Dry skin of the face, body, hands – signs, causes andcare

Sat, Mar 26, 2016 Normal skin functions correctly,
if a получает достаточное увлажнение и имеет нормальный баланс
natural body fluid. Under normal balance, greasy
glands produce enough oily substances to make fluid
held inside the skin. Oils set
natural barrier, but sometimes their number is not enough to
handle this feature. If the water concentration decreases and
becomes below 10%, the skin loses elasticity, can
crack, scratch and give a person a lot of trouble.
Such skin is considered dry, it can be distinguished by the following
featured: – rough appearance, not elastic, stained; –
excessively taut; – peels, flakes exfoliate; – pores are visible; –
places of friction or tension may be the most dry. it локти,
knees, fingers. – itching occurs, especially after drying.


Why does skin become dry?

A dry skin condition may be caused suddenly. it может быть
simple exposure to sunlight or wind and cold, dry
indoor air during the heating season, constant
air conditioner in the summer. Often we do not think about the consequences.
for the skin when using the latest cosmetics
industry. it может быть щелочное мыло, средства для мытья
dishes for hands, washing powders, and just excess
use of cosmetics. In particularly difficult cases, you may receive
dermatitis. Dry skin can also cause serious
diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disorders,
allergies to certain products, skin diseases – eczema,
psoriasis, etc. Loss of elasticity begins with age
skin changes.

Dry skin of the face

The face is exposed to the environment most of all,
therefore, the reaction of the skin can sometimes be simply unpredictable.
So that the skin of the face gets good moisturizing, the flow of water from
The blood vessels in the epidermis should be the same. With
lack of activity of the sebaceous glands appears dry skin, on
which wrinkles and folds, pigmentation and other changes
manifest more strongly. Withчина тому — недостаток влаги в
epidermis. Why do you need to carefully care for dry skin?
The most unpleasant consequence is rapid aging. May sooner
wrinkles occur, accumulating dead cells cause itching and
peeling. Look after сухой кожей лица нужно в несколько
1. Cleansing

It is undesirable to use gels and soaps that dry out the skin.
Hard water with a huge amount can also give the same effect.
chemicals. To clean the skin is better to use cleansing milk
hydrophilic oil, capable of contacting the skin
turn into a delicate film. You need to wash no more than 2 times
день, чтобы правильно работали сальные железы.2.

Dry skin, as well as oily skin, must be cleansed from dead skin.
particles with peeling or scrub. it нужно проделывать
constantly, to remove dead particles, and to enable
skin in their place to be updated. The procedure must be performed at least 1
once a week.

Recipe scrub for peeling at home
: Состав: банан (1 спелай), сахар (3 ложки),
vanilla sugar (1/4 tsp), honey (1 tsp). Mix and
apply on face for 30 minutes. Wash away simple water and enjoy.
нежной кожей!3. Nutrition and hydration of dry skin

it необходимые процедуры. They can be carried out using
masks and cosmetic cream. Big plus – no excess cream
may hurt.

Masks for dry skin

The purpose of the masks is to fill in the gaps in the action of the sebaceous glands and
lack of moisture, thereby preventing early aging
skin. In youth, dry skin is beautiful and smooth, but wrinkles can
appear just unexpected. Do not wait, act in advance. AT
The composition of the masks should be a lot of moisturizing ingredients.
Маска для сухой кожи из листьев мяты
The way приготовления:
sort and wash the mint leaves. Fill with boiling water and bring
boil for 2-3 minutes. On 1 part of the leaves take 3 parts
mint. Cool and put on gauze evenly, put on face,
keep 15-20 minutes. Remove, rinse with water. If you do this
mask for a month several times a week, skin for some
время будет в безопасности.– Масляно-лимонная маска,
полезна при шелушащейся коже
The way приготовления:
lemon juice, sour cream, mayonnaise (by teaspoon). ATсе смешать и
apply on face. Hold for 15 minutes, rinse and tonic the face.
This cream is perfectly saturate the skin with vitamins, make it

Cream for dry skin

Creams are used in the second stage, after cleansing
procedures. Creamа и смеси по careу за сухой кожей должны быть
обязательно масляными, они делают ее эластичной и elastic. Cream
should be thick, milk-like mixtures better not
use. It helps in such cases gammalina
Acid that retains moisture in the skin. Better nutrient
apply immediately after cleansing. Rinse face with water and leave it
wet – so that the effectiveness of the cream was higher. When applying the cream
You can do a gentle massage along the skin lines, trying not to
to stretch the skin. Nutritious creams, cooked
On their own, cosmetics may be equally useful.
You can only store household products in the refrigerator, but not for long –
не более 2 недель, а лучше готовить свежие порции.- Cream
яичный для сухой кожи
. Preparation Method: Cook
lime decoction – brew 2 spoons of dried flowers in a glass
water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool. Take a tube
fat nutritious cream, 1 yolk and mix with broth. it
excellent emollient and nutrient.

Рябиновый крем для сухой кожи с маслом.
Preparation: grind a glass of ripe rowan berries and
add a spoonful of butter, a teaspoon of honey and yolk.
Get a nourishing cream for dry skin. A similar recipe can be
use for making cream of persimmon, pears, apples.

Cream для сухой кожи на травах. The way
preparations: dried plantain and mint (2 tsp),
a glass of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of nourishing cream. Mix herbs
keep on fire for 5 minutes. A portion of the decoction (2 spoons) is added to the cream and

Very dry skin

Stronger means are needed to affect such skin.
In the cold season, such a composition can help – take 4 different
hand creams (for example, “Lux”, “Amber”), put them together and
beat with a spoon. Keep the product in the refrigerator, use 2 times
in a day. Well helps coconut or almond oil.

Dry skin of hands

If you do not pay attention to hand care, skin can become
dry and stretched. Even the remaining moisture can dry the skin,
if they do not wipe dry. Sometimes it’s just hereditary.
features Sometimes hands can become rough – as a result
lack of moisture and fat. In any case, quite correctly
take care of your hands using a cream with a lot of
glycerin, lactic acid, sorbitol. Except fat cream well
help mask with olive oil, a drop of lemon juice.
A good remedy is a decoction of flax seed. Easy to cook – 1
Boil a tablespoon of seeds in 1 cup of milk. In the most difficult
cases, cracks are formed on the hands, especially when
the profession requires washing hands frequently. If you are sure that it is not
psoriasis and not eczema, you can apply a cream with emollient
components – allatonin, aloe, panthenol. Means is applied on
night, cotton gloves are worn on top.

Dry skin of the body

Sometimes metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins or
genetic factors can affect skin condition. If you
noticed after a shower feeling skin tightness – this is the first bell
that measures need to be taken until redness has begun and
peeling. When sebaceous glands produce little fat, at home
conditions, you can carry out some procedures. Most often the skin is not
Enough Vitamin E – a powerful antioxidant that prevents
aging of the skin of the face and body. In addition to cosmetic procedures should
pay attention to food quality. The diet should include
foods high in this vitamin – greens, eggs,
beans, buckwheat, bran, liver (beef), nuts, seeds, fruit and
vegetables, vegetable oils. Dry skin of the body should not be exposed
active UV rays. Summer on the beach should be
use protective cosmetics, do not abuse the solarium.
You can not take very hot baths, as this leads to
leaching of sebum. Much moisture evaporates from the surface and in
bath, so do not sit in the steam room for too long. Look after
dry skin is a must. You should use cosmetics for
dry skin is a regenerating oil, cosmetic milk,
cream and body lotion. Peeling and scrub use no more than 1
once a week.

Folk recipes for dry skin

ATанна из льняного семени и ромашки
The way приготовления: отвар льняного семени и
chamomile pharmacy add to the bath and take 10-15 minutes.
It is easy to prepare the broth – 50 grams of grass to brew in 1 liter
воды и настаивать 2 часа.- Молочная ванна с
.The way приготовления: молоко (1 литр) разогреть
almost to boil, in a water bath, melt 200 grams of honey.
Mix and pour the mixture into the water. Add 2 tsp.
almond oil. – ATанна с отваром овсяных
The way приготовления: взять несколько ложек
crushed oatmeal and place in a gauze bag.
Повесить его на кран так, чтобы сквозь овсянку проходила water.
ATремя процедуры – 10-15 минут.- Скраб для сухой кожи –
миндаль и овсяные хлопья
The way приготовления: по одной
a spoonful of almond kernels and oatmeal grind in a coffee grinder,
Mix with 2 tablespoons sour cream. Apply on body massaging
movements, rinse without soap. After scrub apply on body
увлажняющий крем.- Солевой пилинг с медом для сухой
The way приготовления: смешать мед (4 ложки) и ложку
salt, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive), good
mix. Apply for 5 minutes, rinse water. Make the skin soft and
elastic at home can be in different ways. Love
yourself, find your way, take care of the body, and you will


Kristi 12/04/2016 How to live in dry skin? Need her
take care not to dry and peel … Personally, I like
Finepeel! For the prevention and care of the best! Marina 11/12/2016
The cosmetician from the Family doctor advised me a cream
Schrunden-balsam. Expensive, really. but the effect is cool. Lena
04/23/2016 I have dry face skin, but this is not a diagnosis. me and u
mothers have this type of skin. We do not live without cream. But generally, I found for
how to nourish the skin, how to deeply moisturize it. if a
clearly, the article has excellent recipes, but my life is not enough
patience to do the mask itself … I buy ready-made masks. While not
in jars in the form of a cream, and in special individual sachets,
on a fabric basis, nourished with a special gel. I tried different
, chose the masks of the Pharaoh’s baths. The fact is that
this brand i know i use the Pharaoh’s bath salts and
very pleased with the quality. Masks also did not disappoint. First of all,
quite a wide selection. very easy to choose a mask by type
skin and age – everything is written on the package. secondly, it pleases
that that the fabric base is designed for both face and neck. Thirdly,
the result becomes noticeable after 3-4 applications. First i
Delalal these masks every other day. now to keep fit enough
once a week. Just put the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes and
relax. Remove and remove leftovers. the code gets softer
covered with moisture, soft, velvety. And after a few
procedures, it is noticeable that fine wrinkles smoothed out, that the tone of the face
become smoother. and me had small reddenings, prishchichki – all
passed quickly. very pleased with the result. well and as already said
it is very important to me. whatever brew. neither need to insist
everything is ready Julia 04/04/2016 I’ve been using the last few years
Licorice cream from Farcos. I like everything in it: the composition and
the price and how it is applied … And now there is time, and I wanted
pamper yourself with various baths. Thank you, I found once again for
myself a couple Marinka 04/02/2016 And I made egg cream,
really nourishes. Then I forgot about him completely. Now again
I will do. The skin is not very dry, but anyway, it feels
which is not so smooth and soft. Especially calves and hands.

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