Usually Rinse Aids For Dry Hair use after shampooing. Those. cooked herbal rinse with washed or wet hair with infusion or broth, and more they are no longer washed with water.
But, despite the fact that the following folk remedies designed to soften hair with excessively dry hair may not be enough. Therefore, the best option the use of such rinses is as follows: shampoo – moisturizing or nourishing balm – folk rinse.
In a word, wash your hair with shampoo as usual, then apply the hair balm for dry hair that you usually use, and then you can rinse this balm with a prepared rinse, or just rinse their hair after washing off the balm.
It is also recommended to rinse your hair with cold infusions (or other means), but if for you it is not comfortable, before applying them a little heat.
Mint Dry Hair Rinse
Recipe one : Pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mint leaves 1 liter of boiling water, tight cover, and insist for 1 hour. After strain.
Recipe 2: Pour half a glass of fresh leaves and mint flowers 1 liter of boiling water, and also, having covered with a lid, leave for 1 hour. Next, use strained infusion as a rinse aid.
Such mint infusions well soften and refresh the hair.
Rinse aid for dry hair from chamomile
Just keep in mind that the chamomile broth has the property to lighten a little hair, giving them a golden hue.
2 tbsp. spoons of dried chamomile flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover and place in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After remove from the bath, leave to cool completely, and then strain.
This broth will give your hair a beautiful shine, and make them more soft.
Also for greater nutrition and softening, hair can be added to decoction (at the stage of cooling) 1 teaspoon of honey.
Folk remedy from dandelion
Folk remedy for dry and split ends dandelion:
Fill in 1 liter of boiling water about 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh (thoroughly washed) and shredded dandelion leaves. Cover tightly and leave insist on 30-40 minutes. After strain, and use received infusion for rinsing hair.
This rinse is especially recommended for weak, lifeless and spoiled dry hair suffering from section and fragility.
Emollient from a medicinal plant mallow
Emollient for dry hair from the medicinal mallow plants:
Fill in 2 tbsp. spoons of dry and chopped flowers or mallow roots (mallow) 1 liter of boiling water, and put this dish (cover lid) in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After chilled and strained broth use to rinse hair.
Elderberry Emollient
Another emollient for dry hair from flowers elderberries:
2Art. tablespoons of dried flowers of black elderberry pour 1 liter of boiling water, and insist for 1 hour. After strain, and use for rinsing hair. It will also mix dry flowers well elderberries and linden (1 tablespoon each per 1 liter of boiling water). Or use herbs such as nettle, string and sage. The rinse aid preparation remains the same – 1 liter of boiling water poured about 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry grass (in the case of nettle You can take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh and chopped leaves), and infused for 1 hour.
Flaxseed conditioner balm recipe
The recipe for a nourishing conditioner for dry hair from flaxseed:
1pour a full teaspoon of flax seeds with 2 cups boiling water, and boil over low heat for about 1 minute. Then leave the broth on 1 hour, and after the time has passed, strain through cheesecloth. Rinse dry hair with such flaxseed infusion, rubbing it also into the hair roots, after each shampoo. Then you can not wash your hair with water, but if suddenly after this procedure the dried hair seems sticky and not clean, then just hold the linen balm on hair for about 5 minutes, and then rinse your head a little warm water.
Glycerin conditioner for dry hair
For ordinary pharmacy liquid glycerin is quite suitable for him.
Dilute 1 teaspoon of glycerin in 1 liter of lukewarm water. If you rinse hair with such a solution at the end of washing, they will more hydrated.