Gold jewelry has a negative effect on femalean organism

Sun, Apr 17, 2016

In recent innovative research, doctors have found that
gold jewelry has a pronounced stimulating effect,
adversely affecting the nervous system.
Constant wearing of gold items can trigger
metabolic disorders. Human nervous system
exhausts, and as a result the case ends in severe stresses and
depressed. It’s fair to say that not everyone is at risk
precious metal fans. Doctors do not recommend regularly
wear gold too emotional people different
unstable psyche. You can not wear gold jewelry to the sick
epilepsy, as scientists believe that the flickering and shine of metal
may cause an attack of illness. Very carefully must handle
gold residents of large cities. In big cities and so
quite high risk of stress and depression. Scientists
советуют носить серебряные украшения, которые оказывают на an organism
extremely positive impact. Silver checked
helps smooth wrinkles, positively affects the intestines,
normalizes pressure, relieves headaches and strengthens
a heart.

Silver jewelery perfectly balances the nervous system
restless, irritable and suspicious people. It is useful to wear
silver jewelery for chronic fever, illnesses
digestive tract, with heavy menstrual bleeding,
heartburn and malfunction of the spleen and liver.

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