Hair coloring at home: about whatneed to know

Mon, Apr 14, 2014

In order to perfectly dye hair, do not have to go
to the salon. However, staining at home has its
features, and they must be remembered.

Color selection

Many tend to believe that the difference between professional
paint and no usual. However, we can safely say that
Professional dye hair receive less harm. The fact,
that professional hair dyes can be diluted with peroxide
hydrogen from 1.9% to 9%. In ordinary paints composition is designed for
average buyer and has a high content
peroxide (9-12%), which certainly causes significant harm

Professional hair dyes have a variety of

  • They are individualized.
  • Do not contain heavy metals.
  • Have a less pronounced smell than household paint.
  • Do not “burn” hair.

Of course, if the hair is strong and thick by nature, the difference
between these types of paints will be hard to notice. However for fragile
hair dyeing with ordinary paint can be a catastrophe breaking
burning and spoiling hair.

From bad dye hair can be “straw”, so it
need to choose carefully. And also to use strengthening
by means of staining.

Hair color

For the successful coloring of the house is important to consider the rules of selection
colors for hair of different colors.


There are almost no problems for fair-haired coloring. Color lays down
fine and with a high degree of probability it will look like

Dark hair

But for the dark-haired problems will be more. Especially if
need to color in a blonde. To do this, hair must first
lighten, and then paint the main paint. And
apply light paint in large quantities. In such
In this case, the hair will not be yellow.

Errors that should not be repeated

  • Paint should be checked immediately for allergens, smearing
    a little on the skin.
  • When painting, be sure to have gloves and put
    something on the shoulders, otherwise it will then be difficult to wash it off from the skin.
  • Do not hold the paint on the hair longer than indicated in the instructions.
    At the same time, the color will become much darker, which can be disappointing if
    You chose a different color.
  • After dyeing the hair should be rinsed first with a special
    shampoo and then balm. These funds securely secure
  • It is better to use paint after trial coloring. I.e
    put it on a small strand and see what the result will be.
    Then you can begin to paint the entire head.
  • Hair should be clean before dyeing.
  • For those who do not want drastic measures when painting,
    professionals recommend dyeing hair no more than two tones
    lighter or darker from natural hair color. It will help
    keep a natural look.
  • Do not blow dry. If the hair is colored, use a hair dryer.
    it is better to reduce them so that they do not lose their elasticity.
  • Do not wash your hair with shampoo immediately after dyeing. When all
    colored, additional use of shampoo will wash some
    the amount of paint, and the result will not

That’s all some simple tips for successful hair dyeing at home.
Do not repeat the mistakes of others and be always bright and beautiful!

Text: Irina Lev

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