Ethnic jewelry and modernity

From old times women decorated themselves: beautiful, each in its own way,
gizmos found by archaeologists during the excavations,
confirm this. And it is not so important where the old ones are found.
decorations: in the forgotten cities of the Aztecs in Mexico, the Egyptian Valley
Kings, palaces of Chinese emperors or settlements of ancient Persians,
– they all have an inexplicable magnetism.

The special appeal of these small man-made masterpieces and
prompted modern designers and fashion designers to actively use
their catchy flavor in their collections. Jewelery in ethnic style
was always loved, had her loyal followers, regardless
from what Swarovski and Tiffany offer.

этнические украшения, фото

Fashion directions

Ethnic-style jewelery has firmly occupied its niche in the field.
accessories: they are original, have their own charm, they have a special
energy Even made of stone or some kind of metal such
things seem warm, “alive”.

By the way, usually the material for them are natural
components: shells, bone, feathers, stone, wood, fabric, threads,
fur, sometimes special plastic for making beads and beads.
They may not have the grace of modern classic jewelery.
mastery, but they have something completely different, inexpressible, in
they have a soul.

украшения в этно стиле, фото

The most elegant necklace with diamonds and sapphires will be cold and
proudly shine around the neck of its owner, it is indifferent to your
beauty, it represents itself, and only itself. Costume jewelry in ethnic
style exists to emphasize your virtues, and
Do not obscure them – wearing these accessories, you will become a star, and
They will help you with this.

In ancient times, each thing had its own meaning, of course, did not bypass
such a tradition and ornaments, especially since natural
materials to which sacred significance is attributed. Much
depended on which tree was used to create such
things, what stones, how all the components were connected and placed.
Great importance was attached once to amulets, because for beauty
they served last, in the first they were supposed to protect
the owner of the evil eye, damage, evil spirits, or give a person
strength, wisdom, courage, wealth or health. Decorative
they gained importance much later.


It should be noted that the costume jewelry in ethnic style is full
diversity, each unique in its own way: beads, earrings, pendants,
amulets, temple jewelery, bracelets, rings, – in them
the serenity of China and the violence of Africa, the mysteries of Mexico and passion
East. How unbelievably good are the trap earrings
dreams with a graceful feather! Tart sweetish aroma of sandalwood will give
wooden bracelet, you can plunge into the atmosphere of India. Style
ethno if someone captures, usually never lets go.


This kind of jewelry can be divided into several
groups, several types:

  1. African,
  2. Indian,
  3. Oriental,
  4. Chinese,
  5. Indian.

Each group has its own distinctive features, its own
national color, which is expressed in colors,
ornament, preferred and frequently used materials. Everything
components and components are interconnected by threads,
leather cords, ribbons and braided thin ropes.


Several sets of ornaments in ethnic style will help
stand out, create your own unique bright image, on such things
unwittingly pay attention! They carry a mystery, some of them
one famous secret, they enchant and enchant. Underline
your style with these details be unique in your
kind, be charming, in a word – stay yourself!

Украшения и бижутерия в этническом стиле

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