Effective exercises for the gluteal muscles: withweighting and without. Technique exercises for the buttocksthe muscles

Чт, 30 мар 2017 Автор: Кристина Волкова

Упражнения для ягодичных the muscles требуют знаний о специфике
training this muscle group.

Выполнение упражнений для ягодичных the muscles является
effective way to improve the proportions of the figure and create more
attractive body.


Виды упражнений для ягодичных the muscles

There are two main criteria by which
выделены упражнения для ягодиц

1. The presence / absence of weighting;

2. Basic / isolated exercises.

Упражнения для ягодичных the muscles с использованием утяжелителей.

The most important thing in doing the exercises is to keep it right.
technology. If it is disturbed, the load can be redistributed with
ягодичной the musclesы на квадрицепс, который занимает переднюю часть
hip that will lead to its growth. Also, work may be disrupted.
joints, from which they can be injured.

The main weights are barbell and dumbbells. Selection
weighting agent and its weight depends on how well set
exercise technique. If when working with weighting
нарушается, но чувствуется нагрузка на the musclesы, то вес выбран
right. Before working with weighting should be mastered
правильная техника упражнений для ягодичных the muscles.

Basic exercises для ягодичных the muscles

Basic exercises are the basis for training the buttocks. For
каждой тренировки этой группы the muscles необходимо выполнить базовый
complex and 2-3 isolated exercises. Basic exercises
максимально задействуют большие the musclesы ягодиц. To the most
эффективным упражнениям для ягодичных the muscles относятся:

• squats;

• Romanian deadlift;

• Lunges;

• Split squat;

Squats with a neck (barbell)

Squats are the most effective exercises for
ягодичных the muscles. However, quite complex to perform.
For тех, кто раньше не приседал, достаточно взять самый легкий
neck, which will help to master the correct implementation of the exercise, and
then, equip the neck with a load.


1. Go to the squat rack, take the neck in the distance
slightly wider than shoulders. Position the fingerboard 5-10 cm below the neck.

2. Legs should be wider than shoulders, there should be a distance between them
about 70 cm. Socks look straight.

3. Lean forward slightly to shift the load.
на ягодичные the musclesы.

4. Look forward or upward for fixed
back position

5. Start slowly bending the legs, the pelvis should go back.
Knees should not go beyond the socks, otherwise the gap may occur
ligaments, meniscus damage and other traumatic cases.

6. Squat just below the parallel of the hips with the floor, then slowly
rise to the starting position.

7. Make 5-6 sets of 10-12 squats.

Practical recommendations:

1. When performing the exercise, the feet should be completely
pressed to the floor, you can not stand on your toes.

2. You must feel when doing a squat
сокращение ягодичных the muscles, иначе может произойти перераспределение

3. You can not change the bend of the back while squatting and deviate
back, this can lead to rupture of the flexors of the spine, loss
equilibrium and, consequently, to injury.

Romanian deadlift

This exercise affects the operation of the upper biceps of the hips, which
позволяет сделать их эстетическую связку с ягодичной the musclesей. With
performing deadlifts, it is possible to work with large
working weights that, in the future, a positive impact on
the appearance of the buttocks.


1. Set the barbell on the support, at a height just below the knees,
load the required amount of weight.

2. Legs should be placed slightly wider than shoulders, bent at the knees.

3. Take the bar to the bar with a straight grip a little wider than the shoulders, remove the bar
with an emphasis and take a step back.

4. While inhaling, slowly lower the barbell along the legs to the middle.
shins. Taz take back.

5. Without stopping, return to the starting position, make

6. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times in 5-6 sets.

Practical recommendations:

1. With выполнении упражнения держать гриф максимально близко к
feet. The farther the neck from the body, the more loaded

2. Avoid sudden movements, exercise to perform smoothly,
without jerks.

3. Поднимать штангу за счёт силы the muscles ягодиц, для этого
you need to feel their reduction and support throughout

Lumbar attacks

Выпады задействуют две основные группы the muscles: квадрицепсы и
buttocks, including lunges with dumbbells.


1. Take two dumbbells and stand up straight, arms with weights along
torso. Looking forward.

2. Perform a step forward with the foot so that the foot is in front of the knee.
The shin of the other leg forms a parallel line with the floor.

3. The housing must be held straight.

4. At the lowest point, linger for a second and rise to the initial

5. Take turns doing the exercise for each leg.

6. Run 5-6 sets of 5-6 reps for each leg.

Practical recommendations

1. With подъёме из приседа опираться на пятку working feet.

2. To make a step so wide that the knee does not extend beyond the sock
working feet

3. Exercise can be done with a barbell, so it will become
сложнее, потому что будут задействованы the musclesы, отвечающие за
body stabilization.

Split squat in Smith’s simulator

В упражнениях для ягодичных the muscles задействуются не только
different weighting for greater efficiency but also
auxiliary simulators and items. Split squat presents
собой выпады с определенной постановки неworking feet на
auxiliary surface, from which the buttocks get the maximum
load. For сплит-приседа необходимы скамья и тренажёр Smith.

1. If the exercise is done with weights, load the neck of the simulator

2. Put the bench back from the body so that it is
could put a foot

on the outer part of the climb. The foot should look up and the outside
part of the lift to lie on the bench.

3. One foot is on the bench, the second is on the neck from
30 cm

4. Lay the neck on your back, 5-10 cm from the bottom of the neck. Take off
neck with hooks, turn on the axis.

5. The back is flat, the look is forward.

6. Slowly bend the leg, standing on the floor, making sure that
колено не выходило за носок working feet, как в случае с выпадами с
dumbbells. The back leg is slightly bent at the knee.

7. Совершив приседание, медленно вернуться в исходное position.
Do 10-12 continuous repetitions for one leg, then, the same
the most for the other. For каждой ноги упражнение повторяется в 5-6
approaches in turn on each leg.

Practical recommendations:

During the exercise, follow the sensations to
ягодичные the musclesы working feet находились в напряжении.

Изолированные упражнения для ягодичных the muscles

Изолированные упражнения для ягодичных the muscles необходимы для более
детальной проработки the muscles ягодиц. They need to start after
basic exercises. Isolating exercises are directed mainly
на средние и малые ягодичные the musclesы.

The most effective isolated exercises

• Raising the pelvis;

• Leg press;

• Leg abduction in the crossover.

Rise of the pelvis (buttock bridge)

1. Lie on the floor (or on a special training mat), hands
along the body, legs bend at the knees

2. За счёт усилий ягодичных the muscles поднять таз, чтобы угол от
head to the knees bend was about 30 degrees.

3. At the top point, linger for a few seconds, then
lower the basin, but do not press it to the floor, but keep it in a few
centimeters from him. Make 5-6 sets of 10-12 reps.
Between the approaches lower the pelvis to the floor.

Practical recommendations:

1. If lifting the pelvis is very easy, you can take
additional burdening – pancake for simulators. Put it on
lower abdomen, which will create an additional load on the buttocks.

2. For большей эффективности упражнения при подъеме таза
максимально напрягать ягодичные the musclesы.

Press one foot in the simulator

Performance technique

1. Load the simulator with the necessary weight. Borrow comfortable
position in the simulator for leg presses. Tightly press against your body
back of the simulator, set both feet on the platform;

2. Take off платформу с фиксаторов, аккуратно опустить не рабочую
foot on the floor.

3. Bend the working leg at the knee by lowering the platform.
way down.

4. From the lowest point, exerting maximum effort, push out
platform to the starting position. Between approaches to fix
the platform.

5. Make 8-10 reps on one leg in 5-6 sets, then,
repeat the same for the other leg.

Practical recommendations:

1. It is necessary to very carefully lower the leg after performing
exercises so that the platform does not fall on the body.

2. Ensure that the platform is always between approaches

3. Very carefully choose the weight for exercise so that one
legs were the strength to lift the load. Weight must be at least 2 times
less than for similar exercises on both legs.

Leg retraction on the lower block (crossover)

Performance technique

Perform a standing exercise:

1. Face the crossover simulator unit and attach the cable
from the lower block to the foot, for example, using a cuff. Choose
required weight.

2. Find a support for the hands and take it.

3. Bend the body parallel to the floor

4. Slightly bending the leg at the knee to pull it back to the maha
she was as high as possible.

5. At the top of the foot lift, linger for a few seconds,
затем вернуться в исходное position.

6. Run 5-6 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each leg

Practical recommendations:

1. More important is not the weight of the load for the exercise, but the accuracy of performance.
each replay

2. To make the exercise more effective, it is necessary during
performing it further strain the buttocks.

Leaning to the side (in the crossover)


1. Stand sideways to the block crossover;

2. Move away from the unit to such a distance that the unit cable
was pulled

3. Fix the cuff on the foot farthest from the block

4. Lean the hand closest to the block on it.

5. Медленно, напрягая ягодичные the musclesы, отводить рабочую ногу в
side so that it comes off the floor by 20-30 cm.

6. Perform 5-6 approaches on 10-12 repetitions for one, then
for the other leg.

Practical recommendations:

1. The back should be flat while the leg is moving to
the side

2. Рабочую ногу поднимать за счёт силы ягодичных the muscles.

With регулярных тренировках, включающих один раз в неделю
приведенные выше упражнения, ягодичный the musclesы станут более
developed, due to this the buttocks will have a more rounded

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