Egg masks for hair

Tue, Mar 29, 2016 Cosmetics industry literally
overwhelms us with hair care products. Does it help
make them healthy and beautiful? Paradox! More funds
we put on the hair, the more care they require. Beauticians
they say that nature itself can give us everything that is necessary.
Ordinary chicken eggs – one of the most effective means. Egg
hair masks literally work wonders, make dull and
loose hair fluffy and shiny. Check it out easily –
it is enough to conduct a course of 10-12 masks with 1-2 procedures per week.
In a month you will not recognize yourself.


What is the positive effect of using eggs?

The egg is made up of two parts – the white and the yolk, and both contain
mass of nutrients. The yolk is rich in nutrients and
vitamins, essential for hair growth. Especially important
the action of vitamin B3, which enhances hair growth, nourishes them
pigmentation and gives brightness to the colors. To recover from
damage from staining or ultraviolet lecithin is used.
Amino acids prevent dandruff. Good eggs help
and from hair loss, proteins and amino acids nourish and strengthen
hair roots. The coat is constantly under the influence of
the external environment, as well as its condition also depends on the supply. But also
these are not all reasons – their state is affected
literally everything – the wrong shampoo, bad habits (alcohol and
smoking), installation of air conditioners and vice versa, poor ventilation in
heated apartment.

Egg masks for different hair types

Especially useful are egg masks for fine hair, they saturate and
make them bulky. Dyed hair is well restored.
Many people use egg yolk instead of shampoo, but more effect
give egg masks. Additional components need to be selected,
based on the type of hair. Oily and dry hair sometimes almost not
They differ in symptoms, but they are completely required for their care.
different ingredients. Oily hair can be treated with an egg mask with
adding lemon, dry – adding oil, kefir. Speed ​​up
hair growth can be the addition of brandy or other means
stimulating hair follicles. Ideal for this purpose.
a mixture of honey and yolk. To strengthen hair and get rid of others
problems in the mask are added various oils.

Egg маски – как правильно применять

– All ingredients must be removed from the refrigerator beforehand in order to
He warmed to room temperature. – Homogeneous structure
The composition turns out best when beating with a whisk. – Apply
The composition should be on dry hair, washing them is not necessary. –
For washing the hair is used only warm water, so that the eggs do not
boiled and not turned into flakes.

How to cook egg shampoo

Eggs break in a bowl and whisk whisk until lush.
foam. Add 4 tablespoons of water. Apply to hair all over.
length and massage for 3-4 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Egg Mask Recipes

Egg маска с лимонным соком от перхоти Состав:
egg yolks (2 pieces), lemon juice (1 medium fruit), several
drops of burdock oil. Squeeze juice from lemon, mix with whipped
egg and add burdock oil. Carefully rub into the hair roots,
apply for 20-30 minutes. The course of procedures is 10-12 pcs. within 2 – 3
months. Egg mask with cognac for normal
Состав: желтки (2 шт) вода, коньяк (по 25 грамм).
Mix thoroughly, apply to washed hair, from root to
tips, leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Egg маска с медом для сухих волос Состав:
yolks (2 pieces), vegetable oil (olive, burdock, oil
grape seed, 2-3 spoons) natural honey (1 tablespoon
spoon), a solution of vitamin A. Grind the yolks with vegetable oil,
Pour in a spoonful of honey heated in a water bath. Add solution
vitamin A just before application. Keep 30 minutes, wash warm
water This composition, used only once a week, for
month will actively nourish and restore hair. Egg
маска с дрожжами для жирных волос
Волосам склонным к
the fat content is best suited yeast mask, it eliminates
oily hair. Ingredients: egg (1 piece), lemon juice (1
tablespoon), brandy (1 spoon), yeast (10 grams). Dilute
yeast in liquid ingredients and beat well. Carefully all
mix, add bergamot oil before applying or
juniper. Wrap hair with plastic wrap, top
warm with a towel. Смыть через 20 минут чуть теплой water
Egg маска из скорлупы для укрепления волос
Egg shell calcium will help strengthen hair and improve it.
structure. If the hair is too loose, undergo negative
environmental effects, use the following composition: egg
(1 pc.), Cucumber (1 pc.), Olive oil (2 tablespoons).
Crush the cucumber in a small gruel, add egg powder
Shells (pass through a coffee grinder), mix with egg and olive
oil Mass rub into the hair and leave for 15-20 minutes. For washing
use light shampoo. Such prophylaxis is recommended 2 times.
per month. Egg маска для окрашенных волос Состав:
Chamomile collection (half cup), egg white (1 pc.). Pour flowers
chamomile with boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Beat the protein into a cool foam,
pour strained chamomile decoction. Apply to dry hair for 30
minutes Apply for a month, once a week. Egg
маска с хной для укрепления волос
Состав: оливковое масло
(1 tbsp. Spoon), colorless henna, brandy (1 tsp. Each), honey (1
teaspoon), egg yolk (1 piece). Mix, apply on hair on
40 minutes, then rinse with neutral shampoo. If when flushing
add water droplets of essential oil, it will make your hair fresh
and give them a pleasant smell. Honey and Egg Mask with Green
Состав: яичный желток (1 шт), мед (2 столовых
spoons), finely chopped onions (2 spoons). Thoroughly rub the mixture
in a homogeneous mush. Should make composition, similar to mayonnaise.
Apply for 1 hour. Cover the head with warm polyethylene or wear
bathing cap, top wrap with a towel. Wash off by
light shampoo, warm water with a few drops
essential oil. Apply masks for several months without
stop halfway through and your hair will become silky
beautiful, pleasant to the touch.


Cowberry 04/02/2016 I really liked the mask with yeast, I did
its four times, and already the result is just awesome. Such living
I have never had a hair yet!)) The tips have stopped cutting,
hair is so wet, shiny, healthy. In general – beauty!
Veronica 04/02/2016 And I ate just dried, crushed egg
shell. Of course, the food is not pleasant, but you can dilute with honey,
eg. On the other hand, both nails and hair are getting stronger. Nails in general
became not bendable, and no longer exfoliate. Hair, too, have become much
stronger. Alla 04/02/2016 Here it is correctly said that it is not necessary
stop half way, and for good results, any masks
must be done regularly, not by leaps and bounds. This is the problem – that
just forget to do it, you get tired, not to masks, then there is no time …
Indeed, eggs are very helpful in the fight against various cosmetic
misfortunes. I always use them in masks for the face, and for the hair,
for example in a mustard mask. Need to try a mask with yeast.
Hair quickly becomes greasy. Lina 04/02/2016 Eggs are like
read, generally a panacea for all ills! From all that they help, and
treat and support. Both are useful for skin and hair. Yes and all
masks with any ingredients, usually come with the addition of eggs, though
squirrel, even the yolk.

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