Effective masks against hair loss

Homemade masks against hair loss, albeit bring some improvement but are secondary means of solving the problem. First install the reason that influenced the increase in the loss of hair, and already based on her, conduct competent treatment. Undoubtedly the right option will contact a specialized doctor trichologist.

Masks against hair lossAbout the key factors contributing to increased hair loss, read on page – Causes of severe hair loss on the head.

You will also find the first part of the recipes on page – Onion, mustard and other strengthening masks against hair loss.

Homemade mask against hair loss with mustard:

Mask against hair loss with mustardFor mustard masks only dry mustard powder is used, not a ready-made paste, commercially available.

To 1 tbsp. l powder add about 2 tbsp. l warm water, and pound everything well. To self-cooked pasta add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, and 5 tbsp. l decoction of the roots burdock (to prepare a decoction, pour 2 tbsp. l. crushed burdock roots 1 cup boiling water, and boil over low heat 15 minutes). Mix all the ingredients again, rub the resulting mass in the roots of the hairline (do on dirty and preferably wet curls), and hold from 5 to 25 minutes. After wash your hair as usual for you.

The first time a mustard mask against hair loss is better hold only 5 minutes, subsequent times holding time gradually increasing. With severe thinning of the hair, apply 2 times per week.

This recipe is suitable for all types of hair, but with very dry, split and brittle strands, it is recommended to add to the composition of 1 tbsp. l olive, peach or argan vegetable oil.

In particular, burdock broth can be replaced with dry broth calendula flowers (2 tbsp. l. flowers per 1 cup boiling water, pour and boil for 2-3 minutes) or a decoction of calamus roots (prepared in the same way like a decoction of burdock roots).

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The recipe for a therapeutic kefir mask against hair loss:

Homemade masks against hair lossIn addition to kefir itself the following broth will be needed to prepare the mixture: take 2 Art. l chopped fresh nettle leaves, as much finely chopped fresh leaves of burdock, and 1 tbsp. l burdock roots respectively also crushed. Pour all 1 cup boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes, and, having covered tightly with a lid, leave until cooling.

Approximately half a glass of kefir combine with half a glass herbal decoction. Apply a generous amount to the entire hair, rubbing thoroughly into the scalp and roots, and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse with shampoo.

Frequency of use 2 times a week.

If you have short hair, you can take a quarter cup ingredients.

The drier the curls, the higher the percentage of fat content. choose kefir, and vice versa. With excessively dry strands, you can add more raw yolk.

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Options for egg masks against hair loss:

– 2 raw yolks are thoroughly ground with 1 tbsp. l liquid honey and s 3 tbsp. l freshly pressed onion juice (the mixture is more suitable for dry and normal hair, with more oily curls should use a whole egg with protein, and try to flush the composition cool water so that the protein does not curl on the head). Onion juice can be replaced with garlic or aloe juice.

– to 2 teaspoons of powder, grains or granules of gelatin 3-4 tbsp is added. l water, after the absorption of which the dishes put in a water bath, and heats up until it forms homogeneous fluid. After removing from the bath, this gelatinous liquid mixes with one egg yolk. This mixture is recommended for normal and drier type of strands.

The means described must be maintained (rub in scalp and roots, and carry the remains throughout the entire length of the hair) from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. Rinse off with shampoo and balm. Apply 1-2 times a week.

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Another effective anti-hair loss mask with gelatin:

2teaspoons of gelatin in the form of granules, grains or powder 3-4 tbsp. l water, leave for 5 minutes, and then put on water the bath. Preheat until a liquid texture is formed, remove from baths, and add one yolk, 2 teaspoons of colorless henna, and as much dry mustard powder.

Mix all the ingredients well, carefully rub the resulting mass into the scalp and hairline roots, and after Rinse with shampoo for 40-60 minutes. More suitable for dry type of hair.

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In conclusion, another recipe for a mask against hair loss with mustard, yolk and vitamins:

Before of all, you will need to brew a sufficiently strong black tea. To half a glass of strained tea leaves, add 1 tbsp. l dry mustard powder, 1 yolk (only with drier curls), 2 ampoules of aloe extract (sold at any pharmacy), and one ampoule of vitamins B6 and B12 (ask in the same place in pharmacies).

Actively rub everything into the roots, scalp, and after 20-40 minutes wash your hair in the usual way with shampoo and moisturizer balm.

Apply once a week.

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By the way with regard to purchased funds, they are very effective mud masks against hair loss. These masks have different manufacturers (Belita Vitex, for example), often in their composition includes minerals from the Dead Sea, seaweed. Most of the They have successfully established themselves in the fight against the loss of hair.

Please note that all the recipes described are recommended. apply to dirty, or already started to get dirty strands. After applying the composition, it is desirable to wrap the head with polyethylene (bag or film), and insulate with a towel on top, this will increase the effectiveness of its impact.

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