Dysmorphophobia: fear of your body

Sat, Mar 22, 2014

Rarely meet a woman who would not care about their appearance.
Seeking to look good is not surprising and
strange. Another thing when thinking about your own reflection in
the mirror does not leave the lady alone and provoke certain
complexes that prevent a full life. Specialists gave this
neurotic state medical definition – dysmorphophobia –
fear of your own body or dissatisfaction with your appearance.

With dysmorphophobia, the person is fixated on the features and disadvantages
its appearance. Thoughts about your “imperfection” never
leave. A person believes that such a “defect” prevents him from meeting
your love and create a happy family. In people suffering
dysmorphophobia, low self-esteem and among them recorded the most
high suicide risk. Subject to such mental
disease, both men and women. But in practice, it is
fair sex more often perceives flimsy and real flaws in
your appearance too seriously.

Почему возникает дисморфофобия?

Dysmorphophobia is a mental disorder, and therefore its causes
have psychological overtones.

  • When parents do not give their child the proper portion of love and
    affection, but at the same time carefully watching his appearance, then
    unintentionally make him a slave of his own appearance. Such a child
    Considers: if it does not correspond to the ideal of beauty, it will
    devoid of parental love.
  • The disease often develops during adolescence due to
    unstable psyche, ridicule and pressure from
  • It has been established that dysmorphophobia can be transmitted to
    genetic level.
  • One of the indirect causes of the disease – social stereotypes
    and modern ideals of beauty that cannot always be achieved
    women because of their physical features. Propaganda “beautiful”
    figures in 90/60/90 makes teenagers, girls and women torment
    diets, exhausting physical workouts, as a result
    what they “earn” mental illness.

Symptoms on face

Many people think that dysmorphophobia is easy to identify:
man’s picky attitude to his appearance
talks about the presence of mental disorder. However, this is not always
So. There are several symptoms that are addressed in
aggregate – only in this case we can talk about the presence

  • Special attitude to the mirror: a person tries his best
    �“Find” a reflective surface to look critically at your
  • The lady strongly refuses to be photographed.
  • People often have thoughts about plastic surgery, which
    can be easily carried out.
  • People with this disorder tend to pick out the shocking
  • Often a person brings himself to anorexia as severe and
    long workouts.
  • В разговоре он все время упоминает о its appearance.

Is it possible to cure dysmorphophobia?

Treatment of mental disorder depends on the form of the disease:
light or heavy. This disease is easier to correct in
adolescence. Often young people dysmorphophobia

Sometimes moral motivation helps to cope with the “fear of one’s body”
support of a loved one or friends. The main task of others
people – to make people believe in themselves. Should more often
focus on his merits, ability to adequately lead
yourself and do your job well. But these
tricks are good for the mild form of the disease.

When the cause of the disease is an attempt to imitate glossy ideals –
need to eliminate sources of “irritation.” Should switch your
attention to something else or find for yourself

With a serious form of the disease, a person cannot do without advice.
and the help of specialists. A psychotherapist or psychologist will be able to pick up
necessary training, effective drugs or
will use hypnosis.

A person suffering from dysmorphophobia should not be afraid of his
�”Weirdness”, it is better to quickly talk about existing phobias
close people or ask for help from a psychologist.

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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