Undoubtedly beautiful and lush, and most importantly – healthy hair are one of the main components of female beauty. TO Unfortunately, nature is not always supportive of women, and if a man with a rare head of hair sometimes has a certain charm, then the female sex does not have to rely on the same effect.
This hairdressing procedure should be treated very seriously, since besides acquiring a shock of natural hair, you must minimize the risks to your health and beauty.
Pros of hair extensions:
- Naturalness. Accrued by you hair will look very natural. Building Technologies hair already has a fifty year history, the first experiments with building were made back in the 60s of the twentieth century. Over time technology advances, rapidly moving in side of greater security and naturalness. Are applied natural hair, various shades and various structure (as you know, different peoples and races have different structures and hair thickness), all this allows you to create a reliable illusion natural hair.
- The ability to experiment with style. The result that you get after the build-up procedure will give You have the opportunity to experiment with your image. With the right care and compliance with certain rules you can do the most a variety of hairstyles from African braids to luxurious lion’s mane that previously could not afford.
- Speed and simplicity. Of all cosmetic hair extensions – the fastest, safest, most affordable and reversible procedure. The desire to change himself visits regularly every woman. If plastic surgery is unsafe, the road and often irreversible, then experimenting with these global hairs do not have dangers. Hair extensions will delight you from 3 up to 6 months, and then you can easily refuse experiment with your hair and try something new.
- A variety of technologies and tools used with hair extensions, allow almost every woman in depending on the goals, financial capabilities and condition of the hair and scalp choose hair extension technology.
Hot hair extensions are used a variety of chemicals (keratin, resin, special glue), and also use forceps or a heat gun.
Hot technology includes French, Italian, Spanish and English technology.
With cold build, there are two ways attaching strands to your hair: with glue and without exposure high temperatures and with clips or small clamps, which in the process of attaching to your hair are compressed small forceps.
A newer, but financially expensive technology is tape building. With this technology, hair mounted on a special adhesive tape resembling adhesive tape, which coated with polymer.
A distinctive feature of this technology is the minimum exposure to chemicals and the complete absence of thermal exposure to your hair.
All three methods give a completely natural result. The safest methods are tape and cold with clips or clips, as in these two In cases, the thermal effect is completely absent, and the chemical the impact is minimal.
Cons of hair extensions:
- If you are not very careful about your health, you have to postpone or choose technology more carefully hair extensions that will do the least harm to your to hair.
- If you are taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, undergo chemotherapy, or you have seborrhea of the scalp, then, rather total damage to your health will be much greater than pleasure from your new image.
- If the worn hair is not your family specialty, defined by genes, but rather by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, or recent pregnancy, then you will not solve the problem, but only exacerbate it.
- Having resorted to the procedure of hair extensions, you will need more take care of your hair thoroughly. You will need to regularly visit the master, so that the effect of hair extensions can be hide in a timely manner when hair grows to a certain length.
- It is necessary to carefully select care products hair, as well as brushes and combs. Shampoos and balms should be Ph neutral.
It is important to consider the safest methods are also most expensive.
But this is what democratization of hair extensions is manifested in – every woman can choose for herself the way that is more to her fits.
When deciding whether you are ready for an extension procedure hair need to weigh the pros and cons, objectively assessing their financial costs, health status and desire to change.