Gray hair is not a problem

Gray hair is not a problem
Tue, 08 Jul 2014

About gray hair can be said as follows: hair, deprived
colors. Most often, such a process is associated with aging, however,
This does not happen in all cases. Before the person starts
gray hair, each hair on the head contains a pigment – melanin.
The formation of melanin in the hair roots can be terminated in different ways.

It’s difficult to talk about when a woman begins to turn gray, because
this process has not yet been fully studied. Exactly
call the period of occurrence of the first gray hair can or the woman herself,
or her regular hairdresser.

Causes of gray hair

The appearance of gray hair does not indicate any deviations in the work
organism. Most often it is a hereditary factor. Although
other factors can also stop melanin formation:

  • disruption of the thyroid gland,
  • frequent stress
  • chronic fatigue,
  • reduced immunity
  • lack of vitamins and other substances
  • high salt intake,
  • fascination with low protein diets.

Preventing the appearance of gray hair

Against gray hair can be fought. For preventive purposes
you must eat enough meat, beans, fish,
nuts, more vegetables and fruits. In the spring and autumn periods
take vitamins. It is very important to monitor the work of the endocrine
system, for which it is recommended to visit the endocrinologist once a year.
You can’t stay under the scorching rays of the sun for a long time: they
discolor hair.

Ways to combat gray hair

Alas, to cure gray hair will not succeed, it is irreversible
process. And you can disguise gray hair with durable paint,
and it is desirable to choose a tone close to natural.

When the first gray hair appears, you can take action against
further spread of gray hair. Therapeutic effect have
rubbing tincture of burdock and dill. To do this, you will need 2 tbsp.
burdock roots and dill seeds. They insist 3 hours in 0.5 l
boiling water. Strained infusion is rubbed into the scalp every morning and
evening for 3 months.

Copper Diet

The cause of the appearance of gray hair can be a deficiency of trace elements,
especially copper. You can stop the process by filling
your menu with “copper” products: white cabbage, almonds,
beets, lemons and potatoes. But with the preparations of copper you have to be
be careful. Especially they should be avoided by women who
intrauterine devices are used as contraceptives.
spiral with copper elements. In addition, overdose of such drugs
may lead to the fact that the desired result during hair coloring is not
will be reached.

Tyrosine Products

To tame the appearance of early gray hair must be consumed
sprouted wheat: it contains tyrosine, with the lack of which
hair loses pigment. Also tyrosine found in avocados,
pumpkin seeds, peanuts, bananas, cheese, sesame. Folk
medicine recommends eating green beans, because it
contains cobalt, which contributes to darkening of the hair.

And finally …

You can not pull out the whitened hairs. The fact is that in their place
again grow gray hair, but more visible and tough.

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