Effective masks for hair shine: recipes. howprepare and apply masks for hair shine at homeconditions

ATт, 29 авг 2017 Автор: Наталия Ильницкая

Virtually every woman dreams of luxurious strands.
flowing hair shining in the sun bright glare.
After visiting the hairdresser, you can achieve this effect, but
everyone knows the result – a brilliant, healthy shade lush
short hair, and the means for laying in a beauty salon
It takes a lot. how же сэкономить на желанном?


The main causes and effects of dull hair color

1. • Genetic abnormalities. Common cause
lifeless appearance of hair. However, this is not a reason
get upset – daily use of natural masks for
a certain type of hair will fill the hair follicles
with vitamins.

2. • Ambient conditions. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun and
sudden changes in temperature cause dryness and brittleness

3. • Exposure to hot temperature. Aggressive in composition
hair care products, frequent use of hot appliances
causes irreparable damage to the integrity of the hair.

4. • Power. A monotonous diet spoils the curls. For supporting
healthy shine are necessary vitamins of group A, B, C,

5. • Constant stress and hormonal failure. Internal control
peace of mind, respect for full sleep and rest in
complex with masks for shine for a long time will keep healthy, well-groomed
вид hair.

6. • Cosmetic procedures. Great harm to the health of the hair does
Incorrectly chosen headwash.

7. • Perm. Included in the fixer
вещества сильно обезвоживает и обесцвечивает hair.

The use of masks for hair shine – simple rules

• The effectiveness of the selected mask will favorably emphasize simultaneous
применение витаминного бальзама для блеска hair.

• To achieve maximum results, minimize
frequent use of hot appliances, wash your head only warm

• Before making a mask, pass an allergic test.
the reaction. Carefully study the contraindications of each of the components

• Mask to prepare a blender, because meticulous mixing
components will avoid sticking lumps to the hair.

• Apply the mask evenly, with light movements comb
area of ​​the forehead on the main length of the hair. Movement from root to end
will ensure the imposition of the mixture on the entire surface of the hair.

• Do not wash off the mask applied immediately. Put on
cellophane bag on the head to keep warm to mask
did not dry quickly, resemble the allotted time, according to

• Смывать теплой water Fix the desired effect of the mask can
chamomile broth for blond hair, and nettle decoction for
темных hair.

• After using a mask, drying with a hair dryer is contraindicated.

• In advance, watching the reaction of the hair, decide on
frequency of use of masks. Too frequent use may
turn the opposite effect.

Natural components of hair shine masks

1. • Yogurt. Fermented milk product bacteria internally nourish
hair covering necessary vitamins, moisturize follicles. AT
cosmetology use pure yogurt without flavors and
extraneous additives. For the mask, you can use another
fermented milk product – clabber, whey, sour cream.

2. • Banana. AT составе с кисломолочным компонентом придает блеск,
softness, promotes active growth.

3. • Honey. Improves the growth of hair.

4. • Yolk of chicken eggs. AT составе с медом усиливает эффект
shines, accelerates the growth rate.

5. • Beer unfiltered. When interacting with yolks fights
against baldness by activating dormant hair follicles accelerates
growth, adds shine and elasticity.

6. • Chicken egg. It has a tonic effect.

7. • Orange. Strengthens the integrity of the hair follicle
normalizes the level of water balance, is effective against dandruff.

8. • Lemon. Actively regulate the sebaceous glands, provides

9. • Olive oil. Preserves the natural shade of the hair,
strengthens shine, gives softness, has a regenerating property
hair root.

10. • Cognac. Tones the hair follicle, strengthens and
activates growth.

11. • Onions. Gives volume, removes dullness. Provides hair

12. • Coffee. Strengthens the hair follicle, preserves the natural
shade, activates the healthy shine of dark hair, flavors.

13. • Mayonnaise. Helps to give hair elasticity,
improves growth, keeps matte shine.

14. • Burdock oil. Preserves the integrity of the hair, preventing
brittleness and cross section.

15. • Castor oil. Adds shine to discolored and light
hair, increases volume.

16. • Gelatin. The content of natural collagen in it will give
hair saturated with gloss and silk softness.

Recipes masks for hair shine by type of hair

For dark strands

1. • 20 ml burdock oil, 20 ml brandy, 30 ml honey. Components
Mix the blender, pre-melt the honey in a water bath.
Keep warm under the cap for about an hour. Removes hair
brittleness, enhances the color of dark hair.

2. • 20 grams of finely ground coffee, 50 ml of boiling water. Brew
to filter Rinse dark hair after shampooing

3. • 40 grams of cocoa powder, nonfat kefir, egg. ATзбить
blender until smooth. Apply to hair coat
stages until completely dry, keep about 30 under the cap

For light strands

1. • 40 ml of kefir, egg, spoon of olive oil. Gruel thoroughly
вмешивать в пряди, оставить под пленкой на 20 minutes

2.•AT равных пропорциях касторовое и оливковое масло. Butter
castor heat, add olive oil. ATтирать в волосяные
strands starting from the roots.

For dry

1. • 100 ml of olive oil, 40 ml of calendula oil. Easy to beat
венчиком, нанести от корней до кончиков hair. Perfect fit
for dry and brittle strands. Use at least once a week.

2. • A slice of garlic and 40 ml of mayonnaise. Squeeze garlic through a press.
Removes dandruff, effectively moisturizes, activates
recovery processes. Keep under the film for half an hour. Wash off
теплой water After the mask, the head is treated with a balm. Mixture can
be allergenic, it is recommended to pass the test before use.

3. • Yolk and orange juice. Keep mixture on
head all night. Suitable for dry curls. Orange juice
It has a slight irritating effect, so a mask is recommended.
use no more than once a week. To prevent foci
irritation can shorten the time.

For fatty

1. • 20 ml of orange juice, 40 grams of sour cream (or sour milk
product). ATтирать состав в волосы, обмотать полиэтиленом на
half an hour. Effective against excess fat, smoothes

2. • 20 ml of lemon juice and banana. Gruel eliminates shine,
gives elasticity and volume effect. The composition has a light
pinching effect.

For painted

1. • Banana, 40 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of honey, yolk. Evenly
apply, wrap in plastic for an hour. Rinse thoroughly. Perfect
for colored strands.

2. • Egg, curd and honey. Apply only on curls, wrapped
голову в пленку на half an hour.

Simple masks for homemade hair shine

• 100 ml of water, 40 grams of gelatin, castor oil. Melt
gelatin in a water bath, mix until smooth. Put under
пленкой держать half an hour. The mixture visually gives volume due to
enveloping hairs with gelatin. However, such a mass should
Carefully apply to hair, as the component is
gelatin tends to collapse quickly, which in consequence
makes it difficult to comb the strands.

• 40 ml of olive oil, two yolks, 50 ml of water. Mix ingredients
until smooth, apply with massage movements. Keep under
polyethylene about half an hour.

• 30 ml olive oil, 20 ml honey, 20 ml onion juice or decoction.
Massaging motion smear under the hair follicles. Wash off,
using shampoo. AT состав входит раздражающий компонент — лук,
so use a light decoction.

• 20 ml of cognac and egg. Tonic composition suitable for all
типов hair.

Moderate use of the components of the masks to achieve
beautiful and healthy looking luxurious curls quite real without
special effort. We are so used to paying money for artificial
beauty that has completely forgotten about natural grace and

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