Gel nails at home -are doing! How to cover nails gel varnish at home: equipment, orderaction

Пт, 18 мар 2016 Автор: Марина Ивасюк


Gel nails at home: photos and

In appearance, it seems that at home to cover the nails with a gel or
gel polish impossible.

You need a lot of equipment, education, skill and talent.

In something you are right, the nails covered with gel are debilitating
hard work.

Even a professional in the cabin for this job takes up to three

But, despite all of the above, at home this
work is doable. Moreover, it has now become very fashionable among
young girls get everything they need and “do their nails” at home,
without getting up from the couch.

There are several options for coating gel or gel polish,
such as for strengthening without building up, on tipsy or on

In cases where the shape and length of your nail is completely
satisfied, but you want to make it less brittle and more durable, then
use a gel or gel polish without buildup.

Tips or forms are used to add
extra length. As a rule, it is from 5 mm. up to 1 cm, but there are
those who wish to see nails up to 3 on their fingers

The method of application of both gel and gel varnish is practically not
differs from each other, only by some subtleties. Gel is
viscous substance, different in color and its purpose,
and gel varnish is a varnish, which included for strength added
gel. They dry out only under the influence of the UV lamp. Gel
applied on the nail with a thicker layer so that after drying
спилить лишнее и придать ногтю form. Gel-лак в этом плане
different from her fellow. Apply a thin layer, it is possible and
several layers.

It turns out that the gel as a model of the nail, can give it
any shape, it is denser, more firmly on the nail and less
breaks off. Gel-лак здесь уступает. He grins, it’s hard for them
to simulate the desired shape of the nail, give bumpiness to the relief. Behind
then it looks much more natural, it is practically not
distinguish from your nail.

Gel varnish coating at home: material and

For a complete and strong gel and lacquer coating at home
It is necessary to prepare all the materials in advance. Now it is not uncommon
meet a specialty store selling material and
necessary accessories for nail extension and correction,
so the question “where to buy?” does not arise.

As for the material, for applying the gel or gel polish
must have:

• gel or gel varnish;

• degreaser;

• primer;

• topcoat;

• nail file;

• buff for polishing;

• orange sticks;

• lint-free wipes or cotton pads;

• cuticle oil;

• ultraviolet lamp.

To cover the gel varnish you need to have not only color, but also
special transparent coating for basic and finishing application.
They are both individually and 2 in 1. Naturally,
acquiring funds combining two functions saves both
money, so and place in the locker.

With regards to the tools, it is not worth thinking that one nail file here
you will manage. There should be at least three of them: with small and large
abrasive plus bafik for polishing the surface of the nail.
Абразивность — это степень жесткости, измеряется в
grits. The higher this figure, the less deposition and softer
nail file. For artificial nails, it is usually from 100 to 180
units, and for natural from 180 and above. Material preferences
each person has his own files, but if you think about it
plastic. They are stronger than paper, more flexible than glass, and at a price
advantageous with respect to laser and ceramic nail files.

Degreaser can be replaced with a simple pharmacy alcohol, but all
other materials cannot be replaced or excluded.

Gel nails at home: consistency

To ensure that the coating, whether gel or gel polish, is held
long and not overshadowed by the joy of wearing a permanent manicure
chipped or detached, you must stick to simple
the rules.

Once you have acquired everything you need to
cover the nails with gel at home, you need to catch
последовательность action.

The first step is to prepare the nail
. To do this, orange sticks move aside.
cuticle and cleaned the nail surface with a nail file, so that it would become
matte. The nail is shaped. A slight difference to the preparation is
that under the gel surface is cleaned with a larger abrasiveness
(190 grit), and under the gel polish only the glossy layer is removed, therefore
You can use a nail file abrasive 220 grit. But if she has
you only one, then about 200 grit is suitable for one
cover and for another.

At this stage, you need to decide whether you want to get more
length, or only to strengthen the already existing. If the second option, then
go to the second step, and if the first, then there are two options.
Do this with the help of tips or form. Tips stick
special glue, their surface is ground off flush with a fingernail
select the shape and length. If you use a form, then install it
You need to under the nail, and cover the gel to the required length.

Вторым шагом станет нанесение праймера. Should
notice that getting it on the tips is not desirable, so put
you need strictly on your nail, without touching the artificial part of it.
After the primer dries, apply a base gel (if it is
three phase scheme of gels) or constructive (if it is two phase

Существует несколько вариантов нанесения покрытия
это трех и двух фазная. In the first version on the nail
after the primer impose first the base layer of the gel, and then
the main (designing) and finishing. Each layer is dried under UV
a lamp. The difference of the two-phase system is that as part of the main
gel is basic, as it were 2 in 1. This greatly simplifies the task and
saves time.

Constructive gel is applied as many layers as necessary
to give the nail the desired shape and thickness. After its full
drying, which is about 3-4 minutes, removes the sticky layer
degreaser. A file with a large abrasive is formed
surface of the gel before acquiring a beautiful oval shape,
symmetrical like a drop of water, frozen on the nail. If you think
that there is nothing superfluous, you still have to spend it. For application
the finish surface must be rough and matte.

Как правило, финишный гель более жидкой
consistency and is applied as a thin layer of varnish.

When covering the nail gel varnish after primer is applied
прозрачный базовый gel. It provides good traction with
nail plate. And only on the base gel, after it dries,
color gel polish is applied. Next, everything is sealed finish

Upon completion of the degreasing agent is removed sticky layer with
the nail, and the cuticle and the skin around the nail is treated with a special

It would seem that the gel polish in comparison with the gel makes the nails more
strong and less brittle, looks more natural and worth
дешевле, но есть один минус. After
the nail will grow and correction will be needed, it turns out that
gel polish must be completely removed and re-applied. It takes
more time than covered with gel nails at home,
which are amenable to correction. For this grind
the regrown part of the nail and the surface of the gel, then the gel is applied on
the above scheme, as if filling the voids and irregularities.

Coating gel varnish at home: tips

After наносится праймер, ноготь нельзя трогать.
Respectively touch and cling to extraneous surfaces.
prohibited in order not to break a thin layer of primer.

During the whole process, even at home, gelcoat coating should not
accompanied by hand washing. Any slight moisture will become
detrimental to cover.

At the stage of preparation for the application of primer should be very
pay attention to turning the surface of the nail. Should
carefully remove any particles remaining on the cuticle and cut,
if there is, a detached edge of the nail. Surface must be
uniform and dust free, that’s when the coating will hold
as long as possible

The primer is applied to the nail with rubbing movements from the center to
edge, and then vice versa. Ten minutes after drying
the second layer is applied. This is necessary so that he soaked himself.
nail. It works the principle of double tape, bonding between
a nail and gel as strong as possible. Therefore, you need to try,
so that the substance penetrated into all hard-to-reach places on the nail.

It is very important to strictly follow the rules and comply with the technology.
applying the gel on the nail without touching the cuticle and the side rollers.
Experts advise to make a small indent from the cuticle, approximately
1-1.5 mm. This gap will not be noticeable to others, but
provide you with the confidence that you are definitely not hooked on anything
superfluous. If the gel still got to the cuticle, it is necessary
remove it from there at any cost, otherwise on the second day the coverage
will begin to flake off and will have to be applied again.

When working with gel polish is also important to observe the thickness of the layer. is he
should be very thin, almost transparent. Color in first
The layers will lie unevenly, but this is not scary. Next layers
compensate for shade and density. Let you have to put three
layer to achieve the desired result. It is very important that they
were thin. It is better than two thick layers.

When applying gel polish with a thick layer, bubbles may appear
air and waves on the surface, which is why it is so important that the layer
was as thin as possible. Also from the mandatory procedures is
staining of the end of the nail. This is done in order to reduce
risk of edge delamination.

Another common mistake is the acquisition of gel coatings.
different firms. This is when the finish and color coating of one
manufacturer, and the base of the other. It is believed that developed in
one company the substances are ideal for each other, and if they
differ, that is, the risk that they will “conflict” with each other.
This will lead to an early deterioration of the coating and the making of work

Even at home, gel nail polish nails
compliance with all rules and technologies look like new and keep
without chips and coats for about a month.

Watch the skin of your hands, make a scrub and smear it with cream,
because even the most beautiful and expensive manicure will not look at
dry and rough hands.

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