Effective and beneficial oil masks for hair.Rules for the use of oil masks for home hairconditions

Пт, 11 май 2018 BUTвтор: Оксана Шеповалюк

Healthy, thick and shiny hair – the dream of each
women. Since ancient times, the fair sex
used natural gifts to make a variety of
cosmetic products.

Natural oil masks for hair always helped to keep
beauty and appeal of curls.


The benefits of oil masks for hair

To date, various care products are presented.
hair, but the mask of natural oils are still relevant. They
useful and accessible, so they can be easily made at home
on their own. And if you do not be lazy and do them regularly, you can
return hair elasticity, shine and beauty. Natural oils
unique properties, so they have a lot of advantages.

Among the main advantages are:

• the presence of a large number of vitamins, beneficial
trace elements, amino acids and proteins that contribute
strengthen hair structure;

• activation of blood circulation, thanks to which the hair follicles
better supplied with nutrients;

• improved hair growth;

• strengthening and restoring damaged curls;

• normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which helps
get rid of oily shine;

• oils heal and treat hair if the following concerns
problems: itching, inflammation or peeling of the skin, seborrhea;

• ensuring a beautiful appearance. Oils help get rid
from fragility, dullness and lifelessness of curls.

There are different types of oil masks that are used for
all types of hair with split ends, brittleness, dandruff,
slow growth, no shine, strong loss,
emaciation and other unpleasant problems.

Contraindications to the use of oil masks for hair

Any natural product has not only beneficial properties,
but also contraindications to use. Therefore, if there is
opportunity, it is better to consult with the trichologist who can give
useful advice about using this or that type

So, the main contraindications:

аллергическая реакция. If there is
individual intolerance to any component is necessary
do a test for ten minutes on the elbow or wrist. If a
there was itching or burning, the procedure should be abandoned;

беременность. Although natural remedies and
useful, each case is individual. For example, experts
advise not to use pregnant formulations with cedar and peanut

окрашенные локоны. Oil masks for hair
will contribute to the leaching of color. If a такой эффект
undesirable, the procedure will have to wait;

неграмотное применение. If a бесконтрольно
use vegetable oils, hair may be harmed.
Such an unjustified increase in sebum will result in
pores will clog, blood supply in the hair follicles will be disrupted
and the curls will become dull;

сомнительный производитель. Ingredients for
oil masks must be of high quality. Then there are no problems
will be.

Popular oils and recipes oil masks for hair at home

Oil masks for hair очень полезны. They can be easily made.
дома on their own. For this purpose, you can use different
Ingredients. It all depends on the type of hair and the desired result.

The following oils are very popular:

a) репейное масло. Quite often used
in home cosmetology. It helps in the fight against dandruff, improves
hair growth, itching, itching, reduces hair loss, gives
curls elasticity and softness. Burdock oil can be used
in its purest form. The product should be heated, then applied to the hair and
scalp. But much more effective masks with several
ingredients. To strengthen and grow hair, you can use
red pepper or its tincture. It is necessary to mix burdock oil,
pepper tincture and castor oil, rub into the roots and wait an hour.
Then wash off. Each of the three parts to take 30 grams. Useful
and vitamin mask for hair growth: you need to take burdock and
35 grams of olive oil, and add ten drops of vitamin E
and A. Means is heated and applied to dry hair. Wash off by
after one hour;

b) кокосовое масло. This is a great tool for
dry curls. It helps to moisturize and restore
hair structure. The oil makes the hair supple and shiny and
fits all types of curls. To make hair shiny,
melted coconut oil you need to add a couple of drops of oil
rosemary and roses. The mask is applied to dry hair and washed off through
two hours shampoo. And if you need to restore hair, you can
make a cocktail of different oils. To coconut can add
репейное, касторовое, миндальное, оливковое или другие oils. Also
Coconut oil can also be used for home lamination.
This procedure will give hair volume and shine, make them
obedient and well maintained. This mask will require
instant gelatin to stir in hot water
(a quarter cup), strain and get rid of lumps. Into the mix
add two spoons of coconut oil, a few drops of lavender and everything
mix well. This composition should be applied to the curls, but not on
roots, cover the head with a plastic cap and leave the agent on

c) оливковое масло. This storehouse of useful
components and vitamins must be used at home.
Perfect remedy for damaged and dry hair will restore
curls, make them elastic and smooth, relieve from burning,
irritation and dandruff. Olive oil can be used as in
натуральном виде, так и с разными ingredients. To strengthen
hair needs to mix a teaspoon of lemon juice and three
tablespoons olive oil. The mixture should be slightly heated and
put on strands. The head should be covered with plastic and a towel, and
You can keep the mask up to several hours. To combat the loss
hair, you can use a mixture of olive oil and pepper
tincture in equal proportions. And to speed up hair growth
You will need two yolks and five spoons of olive oil. Means to apply
on curls for half an hour;

d) касторовое масло. Its unique properties
help to improve hair, eliminate dryness and dandruff,
prevent falling out. Oil can be used for any type.
hair. Castor should be rubbed into the roots, preheated.
Leave on for two hours and wash the curls with shampoo. If a секутся
tips, you need to lubricate them with castor oil and after a while
wash off. To stimulate hair growth will require onion juice. Two each
tablespoons of these ingredients mix well and rub into the roots.
An hour later, wash off;

e) аргановое масло. This is an excellent tool for
тонких, повреждённых, ослабленных и секущихся hair. For growth
a classic recipe. Oil should be applied to the hair and
roots, leave for an hour and insulate the head. From falling out is useful
use a mixture of argan and burdock oil in equal parts. BUT
to feed the curls you need to mix the oil with honey in the same
proportions. The result will be amazing.

Для масок можно использовать и другие oils. This is flaxseed,
sea ​​buckthorn, almond, pumpkin, jojoba oil and others. All of them
help keep the curls healthy and beautiful.

Useful tips on the use of oil masks for hair

Oil masks should be heated before use. it
will help the oil to absorb well. Can not be applied to the wet
hair. Do not abuse masks. It is enough to do them once
seven days. It is important to remember that the oil will wash off the paint. BUT цвет
will have to update more often.

To maximize the effect of the mask
plastic hat and towel. In the summer it is better to do masks less often.
Since the oil interacts with the rays of the sun, the effect can be
reverse. Hair can become dry and brittle. It is important to remember that
Each oil acts differently. The choice to do in
according to the desired result.

Oil masks for hair помогут быстро вернуть безжизненным и
spoiled curls health and beauty. The main thing is theirs and in
measure to use.

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