Extend youth with your own hands

Thu, Nov 10 2016

The aging process is inevitable, stop time and freeze
youth is beyond anyone’s power. But, nevertheless, ladies of all
ages do not lose hope and do everything they can to
fine wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, on the neck did not appear or, if
it inevitably appeared as late as possible. Dear girls, women,
ladies balzakovskogo age for your happiness there is a mass
anti-aging remedies that can be prepared based
natural ingredients.

We have selected a list of the most effective products that are not
only carefully care for and protect the skin from external factors,
harmoniously combined with other useful components, but also
inhibit the aging process.


Bee honey, according to cosmetologists, perfectly cares for
skin is an excellent moisturizer and antiseptic, eliminates
acne and tightens the skin.

In order for honey to prove itself as a rejuvenating agent of its
it is recommended to combine with egg yolk or egg white, white clay,
yeast, sour cream, lemon juice, oatmeal, apple or
a banana.

Egg white

Use of whipped egg whites aged 25-30
prevents the early appearance of wrinkles under the eyes, women,
using the tool after 30 years, with the help of such a mask will be able
tighten the skin and return it to elasticity. Anti-aging remedies
skin care based on whipped egg whites has a lot
advantages: in addition to the obvious effect after several applications,
It is easy to prepare and is affordable for any person.


Daily face wiping with fresh potato slices will improve
skin tone and remove existing pigmentation. A mask of rubbed
grated potatoes will remove eyelid swelling and shallow wrinkles under

Almond oil

Almond oil – многофункциональное косметическое средство,
containing a large amount of vitamin E. As a key
The almond oil component can be added to a variety of creams.
Persons who will then work even more intensively
since almond oil has the ability to moisturize,
lighten the skin, as well as smooth out wrinkles.

Evening Primrose

Evening primrose, according to many experts, is the key to
source of eternal youth. Primula is a valuable tool
containing large amounts of antioxidants and necessary for
treatment of scaly dry skin. Oily infusion primrose can be
used in two ways:

  • as an independent cosmetic;
  • as an additive in shampoos and massage creams.


Avocado – фрукт, который идеально подходит для ежедневного
skin rejuvenation, especially dry. Beauticians say that
Avocado cares for the skin, endowed with nature
anti-aging effect.

At home as a cosmetic avocado
applied to the skin or in the form of a slurry, or thinly sliced
slices. Leaving this mask for 20-25 minutes, you subsequently
you will see a striking effect: skin, posvizhev, will shine.


Regular drinking water, consumed in a quantity of at least eight
glasses a day, prevents sagging and flabbiness of the skin. Water
removes toxins from our body, provides the skin with moisture,
the most preserving its density and elasticity.

Regularly applying at home the above natural
means, you will permanently preserve the youth, the freshness of your skin and
suspend signs of aging.

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