Drying the body for girls at home – asorganize it. Indications, especially diet and workouts,principles of body drying

Чт, 28 апр 2016 Автор: диетолог Ольга

Drying is the process of burning a layer of subcutaneous fat with maximum
maintaining muscle mass.

It includes three mandatory components: special
diet, adapted workouts and reception of supporting

Successful drying of the body for girls at home does not exclude
none of these items.


Body drying for girls at home: indications and

Before you start drying, you should figure out who this
The process is recommended, and who is contraindicated.

Drying the body for girls at home requires considerable
willpower and patience. Drying does not give instant results. AT
depending on the percentage of body fat, it is considered normal
loss from 0.five kg to 3 kg per week.

Suitable drying at home, if:

• have experience of regular strength training at home or in
the gym;

• there is a successful practice of adherence to a diet or regime of proper

• have the opportunity to train for at least 1 hour 3-4 days in
a week

Despite the fact that with all the requirements, drying
безопасна для здоровья, она все же имеет ряд

• pregnancy and breastfeeding;

• diabetes;

• diseases of the cardiovascular system;

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidney.

Some girls may have weakness, dizziness,
decrease in mental and physical activity. It is connected more often
all with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates, due to diet. AT
In this case, the diet should be reviewed and consulted with
a doctor. Another cause of discomfort may be non-compliance.
sleep mode. For an adult, 7–9 hours is normal.

Body drying for girls at home: diet, sports
food, supplements

The most important part of drying for girls at home
– this is a diet. The basic principles of diet:

• rejection of “fast” carbohydrates (chocolate, cookies, sweet
carbonated drinks, bakery products, alcohol and

• rejection of animal fats (fatty meats,
lard, butter, sausages, etc.). An exception –
fish fat. It during the drying period should be taken necessarily;

• reduction of caloric intake by 10-30%;

• observance of balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with approximate
proportionality five0-30-20, respectively. At the same time, fats should
be predominantly of plant origin (nuts, olive,
flaxseed and other vegetable oils);

• adherence to diet. There should be no long breaks.
between meals, the diet should be divided into five-6 receptions;

• drink plenty of water, because water is directly involved
in metabolic processes and its lack of significantly slows down and
fat burning process. The rate for an adult – about 2 liters
clean water daily;

• variety. The diet should consist of a variety of
products: porridge, meat and fish, vegetables and fruits, nuts, etc.,
so that the body gets everything you need for a healthy
vital activity minerals, microelements and vitamins.

A completely carbohydrate-free diet is only suitable for speakers.
athletes, as long as its compliance is harmful to health:
A large number of proteins overload the kidneys and liver, and the lack
carbohydrate leads to quick fatigue, weakness and fragility

In order to maximize muscle mass during
body drying for girls at home is recommended

1. Достаточное количество протеина. Protein –
sports supplement, which consists of protein mixtures. For drying
whey protein and casein are best. The first –
fast protein, suitable for use in between receptions
food. ATторой — медленный, его рекомендуют употреблять перед сном.
Reception of a protein has no contraindications, but in the presence of an allergy
на тот или иной вид белка, следует проконсультироваться с a doctor.
Up to five0% of the total amount of protein ingested can
fall on sports nutrition. The remaining five0% should come from

2. BCAA — незаменимые аминокислоты (лейцин,
isoleucine and valine), of which a third consists of muscle. AT процессе
training splitting into “fuel”, alas, gives in and muscles. five
grams of BCAA taken before exercise play the role of anti-catabolic,
protecting the muscles from destruction. In addition, BCAAs are taking
directly involved in the restoration of muscle tissue after

3. L-карнитин — спортивная добавка,
stimulating fat oxidation for energy. In this way,
L-carnitine provides the body with energy, which is so lacking
on a low-carb diet, and helps break down subcutaneous faster

4. ATитаминно-минеральный комплекс — добавки,
designed to provide the body with essential vitamins,
micro and macronutrients. Minerals and vitamins take
direct participation in metabolic (metabolic) processes,
so for the period of drying them more quantity is required than for
a person who is not involved in sports and is not on a diet.
ATитаминно-минеральный комплекс для спортсменок обычно в себя
включает: витамин A, C, E, F, K, P, N и витамины группы AT, кальций,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chromium, iron, zinc and others.

There are also a number of special supplements and drugs.
allowing you to speed up getting the result you need. Are divided
fat burners for several types:

1. Термогеники — их действие заключается в
increase in body temperature, which speeds up the metabolism and reduces

2. Липотропики — ускоряют метаболизм, в том
including fat burning.

3. Блокаторы кортизола — препараты, снижающие
production of a hormone responsible for the body’s energy reserves,
– cortisol.

4. Блокаторы жиров и углеводов — препараты,
which block the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

five. Стимуляторы щитовидной железы — активизируют
the work of the thyroid gland, which hormones contribute to the acceleration
lipolysis and metabolism in general.

6. Диуретики — мочегонные препараты, которые
remove water from the body.

7. Аноретики — подавляют appetite.

The most effective fat burners – combined, which
contain several components at once. For example, it may be
such a complex: thermogenic, L-carnitine, cortisol blocker,
blocker of carbohydrates and fats, stimulator of the thyroid gland. Composition of
ingredients with different directions of action, helps to give
maximum result when drying and keep muscles from

Body drying for girls at home: training schedule and
their types

The best workouts for drying the body for girls at home
conditions are those where the greatest
number of muscles. Conventionally, the training on drying can be divided into two.
species – aerobic and power.

Aerobic exercise can reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat in
strengthen the cardiovascular system, increase overall
endurance of the body. The best aerobic workouts

• run. You can run, in the park, at the stadium, promenade or
purchase a treadmill;

• swimming. If there is no suitable reservoir nearby, you can
go to the pool;

• bicycle riding. You can ride on specially designated
tracks, cross country or purchase an exercise bike for

• rowing. An alternative option is a rowing machine;

• jumping rope, aerobics, step aerobics, etc.

And in order for these workouts to be as
effective, you should follow some rules:

1. Systematic. Training should be regular.
Например, через день или минимум — 3 раза в a week

2. The duration of aerobic training is directly proportional.
the number of calories burned and, accordingly, the weight lost.
The optimal duration of a workout is 60 minutes.

3. The intensity of the workout – the most important indicator of her
efficiency. To start the fat burning process, heart rate
beats must be at least 120 beats per minute.

4. You can eat no later than two hours before your workout, and not
earlier than two hours after it.

five. Лучшее время для аэробной тренировки — утро, так как немного
�“Sleepy” organism spends more energy, and accordingly,
burns more fat.

To dry the body at home brought for girls
maximum results, aerobic training should be alternated with

Strength training will help bring muscles in tone, work out
separate muscle groups, add relief to the body as a whole.
The optimal training schedule – 3 aerobic and 2 strength training in
a week ATыполнять их лучше в разные дни, чтобы организм успевал

In order for strength training to be as effective as possible,
should create a personal training program.

There are several types of power

круговая. Training is based on the “circular”
method. One round includes one approach to exercise.
different muscle groups that are performed with minimal rest between
them. ATсего в круге может быть 4—6 упражнений. The very same training
usually consists of 3-4 laps. Между кругами дается 2—five минут

суперсеты. ATо время такой тренировки один
The approach may consist of two or three exercises that are performed.
without rest. After the set follows a break of 40-60 seconds. Superset
repeated 3-4 times. ATключать в себя такой подход может, как
exercises for one group of muscles in order to achieve maximum
pumping, and on different;

сплит- тренировки — подразумевают под собой
training in one day of any one muscle group or one big
and one small muscle group. For example, one day – legs, buttocks.
and shoulders, the second day – the back and triceps, the third day – the chest and

For maximum efficiency, training should be based on
Basic exercises – those that involve several groups at once.
muscle and require high energy costs. Additionally should be done
insulating exercises that help to work out thoroughly
every muscle.

AT домашних условиях базовыми будут:

• squats. You can perform with athletic rubber band, weight or

• various types of attacks;

• pushups;

• pull-ups (if there is a crossbar);

• tilt with dumbbells forward (similar to a dead draft);

• “Good morning” – you can perform with bodybuilders, making bends
standing forward.

For isolating exercises fit:

• flexing with dumbbells or biceps;

• press with dumbbells up, swing to the sides and forward for deltas;

• extension of the arm with dumbbells from behind the head on the triceps;

• lifting socks for shins;

• leg extension and flexion with weights for the front and
back of the thigh;

• moving the leg to the side for the outer surface of the thigh;

• leg retraction with a weighting agent to the side and back from the position
�”Kneeling” for the gluteal muscles.

The list of exercises that can be performed at home
conditions, endless. For their implementation most often needed
small auxiliary set: horizontal bar, one – two pairs of dumbbells,
bodybuilder, athletic gum and mat.

Body drying for girls at home: procedures
increase metabolism

In addition to special diets and workouts, care should be taken
accelerating metabolism. AT этом могут помочь специальные массажи,
rubbing and wrapping. It is best to perform them after
workouts when muscles are well warmed up. Best for massage
use special massage oil, which, penetrating through
skin helps to speed up metabolic processes at the cellular level.
Wraps with various oils and clay have also proven their
effectiveness in the fight against cellulite.

Another effective way to speed up metabolism is regular
visiting the sauna or bath. Well, if visits to the sauna can be
Combine with rubbing with essential oils and scrubs.

To enhance the metabolism is also recommended the use of
green and ginger tea and natural coffee.

Drying the body for girls at home: the reasons for failure

The reasons for failures when drying the body for girls at home
can be:

• incorrect calculation of the total caloric intake and BJU or
несоблюдение режима nutrition;

• an incorrect training program or its

• stress, lack of sleep and rest.

ATо время сушки организм поддается значительной нагрузке и
is under stress, so, first of all, you need to remember
about moderation and health benefits.

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