Features of epilation and depilation of the bikini zone inhome conditions. Be careful when doing the depilation and hair removalbikini at home!

WITHр, 23 мар 2016 Автор: Римма WITHергеева

Getting rid of hair in the bikini area requires special

This area of ​​the body is highly sensitive.

Not every lady can regularly visit the beauty salon, but
each seeking to make their skin smooth and clean.

Today we consider the features of the depilation and depilation in
home conditions.


Epilation and depilation of the bikini area at home: what

�“Epilation” and “Depilation” are very close in meaning.
terms They mark the removal of unwanted hairs from the body. but
the difference between these concepts is still there.

After the epilation, the woman gets rid of unwanted
vegetation on the body forever, because the root of the hair is destroyed
completely. As a result of the depilation, only the visible part is removed.
hair, their follicles continue to live.

In post-Soviet countries, almost all disposal procedures
hair from the body is called the word “hair removal”. Electric
devices painted in shop windows are called “epilators”,
and special creams for hair removal – “means for
epilation. That these familiar names are incorrect,
no one even thinks.

Let’s take a closer look at the features of epilation and depilation.
зоны бикини в home conditions. This will not only be confused
in the future, but also to choose the most optimal method
eliminate unwanted hair in the intimate bikini area.

Epilation in the bikini zone at home: methods and

In hardware cosmetology, there are many methods of hair removal
bikini areas. Among them are the following:

лазерная эпиляция — зона роста волос
�“Cleared” by laser radiation;

электроэпиляция — разрушение фолликул волос
occurs due to electrical energy which is converted to

фотоэпиляция — облучение зоны с нежелательной
vegetation thermal energy derived from the energy of light;

AFT-эпиляция — удаление волос импульсным

Elos-эпиляция — совокупное использование
laser, electric and light energies.

These methods are very effective in dealing with excess hair. Total
for a few procedures you can become an irresistible goddess with a smooth,
flat bikini area. but не в домашних условиях, а в
specialized stores!

But permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation
you can do it yourself. Real magic wand
released on the market the British company RIO DEZAC.
Портативные лазерные эпиляторы стали настоящей
a godsend for modern women. Hair removal in the bikini area with
This device has become a pleasant and comfortable procedure.

Advantages of diode epilators:

• get rid of hair for a long period;

• the procedure can be performed at home;

• hair removal does not take much time;

• the procedure is painless, so it is suitable
holders of tender and hypersensitive skin in the bikini area;

• after epilation, ingrown hairs do not appear.

Power and area of ​​laser radiation at home
semiconductor lasers are smaller than those in the cabin, but they are
yet very effective. The only downside to the epilator is
its high price.

Before purchasing the device, you should carefully read
list of contraindications. Such procedures cannot be carried out with
skin diseases, varicose veins; allergies and even colds. Also
laser hair removal at home is not recommended if available
strong tan.

Good results laser epilators show in the fight against
black hairs on light skin. With thin and light hairs
the device copes more difficult. Before buying an expensive device
every woman should consult a dermatologist. it
will avoid frustration and possible complications.

Depilation in the bikini zone at home: methods and

Теперь давайте поговорим о депиляции bikini areas. Exists
many varieties of this intimate procedure.

Depilatory hair removal

Depilators remove unwanted vegetation by tearing
hair with a root. itт весьма неприятный из-за своей болезненности
the process will allow you to forget about hair in the bikin area for 3-4 weeks.
Exists несколько видов машинок-депиляторов:

• spring;

• disk;

• tweezers.

The first on the market of cosmetology appeared spring
depilatories. They pulled out hairs with a built-in spring,
which meanwhile very quickly wore out. Disk devices
remove vegetation by pulling out hairs, but already due to
work built-in drives. The most modern model is tweezers.
depilatories. Special tweezers with ease
capture even short and thin hairs.

Popular Bikini Depilators

The following models of depilatories are used for the most
sensitive areas. They are equipped with everything necessary that allows
make the hair removal process quick and as much as possible

Braun SE 7681. itт депилятор с плавающим ходом очень близко
comes in contact with the skin, which makes the procedure more painless. WITH
He can do both dry and wet depilation.

The Philips HP 6522/01 Depilator is equipped with a modern system.
SatinSoft. Its hypoallergenic discs are coated with silver ions.
Washable head and the ability to switch speeds make
Depilation procedure is very comfortable.

Rowenta Silence Bikini EP 5420 идеален для sensitive areas. AT
The kit includes a bikini trimmer that facilitates removal.

Depilation wax (waxing)

Many women prefer depilation of the bikini area with
using wax. There are these types of waxing:

• cold

• warm

• hot.

For sensitive intimate area, it is recommended to use
hot wax it связано с тем, что под воздействием высокой
температур поры кожи as much as possible раскрываются и облегчают
pulling out hairs from the root. With this type of waxing pain
sensations are minimal.

So, the heated wax is applied to the desired area. Through
a few minutes strips with a sharp movement tear off. Skin after such
The procedure remains smooth and clean throughout the week.
The wax remaining on the skin is easily removed using a cotton pad with
any cosmetic oil. In case of incorrect procedure
bruises may remain on the skin.

Shugaring intimate zone

AT последнее время приобрел популярность еще один метод депиляции
– shugaring. Reliable and affordable for many method has
merits Hair removal can be done by women even with
hyper sensitive skin and hair of any stiffness. WITHахар,
possessing antimicrobial action, does not leave behind
irritations and inflammations.

WITHахарную смесь рекомендуется обогатить медом, соком лимона,
walnut and chamomile tincture of medicinal. WITHовокупность
these ingredients will disinfect the skin and will be excellent
профилактикой вросших hair.

Depilation with a razor

Considering the epilation and depilation of the bikini area at home
conditions, it is impossible not to mention this mechanical method. ATолоски
removed by a razor in the direction of their growth. Before
the skin should be disinfected. After shaving
Apply a special soothing cream. itт безболезненный метод
Depilation relieves vegetation for only a few days.
Pretty quickly appear short hairs that need to again
shave off

Depilation zone bikini cream

WITHпециальное средство для депиляции разрушает волосинки
almost to the root. After using it on the skin can not
see ugly “black dots”. Clean bikini area will stay on
throughout the week.

The market offers a wide range of creams for intimate epilation.
WITHреди преимуществ этого метода удаления волос — доступная стоимость
cream, painless and easy procedure, lack
micropores and ingrown hairs.

For depilation, you do not need any special skills. Cream
applied to the skin in a thin layer at the time indicated in the instructions
specific manufacturer. Then gently removed the special
spatula-scraper with falling off hairs. Product residues
should be washed with warm water and means for intimate hygiene. Then
need to apply on the skin nourishing cream or oil.

Lightening hair with peroxide

Some of the fair sex get rid of
волос в зоне бикини при помощи 6%-й перекиси hydrogen. itт вид
Depilations are also called chemical. For the preparation of the emulsion
will need:

• 15 мл перекиси hydrogen;

• 15 ml of children’s liquid soap;

• 4 drops of ammonia.

ATсе компоненты смешиваются и наносятся на участок тела с
unwanted hair for 15 minutes. WITHмывать смесь лучше травяным
infusion prepared in advance. The emulsion is recommended to be applied.
in the evening once a week. ATолосинки со временем станут заметно
lighter and will grow slowly.

Epilation and depilation of the bikini area at home: reasons
of failures

WITHледует обратить ваше внимание на уход за кожей в зоне бикини
after epilation and depilation. Then whatever method
hair removal you did not use, you will not comprehend

So, the most common mistakes when conducting hair removal:

• after the procedure, the skin was not oiled soothing
cosmetic, so there was irritation
swelling, redness, and pain;

• discomfort, redness and burning may occur if
on the first day after depilation or depilation, you visited a solarium or

• non-use of peeling. Application of exfoliating agents
(it can be sea or table salt or purchased
эксфолиирующие facilities) является прекрасной профилактикой вросших
hair and rash.

Having considered the existing methods of hair removal and depilation of the bikini area
at home, every woman will be able to choose for themselves
the best option. To “boast” immaculately clean and
smooth bikini area the fair sex are capable
overcome all difficulties. ATедь отсутствие нежелательных волос
always attach feeling of confidence and comfort.

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