Do starch masks work against wrinkles inat home? Recipes improvised pulling masks withstarch

Пн, 14 май 2018 Автор: Диана Демина

How do you want to look young when it’s over 40, because
in the shower no more than 25. Mask prepared from starch
smooth fine wrinkles, and deep ones make less

How to cook, how to apply and what else you need to know about it
miracle tool?


Who shows starch masks from wrinkles

Smoothing masks are advised to apply when the appearance of mimic
wrinkles, as well as the first signs of aging skin.

Already at the age of 30-35 years around the eyes become visible
called “crow’s feet”. After 40 years in the epidermis decreases
the amount of collagen and elastin proteins responsible for the tone and
elasticity of the skin. The skin becomes dull, dull,
nasolabial and frontal wrinkles appear.

Improper diet, smoking and excessive sun exposure
rays (ultraviolet) adversely affects the condition of the skin.
Fading of the skin occurs faster, wrinkles appear in
younger age.

Pluses masks, cooked at home

In the twenty-first century, cosmetology has advanced far ahead. Exists
Huge selection of professional products and care products.
fading skin. However, the interest of the beautiful half of humanity to
home rejuvenating masks grows with the desire to extend

A worthy place among such means is occupied by masks from
starch against wrinkles. Women who use them note a noticeable
tightening and smoothing effect. Of course, the result will not be
as pronounced as from botulism toxin injection or
fillers, but not everyone is ready for such radical procedures.

Home masks have several advantages over

• significant savings of money;

• 100% natural ingredients;

• starch has no contraindications, all other components
can be chosen according to individual intolerance;

• saving time spent on the trip to the salon.

Cons of home masks

The disadvantages include:

• you need to make an effort to prepare;

• probability of clothing damage.

How to apply a mask of wrinkle starch

After weighing all the pros and cons, each woman has the right to decide which
option for her is optimal. Girls whose choice is made in
home care benefits you need to perform a few
simple recommendations. Then the result from the application will justify
expectations – the skin will become more elastic, supple, improve color

1. • Before the application process, the skin should be cleaned from
dead cells that prevent the penetration of biologically
active substances in the epidermis. To this end, you first need to wash,
then use a scrub or wipe the face with a slice of lemon.
Citric acid will dissolve the stratum corneum and fat residue is not worse.
salon chemical peeling.

2. • It is recommended to apply a wrinkle mask gently with a brush.
without stretching the skin. All movements go from the bottom up – from
chin to the forehead. If desired, apply the agent to the neck and the area.

3. • Leave the composition on the skin for 15 – 20 minutes.

4. • During the procedure, try to relax, do not strain
facial muscles, think about something pleasant.

5. • Wash off the mask with warm water and apply a suitable skin type.
nutritious cream.

6. • To achieve the greatest effect of anti-aging procedures.
It is recommended to carry out 2 – 3 times a week in courses of 10 – 15

7. • Mask, cooked at home, is not subject
storage. Every time you should cook fresh.

8. • You can not make a mask if the integrity of the skin
cover, there are wounds, herpes in the active phase.

9. • If the composition includes strong allergens (honey, strawberries,
citrus, cocoa), then before applying it is necessary to test for
allergies. Anoint this product with skin on wrist or elbow.
bend. For redness, choose a mask that does not contain a dangerous

How to make a mask of wrinkle starch

The main component is potato or corn
starch. This snow-white powder can be found at most
women Starch is added to other ingredients to make masks.
in dry form or in the form of paste. If the remedy turns out too

Preparation of paste:

1. • Mix a small amount of starch with cold water.

2. • Pour this mixture in a thin stream into boiling water, constantly

3. • Remove from heat, cool.

Water can be replaced with milk.

Starch Wrinkle Mask Recipes

For normal skin

Prepare a paste from 200 ml of water and 0.5 tablespoon
starch. Add 0.5 tablespoons of thick cream and 2.5
tablespoon of carrot juice. To get carrot juice, vegetable
rub on a fine grater, then squeeze through gauze.

The same mask can be made thicker if you change the proportions of water
(50 ml) and starch (1 large spoon), then mix the carrot juice and
Sour cream 1 tablespoon. A tool of such consistency easier
superimposed and does not flow. The action is similar to a liquid mask.
Choose the one that is more like it.

Tones, nourishes, activates production collagen eliminates
fine, smoothes deep wrinkles, heals microcracks,
improves color.

For dry skin

Сварить клейстер из 100 мл молока и 1 чайной ложки starch.
Mix with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount
carrot juice.

Prevents dryness, provides cell nutrition, smoothes
wrinkles, well tightens the skin, makes it smooth, elastic,
gives a healthy color.

For oily skin

In the cooled paste prepared from 400 ml of water and 1
tablespoon of starch, put the beaten egg yolk and 1
tablespoon of oatmeal.

Tightens facial contours, removes toxins, cleans, reduces
number of wrinkles, whiten.


Яичный белок смешать со столовой ложкой starch.

This mask is applied in several layers as it dries.

Fights skin lethargy due to the presence of collagen in


Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of starch and the same
amounts of tomato juice.

Can not be imposed on the eyelids.

This simple remedy moisturizes, has anti-inflammatory
action, reduces pigmentation, protects from sunlight,
pulls up

Провести тест на allergies.


Mix 4 tablespoons of starch and thick cream. To pour
1 teaspoon cocoa. Stir well and heat to
low heat until thick.

Can be applied to the skin around the eyes.

Removes dryness, inflammation, saturates the epidermis with oxygen,
gives a healthy color, smoothes. Cocoa contains essential oils,
the aroma of which contributes to the improvement of mood.

There is a risk of allergies.

With honey

In the paste (1 tablespoon of starch and 100 ml of water) add 1
a teaspoon of honey and 1 large spoonful of sour cream (or yogurt).

For very dry skin, you can put a little ghee.

Suitable for the area around the eyes.

Well nourishes, smoothes the skin, heals small
wounds, helps cell respiration.

Allergic reactions are possible.


Put 1 small spoonful of starch and fine salt in a bowl,
pour the same liquid honey, mix well. Can take
purified sea salt, its pre-grinding. Leave at 25

For dry epidermis, it is recommended to add a little.

If a burning sensation appears, remove the agent, wipe the skin with decoction

Do not use around the eyes.

Moisturizes, smoothes, smoothes, nourishes, cleans,

Allergic reactions are likely.

With regular use of a mask of wrinkle starch skin
will be elastic, taut, will delight a beautiful even color.
A wide selection of starch masks will allow you to find your favorite and
with rejuvenation get positive emotions.

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