Face masks – how to make homemade masks forfacial skin

Sun, Mar 27, 2016 In our sophisticated and spoiled scientific
achievements century someone can say about homemade masks for skin
persons that it is not relevant, not modern and not effective.
However, is it worth agreeing with this opinion? Of course many
consider salon procedures or the use of expensive
cosmetic products from the store more appropriate. But,
home masks have a number of advantages compared with the purchase
means. First of all, homemade masks are natural, lively.
cosmetics made from dairy products, fruits, vegetables,
berries, honey, cosmetic clay, medicinal herbs and many others
natural ingredients. For our skin, tormented by bad ecology,
stresses and other costs of modern living conditions, they
are a real salvation. For the skin of a modern woman
applying a homemade mask can be compared to a walk in the city
the inhabitant who arrived to the village, on dew. Next, home masks are
A very affordable way to care for your face. Compared
with purchased items or salon procedures, it can be on
order, and even a little cheaper. Homemade masks are made from
those components that can be easily found in the store, on
market or in your garden. Often for their preparation do not need
leave the house, just open the fridge or
kitchen cupboard. Another plus of homemade masks is
save time, because and prepare them, and very simple to apply.
Agree, today, when we do not have enough time, this
it is important. And finally – homemade masks are very effective! You
see for yourself if you choose the right masks for your
age and skin type, and will use them regularly, respecting
The following rules: 1. Before applying any homemade mask you should
be sure to cleanse the face with cleansing gel, tonic, steam
compress 2. Impose on the face self-cooked
masks, like any other, should be light movements, without pressure.
3. Homemade masks must be prepared immediately before
use, it is not recommended to store them. 4. Keep a home
The mask on the face should be no longer than 20 minutes.


Маски для сухой facial skin

Медовая маска для лица (для питания и
moisturizing the skin, prevent wrinkles) mix 2
tablespoons of flour with yolk and a teaspoon of honey. Apply
the resulting mass of the face, after 15 minutes, wash off using warm
waterМаска для лица из авокадо (для питания и
moisturizing the skin) Mix a teaspoon of avocado oil, half
a teaspoon of lavender oil and a teaspoon of kefir with a few
lemon juice drops. Apply маску, через 10 минут смываем теплой
water, then rinse your face with cold mineral
водой.Горчичная маска для лица (для питания и
moisturizing the skin) Mixing a teaspoon of dry mustard with a tablespoon
spoon of vegetable oil, add to the resulting mass a little
boiled water, mix well. The resulting gruel covered
face for 5 minutes, then wash off with warm water. After necessarily
use a nourishing cream.

Маски для жирной facial skin

Дрожжевая маска (для снятия жирного блеска,
narrowing pores, reducing acne) A tablespoon of baking
yeast ground with any fermented milk product (kefir,
yogurt) to get a thick gruel. Apply ее
on the face for about 15 minutes, then wetting a cotton swab in cold water,
remove the mask. Mask from белой глины (для сужения
pores and skin smoothing) Half a tablespoon of white clay
mix with lemon juice and honey (they need a teaspoon).
Adding a little cold boiled water, stir until formation
homogeneous pasty mass. Apply маску, через 15 минут
wash off, taking cool water. Gently blotting his face with a towel
протираем его кусочком лимона.Маска с медом и
(для снятия излишков кожного жира, питания и
skin freshness) Whip egg white with a teaspoon of honey, teaspoon
a spoonful of milk, a teaspoon of lemon juice, stir. Poured into
the resulting mass of a large handful of bran, mix and apply
mask After 20 minutes, remove the swab, wetting it in warm water,
then rinse your face with cool water.

Eye Masks

Маска для кожи из сырого картофеля (для снятия
swelling under the eyes) Cleaning and washing out a small potato,
dry it with a napkin and rub it on a fine grater. Then taking two
small gauze napkins, put on each a tablespoon
grated potatoes and put them under your eyes to potato
gruel in contact with edema. After 15 minutes, remove the napkins,
soak the skin with a cotton swab, wetting it in the cooled tea.
Маска для лица из грецких орехов (для питания и
moisturizing thin skin under the eyes) Having cleaned 3 walnuts,
grind kernels in a coffee grinder to make flour. This flour
(should be about 2 teaspoons) stir with a tablespoon
melted butter, add to the mass
a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply маску на skin
around the eyes, after 20 minutes, wash off, taking cool
waterМаска для кожи из шпината (для сокращения
fine wrinkles) squeeze the juice of several spinach leaves to
get a teaspoon. Mix it with a teaspoon of cream,
which we usually use to care for the skin around the eyes, and
oil solution of vitamin A (10 ml). We superimpose the resulting mask.
on the area under the eyes for 20 minutes. After that, remove it with a cotton
swab, wetting it in cold milk.

Маски для проблемной facial skin

Iично-лимонная маска для лица (для подсушивания
and freshness of the skin) Well whipping egg white, mix it with tea
a spoonful of lemon juice. Well stirring the resulting mass, put it on
face. After 15 minutes, wash off using cool water.
Маска для лица из черного хлеба (для сужения пор и
giving the skin a fresh look) Soak a piece of black bread crumb in
water or in sour milk, plentifully put the resulting slurry on
skin areas where there are enlarged pores. After 20 minutes, wash off,
taking cool water.

Fading skin masks

Масляно-яичная маска (для увлажнения и питания
skin) Pound 2 egg yolks with 50 grams of melted cream
oils, then gradually add to them 3 teaspoons of olive
oil and half a teaspoon of glycerin. Continuing to rub the mixture,
also gradually pour into it a quarter cup of chamomile infusion with 30
grams of camphor alcohol. Apply, выдерживаем 20 минут, потом
wash off – first with warm water, then rinsed
холодной.Маска для лица с желатином (для смягчения
skin and smoothing mimic wrinkles) Fill in any gelatin
Freshly squeezed natural juice, which should be twice as large
gelatin. Put the dishes with the resulting mass in a warm place or
we warm in the microwave oven. After swelling gelatin put
mass in the fridge so that it thickens to a gel state. With
this is important not to overdo the mask so that its consistency does not become
too dense. After thickening, apply a mask, hold for 20 minutes,
After washing off, use warm water. Mask from
(для разглаживания морщин, увлажнения кожи и
eliminate signs of her tiredness) Potato starch in
the amount of a tablespoon dissolve in half a glass of warm
boiled water. Bring half a liter of water to a boil and, neatly
pouring a starch solution into it, boil the mixture until it thickens.
Then add to it 5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice and
tablespoon cream. Stir thoroughly, apply for 20 minutes. By
the expiration of this period is washed off with warm water and applied
A nourishing cream that matches our skin type. This mask will be
especially effective if used within three days
contract. Mask from семян льна (для смягчения и
smoothing skin, giving it more fresh and healthy
) Bay 3 teaspoons flaxseeds with water, cook this mixture until
turning it into a gelatinous mass. Taking her off the fire and letting her
cool, mix with honey and oil solution of vitamin A, which
need to take half a teaspoon. Apply маску на лицо,
Cover it with plastic and put a towel on top (for
heat preservation). After 20 minutes, wash off, используя теплую


Barbara 04/02/2016 Wow, I’ve been reading a lot on my favorite site
recipes of beauty … It seems that the problem should be solved, but now
Another appeared – what kind of mask to choose? I want everything at once, and
so that wrinkles are smoothed out, and the color is like a peach …)) Christina
04/02/2016 Oh, yes, of course, homemade masks are better! And do them
more convenient. And the money is not spent practically! In general – some advantages. I
I have tried all kinds of procedures in the salons. From home procedures –
the effect is no worse! Now only at home. Vika 04/02/2016 I have
oily skin of the face. Although they say that with this type of skin – longer
stay young, wrinkles appear later, still pleasant
from this little. Unfortunately, for some reason, the clay does not suit me. Neither what.
Byпробую маску с дрожжами. Inga 04/02/2016 I didn’t even
what can you do a mustard mask on the FACE! It seemed to me that only
on her hair do … And most likely, I will not try myself, but
вдруг сожгу skin, пятна пойдут. And to my job … Better from black
of bread. Alla 04/02/2016 A walnut mask is needed urgently
try it out! But with honey, I do not like what to do, I can not
just carry and feel this sticky mass on your skin, on
face … even imagine scary. Although I know about the benefits of honey for the skin,
and the color of it is wonderful.

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