Fight with stains of sweat on clothes

Sun, 06 Jul 2014

Spots of sweat on clothes – a fairly common problem. AT
its main decision is timeliness. Stagnant stains practically
not amenable to breeding. Therefore, if you do not immediately realize, then
many favorite blouses and dresses will have to just say goodbye.
For help, you can, of course, contact the professionals in the dry cleaning.
But if you value your time and money, get down to business
on their own. Moreover, the timely care of clothes is not
will be of particular difficulty.

�”Favorite” places of sweat stains are collars, cuffs and
armpit area. For their withdrawal it is not necessary to buy expensive
advertised powders and emulsions. ATполне доступные средства
able to cope with this task quickly and efficiently.

Machine Wash

AT машинной стирке нуждаются вещи из плотных и деликатных тканей,
which need to be washed at a certain temperature. ATместе с
powder in the main wash, add 3 aspirin tablets. With
Rinse can pour in the vinegar solution. These components will not damage
your technique, but it effectively affects the spots. To be faithful
Sweat stains can be pre-soaked in soapy water.


  • Fresh stains of sweat can be removed using saturated soap
    solution and liquid ammonia.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can remove sweat stains from silk fabrics.
    Mix 10 ml of solution with a glass of water. Let stand 5 minutes.
    Apply the soap solution to the stain first (better to use
    soap) and then pour the diluted peroxide.
  • Yellow stains of sweat from cotton and wool fabrics cleanse
    salt. To do this, dissolve 100 g of salt in 1/2 cup
    water. Dip the stain in brine, then pour in a little.
    alcohol. ATысушивать одежду после такой процедуры необходимо на
    open air.
  • Black fabrics deserve special attention. On collars,
    cuffs of shirts and in the area of ​​the armpits you can see white spots of sweat.
    If in time how not to clean the fabric, the thing will look
    wear and tears. ATывести подобные пятна поможет
    special solution: ammonia, gasoline (or white spirit) and
    laundry soap (all in a ratio of 1: 1: 1). Rub the soap on the shallow
    grater. Dip the stain in this solution. Leave for 5 minutes. Then
    rinse the thing in acetic water (a teaspoon per liter of water).
  • With colored shirts to remove stains of sweat, you can use the iron.
    Heat it, turn it over so that the fabric with a stain can be
    put on a hot panel. On the other hand, rub the stain
    dry soap. Use soap or white soap, they are not
    dyes. Then зачистите пятно влажной щеткой.
  • Clear from the white stains of sweat synthetic dark fabrics can
    egg yolk. Shake it thoroughly and pour it onto the stain. After
    As the yolk dries, scrape it off with a spoon or blunt end.
    knife and soak in soapy water for half an hour. Then прополощите
    thing and dry.


  • ATо время обработки пятна вещь не следует сильно тереть и
    compress. This is especially true for colored fabrics. They should be cleaned
    neat, bottom up.
  • Colored fabrics before chemical procedures necessarily
    test it. To do this, use the invisible area of ​​clothing. AT
    Otherwise, the thing may fade.

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