Freshness Lady – parsley for the face.Masks of parsley for the face, decoction of parsley for the face createfragrant skin

Ср, 14 сен 2016 Автор: Ирина Тарусова

Verily, the mistress of freshness, fragrance, skin health,
can be called a tender plant – parsley.

This “little green queen” can conquer any heart
beauties containing vitamins, oils, mineral salts,
peptides, carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids, pectins, because parsley
for the skin is indispensable.


Vitamin Parsley Gifts

The substances contained in parsley promote regeneration in
skin cells, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the treatment of psoriasis,
are antioxidants, form cell membranes and DNA,
increase protein accumulation, normalize
redox processes. Unable to reach and
describe all the positive effects of the rich composition of this plant,
which may apply to vegetable crops. Parsley root vegetables
also actively used in cosmetic procedures, as well as her
grassy “tops”.

It is difficult to isolate the main useful components, but what
well-known vitamins A, B, C, D have amazing
A positive effect on the skin is an indisputable fact! And she
it smells sweet not only from masks or decoctions, but also from drinking
various dishes with this product.

In cosmetic procedures, parsley is used in any form –
dry, fresh, roots, seeds. All this variety of one plant
will help with various problems with the skin of the face and neck.

Recommendations for the use of parsley for the face

Any homemade parsley mixture
must be properly used to get the maximum
pleasure and result from the procedure. There are several famous
rules of application of this vitamin beauty.

In personal cosmetics
используется свежая петрушка
— её стебельки и листья.
Clean the greens under running water, pour boiling water, dry
paper towel, cut. Greens are ready to use. Can
pour boiling water over it and “enjoy” vitamin decoction of parsley for

Сухие листья петрушки чаще всего используют,
brewing them on the steam bath or just pouring boiling water. Can
pre-grind them in a blender, if anywhere required
powder. It is especially convenient to use parsley masks for

There is also a root for vitamins
Before use, it is washed with running water.
and cut into small pieces or rubbed on a grater. If the root
dry, then for cosmetic procedures it will need
предварительно смолоть в powder. Brewed parsley root is very
often taken as whitening and soothing compresses for

Семена петрушки тоже измельчают перед
application and addition to cosmetics. Can сделать
it is on a coffee grinder or ceiling them in a mortar. If necessary
poured boiling water or brewed on a steam bath fifteen

Use parsley for face properly – indications and

Beauty parsley products can be recommended to women
with dry, tired and fading skin, with lots of wrinkles,
with pigmentation and burns, very oily and porous, dull and
pale. Petrushka copes with the normalization of the selection
sebum. Освежает и придаёт здоровую цветность коже faces.
Masks and decoctions are applicable for any skin type and any age.

Contraindications to the use of this plant may be personal
intolerance of the organism, any substances entering into its
composition. In order to check whether you are suitable with
parsley, put a small amount of the solution on
wrist or the inside of the crook of the elbow. If the skin starts
itching or burning sensation, skin color changes,
rinse the area immediately under running water. Received
the reaction suggests that parsley is not your plant,

Prepared from parsley funds have a time limit.
application. Masks are used immediately after preparation and not
are stored. Decoctions, infusions, tonics can remain in the refrigerator
more than three days. Cubes in the freezer – seven days.

You can apply the created cosmetics with
so persistence:

  • masks – no more than two times a week;

  • tonics, solutions, decoctions – every day, morning and evening;

  • cubes of frozen solutions every day in the morning forever,
    wrapped in a soft napkin or cotton cloth;

  • compresses on the skin of the eyes and lips, as toning and strengthening,
    every two days.

Parsley face masks – a variety of options

The variety of parsley masks impresses with its beneficial influence.
на кожу faces. They are nourishing, whitening, toning
(tightening), soothing, smoothing. For the skin of the face, neck,
eyes and lips.

We apply each of the masks on the face. Preferably, before that, his
steam over a herbal solution, in which you may well add
dry parsley leaves or its seeds. We maintain a mask of 15 minutes,
we remove with gentle circular motions, applying at the same time contrast
shower for the face or a variety of broths that we meet


1. Mix equal proportions (a tablespoon) of chopped green
leaves of sour milk parsley or yogurt. Lubricate the face. Delete
через тридцать minutes

2. Tablespoon of white clay, chopped parsley leaves, 1
ml. lemon juice. Stir to obtain slurry. We put on
пятнадцать minutes

3. Cut the parsley leaves and dandelions, pour them cold
mineral water and put for 12 hours in a dark place with
room temperature. After the time, squeeze the mush – she
go for a face mask. The remaining solution is cooled or
to freeze. Apply as needed.


1. Grind egg yolk and a half cup of fat cottage cheese,
добавить натёртый корень parsley Mix all. Apply to skin
исключая область вокруг глаз на пятнадцать minutes Delete водой
room temperature. Протереть спонжем с отваром parsley
Apply a nourishing cream.

2. Two tablespoons of fat sour cream mixed with chopped
fresh parsley leaves, add a teaspoon of honey. Mask autumn
good for use in the evening, so that the skin after it rested.

3. Mix egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey and chopped
листьями parsley Add a few drops of any vegetable
oils. The mask makes the skin very soft and fresh.

4. Mix the chopped parsley leaves with the cucumber in
равных пропорциях (1 столовая ложка), добавить 2 ml. olive
butter and a tablespoon of yogurt. All mix until smooth.
Use for very dry skin twice a week.

For oily, porous and problem skin

1. Mix egg white with ten drops of garlic juice
добавляем тёртый корень parsley The mask actively pores,
normalizes fat metabolism. Apply 2-3 times a week. After
mask removal wipe face with ice cube with decoction

2. Отжимаем сок из листьев parsley Best to do it
after grinding with a blender. Add a tablespoon of lemon
juice, viburnum juice (1 tsp). From the mask you can make compresses on
face wetting a napkin in solution. If previously placed
the solution in the fridge, the effect will be immediately noticeable – tapering
pores, the skin is perfectly toned.


1. Mix the juice of fresh parsley leaves with the juice of mint leaves,
добавляем 1 ml. lavender oil. The mask can be applied cosmetic
кисточкой в несколько подходов течение 20 minutes Or moisten
with a napkin and put it on the face.

2. Mix the chopped parsley root with massage oil on
mint base. Apply with light movements on the skin. To try
расслабиться с маской пятнадцать minutes Delete влажным, прохладным

Magic parsley broth for the face

Since parsley also has a wound-healing effect,
decoctions of it – a great solution for emergency help during
ожогов кожи faces.

1. Prepare a decoction of seeds or dried leaves in a water bath.
parsley (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Pour over parsley
and put on the stove for 15 min. Leave to cool. Squeeze
obtained gruel, add boiled cool water to obtain
a full glass if the water has boiled away. This solution can be applied
like a tonic or make it ice cubes to wipe your face while
of necessity.

2. If the above cooled solution is applied to cotton
discs, squeeze them slightly, then you can use them for toning
skin on the eyelids and lips, making, a kind of compress. Put the wheels
on these areas of the face and try to relax for 15-20
min The results will be satisfied.

3. Prepare a decoction of fresh parsley leaves is also very
simply. Just fill it with mineral water and leave for 12
hours at room temperature. Make ice cubes or
chill. Use as a refreshing lotion for the skin of the face and neck. Not
keep longer than three days.

4. Parsley solution can be mixed with an equal amount of milk.
(for dry skin) or whey (for oily). Lubricate
face and neck. After fifteen minutes, rinse with room water.
temperature Daily toning and gentle skin nourishment

5. Strong decoction of dried parsley leaves or its seeds (taken
two tablespoons per glass of water) mix with the juice of one lemon.
To wipe this mixture of cooled face skin every morning and evening,
if you want to protect her from excessive tanning and appearance

6. To protect the skin from weathering, we make a special decoction of
equal seeds or parsley dry leaves and the same parts
dill Fill a glass of boiling water, put in the oven to get
maximum of nutrients from these plants. In 20 minutes
take out. Cool to room temperature, and wetting a napkin
decoction, apply to the weathered and irritated skin

Each of these recipes is beautiful and effective. Pick up
the composition necessary only for your needs and you always
найдёте достойное применение петрушке для faces.

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