Essential Peach Oil

Mon, 02 Jun 2014

Few people know that essential oils are excellent allies in
solving many problems. They were recognized as very valuable medicine.
back in ancient times. And today they also
common in cosmetology, the main thing is to know how to choose them and
how to handle them.


Peach oil in terms of medicine

Peach essential oil is a light and hypoallergenic
to oils. It is perfectly absorbed by the skin and is suitable for daily use.
application. Peach oil combines a number of useful properties:
moisturizing, toning, nutrition, anti-inflammatory and
renewing effect, rejuvenation effect.

Raw material for peach oil are the bones of ripe fruit.
Peach oil can be colorless or have a light yellow color.
It is characterized by a gentle and almost imperceptible taste and aroma,
very vaguely reminiscent of the smell of peach.

The balanced composition of peach deserves special attention.
oils. It is rich in vitamins PP, A, E, B, ascorbic acid and
useful acids such as oleic and linolenic. Besides them
oil contains carotenoids, tocopherols and minerals.

Due to its gentle effect on the skin, peach oil
can be applied both independently and in combination with different
oils. In the latter case, the components are mixed as follows: on 1
1-2 drops of another is added to a tablespoon of peach oil
эфирного oils.

The use of peach oil in personal care

Peach oil is widely used in cosmetology. It
perfectly proved itself in the following procedures:

– Massage against cellulite. In this case, peach oil
effectively restores skin elasticity, making it elastic and
velvety. Both self-applied and in
complex with different oils, for example, grapefruit and orange.

– Care for thin skin of the lips and eyelids. It великолепно убирает
wrinkles and relieves inflammation of the eyelids, and also removes
peeling of the lips and helps the healing of small cracks. Applied
peach oil in the form of 15-minute applications for eyelids or you can
just lubricate the eyelids and lips. Add jojoba oil or rose oil
significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

– Nourishing hair care. Peach oil returns
Shine hair, struggling with brittleness and dry hair.

– Care for brittle nails. In this case, the oil acts as
tonic component. Peach oil is applied in the morning and
in the evening, it is best 20 minutes before applying the varnish. Good
the result is mixing peach oil with eucalyptus oil and

– Care for tired and loose skin. On the skin area
application is applied for 20-30 minutes. Peach recommended
oil to add rose oil or neroli.

– Care of the burned skin area. Peach oil is great
relieves pain, prevents scarring and accelerates tightening

– Care for inflamed skin. Peach oil is wonderful
relieves itching, eliminates inflammation and makes skin lighter.

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