Do you dream to increase the mammary glands in the home?conditions? Unique ways to increase the breast at home, withoutoperations

Пн, 28 мар 2016 Автор: массажист Людмила

The female breast is glorified by poets, glorified by artists.
of all generations, this part of the female body was and remains the most
attracting the attention of men.

Every woman dreams of beautiful breasts, but not all nature
made such a gift.

If the ass can be pumped in the gym, then with a breast in this
the case is much more complicated.

Some ladies decide to lie under the surgeon’s scalpel.

Many small breasted women want to enlarge their breasts.
at home, but do not know how to do it.


Enlarge the mammary glands at home: a set of measures

The world has developed an entire industry aimed at developing
means and methods of increasing the mammary glands. The fact is that the chest
the gland itself cannot be pumped up, for it is not a muscle. WITH
the corset that supports the chest is getting weaker and she

Beautiful breast shape, as well as a trim figure, a face without wrinkles
require additional efforts, no wonder they say that beauty requires
of victims WITHуществует несколько методов и способов,
helping to increase the breast glands at home.

– With the help of implants, the breast can be enlarged to the
unbelievable size, however, it is surgery, expensive pleasure and
health hazard.

– Developed special creams, regular rubbing which
instructions guarantees an increase in the mammary glands by size, but
some women cause allergies, others
the effect achieved disappears after the cessation of use miracle –

– Our grandmothers, great-grandmothers also dreamed of beautiful breasts, and
left a good legacy of folk methods and methods.

– It turns out there are some products, frequent
use of which accompanied with special exercises
allows you to increase the mammary glands at home.

Having a small chest, you should first try all available
ways, and then, if necessary, go under the knife.

How to increase the mammary glands at home: complex

The breast gland can not be lifted, but who said that it is impossible
strengthen the muscles around her, causing the chest itself
will get a more attractive look, visually increasing in

– Pull hands forward at chest level, fold your fingers “in
lock “and turn out the palms so that the back side looked
on us. In this position, keeping your arms free, bend and unbend
them in the elbows, pulling them out as much as possible, repeating 20-30 times.

– We lay down on the floor, face down, arms bend and place palms on
chest level. While inhaling, slowly raise the head, tearing the chest away from
floor and maximally bend in the back. Exhale – take the original
position. Repeat deflections from 10 to 30 times, so doing 3

– Perfectly copes with formation of a corset for a breast and
classic pushups. If the age does not allow to do it
exercise from the floor, start pushing up from the wall, then move
on a chair, the main thing is to keep your body even. As far as possible we do
5 – 20 times. 2 — 3 approach.

– Young women can make the bridge smoothly, slowly bending
in the belt, reaching the floor with his hands, trying to stay in such
position as long as possible. Older ladies but also
wanting to strengthen the muscles around the breasts, for true beauty
out of time, it is enough to make a bridge near the wall.

Опыт японки Миеко Йошимару, увеличившей свою
chest on 4 sizes, can serve as inspirational
an example for many. After all, it takes only a quarter of an hour

The uniqueness of the Mieko method will appeal to all plump women,
for it is based on charging and pumping fat from the limbs and
belly to chest. The advantage of this complex is that each
exercise can be performed separately, in a convenient place and suitable
of time. Главное, пройти весь комплекс exercise за day.

1. Keep your arms bent in elbows at chest level, palms
we put the boats, as for prayer. On the score 1 – 8 with the force of pressure
hand in hand, breathe in, stomach in, focus on
tension of pectoral muscles. On the exhale, the pressure is removed. Repeating
Exercise 10 – 15 times. Now palms are located to the right of
breast gland and repeat the exercise, move folded palms
to the left and again we do the whole range of pressure.

2. Raise the bent arm up in a circular motion.
we heat all its surface. We do not change the position of the hand, large and
grasp the forearm with the index finger and slowly squeeze
from it fat, starting from elbow, is carried out to the chest 30-50 times from above
and as much below. Then change hands.

3. Preparing for bed, lying in bed, intensively rub the top
tingling the skin to feel warm and after that
forefinger and thumb grab the fat roller at waist level
to the right and roll it to the chest area. In this manner
go through the entire surface of the abdomen from right to left and back a few
times but not more five minutes.

4. It turns out that on our body there is a point, clicking on which
You can activate the release of female hormones responsible for
breast condition Put your hands on the thigh, with your tips
fingers barely touching the knee, sticking your thumbs and squeezing
them the surface of the feet. Felt pain on the inside of the thigh
at a distance of 10 – 12 cm from the knee? This is our point. She can
to massage, sitting at work, in transport, generally anywhere.

5. The last recommendation from Mieko, learn to sleep only on
back and imagine yourself constantly beautiful with a magnificent bust.

WITHовершенно простые и доступные в любом возрасте упражнения при
their regular performance can work wonders, including
enlarge the breasts at home.

Enlarge the breast glands at home folk
by methods

Для роста грудной железы необходим эстроген,
которым в природе богаты шишки hops. Regular
receiving a decoction from this miracle – the plants will help to increase the breast by
whole size. However, with care, and only after consultation
with a gynecologist, this tool can be taken for women who have
there are failures in the menstrual cycle.

It is best to do the tincture in a thermos, Bay 1 tbsp. hops
a glass of boiling water at night, in the morning to press and the resulting broth
divided into 4 – 5 parts, which should be drunk half an hour before
food intake.

Be prepared for the fact that the tincture is very bitter, so drink
need slowly, in small sips.

We drink a month, a month – a break.

Attention! Further use of decoction
possible only with the permission of the doctor!

Липовый настой не так насыщен эстрогеном, но
намного безопаснее шишек hops, параллельно он обладает
rejuvenating action, which knew the ladies of high society of the past
century, and drank this composition to preserve youth.

A pinch of dry lime blossom overnight pour a glass of boiling water,
put near the bed in the morning to drink on an empty stomach, for 20 – 30
minutes before meals. Month to drink – 60 days to take a break. By reviews
users, linden is able to increase the breast size.

Increase the breast, and parallel and improve metabolism,
поможет соя. In special stores for
vegetarians and diabetics can buy soy products in various
performance, it can be meat, milk, cheese and more. WITHделайте сою
regular product in your menu and saturate the body with natural
hormones identical to the feminine ones that can enlarge the breasts
at home. Six months later, you will notice that your chest
increased by half the size.

Поддерживать грудь в тонусе поможет и зелень,
which must be present in the daily diet.
Young ramson, a mixture of dill, parsley and cilantro, added to
any dish will not only make its taste unique, but will also be
promote the production of female hormones that nourish the chest

Enlarge the breast glands at home: massage and

Many women are skeptical of buying items
promising breast augmentation, but the famous Jacques Courten designed
cream to restore the shape and elasticity of the breast and called it
natural bra. However, he stressed that the funds for
breast care must be nutritious and
moisturizing, but in no way anti-cellulite, for
the latter are aimed at reducing fat, which is unacceptable for

However, no matter how much you worry about the shape of your breasts, during
pregnancy and breastfeeding is strictly prohibited
use any means to strengthen the breast glands to
rubbed hormones do not enter the child’s body.

Estrogens are rich in many oils of plants such as geranium,
primula patchouli We buy a small one in any pharmacy
флакончик с эфирным маслом, которое буквально по
add a couple of drops to any vegetable oil and apply on
the area around the breasts.

Microcirculation around the mammary glands will increase the blue clay,
used as a mask for the area around the chest, with regular
the application of which after 2 months the breast cups will become
resilient and elastic, swollen about half the size.

Ручной самомассаж повысит эффективность
applying creams. When performing massage techniques, remember that
chest holds the muscle going from the second rib to the clavicle.

Attention! All movements are done gently.
necessarily around the breast, but in no case
Massaging the chest itself.

1. We warm our hands by intensive rubbing each other,
we put on the skin around the chest cream, put palms on the ulnar edge
кисти, поддерживаем грудные glands. Slowly doing stroking and
rubbing action from the chest to the chin, increasing strength
impact. We do it 20-30 times.

2. Taking a shower, you can make a strong pressure of cool water and
along the same lines, make a water massage for 3-4 minutes.

3. If you are attracted to acupressure, then in this case is better.
just consult a specialist. Shiatsu massage requires
professional approach to determine the necessary points in
otherwise, you can only hurt.

How to increase the mammary glands in the home conditions: small

WITHамым простым способом визуально увеличить грудные железы в
home conditions is the ability to change the bra,
taking advantage of double push up. Tight pads
pleasantly adheres to the skin of the body and is able to increase the visual
perception of the chest in 2 sizes.

– Want to have a beautiful chest, forget about topless tanning, for
the sun dries the skin, reduces its elasticity.

– Daily rinsing of the chest glands with a contrast shower
will cause the muscles that hold the chest to contract, which will also go to
benefit of increasing skin tone and elasticity.

– Dreaming about beautiful breasts, then learn first
walk with a perfectly straight back, for stoop contributes
sagging breasts.

Be sure to constantly smile, because no matter the size
your chest, your eyes will reflect the inner world of your soul.

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