade mask for gelatin hair growth:

Recipes for hair growth with gelatinDilute 1 tbsp. l edible gelatin powder with a small amount of hot water (3-4 Art. l.), and very carefully grind everything to form homogeneous pasty mass without lumps. Leave her at 15 minutes until gelatin swells.

After wet the curls, squeeze excess water from them, and by for swollen gelatin, add 1 teaspoon of your balm for hair. Stir everything, and apply to wet strands, rubbing the composition into roots, and distributing along the entire length of the hair. Put on plastic cap, or wrap your head with plastic wrap, and wrap on top with a warm terry towel. After 20 minutes everything rinse with shampoo and balm.

This recipe is recommended to be used at least 2 times per a week.

Gelatin masks are especially good because gelatin contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for full growth hair. In addition, gelatin has the ability to envelop strands, as if protective film, well protecting and nourishing them while giving visual density and volume.

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Homemade masks for hair growth from beer:

ABOUT that beer, when applied externally, is positive affects curls, strengthening and making them healthier, it was known for a long time. Including beer is an excellent tool for accelerate the growth of hair. And all thanks to the content in beer such components like hops, yeast, vitamin B, and other contributing stimulation of hair growth.

The easiest way is to stir about half glasses of warm beer with 1 raw egg yolk (you can beat mixer), and apply the resulting mass completely throughout strands, not forgetting to rub thoroughly into the roots, for 20-25 minutes. After application, it is necessary to wrap the head with plastic wrap, and insulate with a towel on top (however, it is recommended to do this after applying any folk remedy). After time wash your hair with shampoo.

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Or here’s another beer-based recipe:

Add to half a glass of slightly warmed beer 2 tbsp. l burdock or castor oil. Stir, apply the mixture to its full length. hair, and leave for 20-25 minutes. After wash your hair with shampoo, how do you usually do it.

This product is recommended for use with a drier type. curls. When greasy strands mix beer in equal quantities with kefir or yogurt (a quarter cup).

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For preparation of the following composition you will need dry flowers calendula, hop cones and birch leaves (all dry).

Grind all the plants into powder to get approximately 1 tbsp. l powder of each. Pour this glass with a glass of warm beer, and leave for 2 hours. After strain, and rub received infusion in the roots 2-3 times a week, 20-25 minutes before washing heads.

Such a beer infusion can be stored in the refrigerator, in a closed dishes, up to 1 week. Before applying it is recommended a little warm up.

Also, to accelerate the growth of hair, beer is well mixed in equal amounts with freshly squeezed nettle juice, or with a decoction of nettle leaves. To prepare such a decoction, pour 2 tbsp. l chopped dry, or 3 tbsp. l fresh nettle leaf 1.5 a glass of boiling water, and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes. After cool and strain.

The resulting mixture must also be rubbed into the scalp for 20-25 minutes before washing it.

If you are going to make homemade masks for hair growth from beer, then keep in mind that with light curls it is recommended use light beer, as dark beer can a little bit of them to color.

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