Do home scrubs help against cellulite: whatthe secret of success? Anti-cellulite scrub recipes at homeconditions

Пн, 21 ноя 2016 Автор: София Баринова

The last few years, the beautiful half of humanity has been actively
fights such nuisance as cellulite. What is it? If a
speaking in scientific language is the formation of fat deposits in
subcutaneous tissue. The structure of the subcutaneous fat layer changes
leading to impaired microcirculation and lymph drainage.

Between themselves, women call it “orange peel”, first
all due to the fact that the skin takes on just such a form: uneven
with tubercles and depressions. Many mistakenly believe that skinny
women bypass this problem. Cellulite happens like u
fat and slim.


The causes of the appearance of cellulite, stage of development. Does it help
anti-cellulite scrubs in the treatment?

Scientists have proven that the appearance of cellulite to a greater extent
depends on genetic predisposition. Besides,
There are a number of reasons leading to the emergence of the “orange
peel “:

• unhealthy and unhealthy food;

• sedentary lifestyle;

• hormonal adjustment (pregnancy, puberty)
or hormonal failure;

• bad habits;

• frequent stressful situations;

• frequent significant weight fluctuations.

These are the most common causes of cellulite. how
it is clear that “earn” the orange peel on your hips, buttocks and
the stomach is very simple, but getting rid of is much more difficult.

Many doctors attribute cellulite to diseases and secrete it.
4 stages. The sooner the problem is detected, the simpler it is.
will get rid of.

1 стадия: предцеллюлитная. At first sight
identify the problem is not possible. At this stage
begins the slowdown of blood flow, lymphatic fluid outflow.
The only hint at the beginning cellulite may be a small
swelling of tissues and the appearance of small bruises even when
minor bruises.

2 стадия: начальная. Problem areas start
swell, the tissues get less oxygen, start
accumulate toxins. If a взять кожу в складку, то она примет вид
the very “orange peel”.

3 стадия: микронодулярная. Once elastic
the walls of the subcutaneous adipose tissue become very rigid and
rude. Rough knots appear that can be easily felt.
Externally, the skin has already taken the form of “orange peel”, it becomes
noticeable without special tests.

4 стадия: макронодулярная. This stage
characterized by strong stagnation of lymphatic fluid, violation
venous outflow. Externally, in addition to the “orange peel” clearly
visible nodes that are soldered to the skin. They are very tough and
painful. Temperatures may even change in affected areas.

The last stage of cellulite is very rare, and it
requires urgent medical intervention. In the first stage is not enough
who pays attention to the problem, since it is not visible from the outside.
The most common – 2 and 3 stages. It is with them most often and
women struggle with a huge amount of cosmetic
means. But the most effective anti-cellulite scrubs are
by the way, which you can cook yourself in the home

Антицеллюлитные скрабы в домашних conditions: правила
of use

The first and main rule of scrub use – it can not
use more than twice a week. In general, one is enough
times, but in especially neglected cases, two are allowed.

howие еще существуют общие правила применения скрабов
against cellulite:

1. Before use, the skin should be well steamed. Perfect
use a scrub after a bath or sauna, but if such a possibility
No, it is enough to lie down for about 15 minutes in a hot bath.

2. Any home scrub should be mixed well until smooth.

3. Homemade scrubs, which include salt or sugar,
must be prepared immediately before use, as
these abrasive particles dissolve easily.

4. If a в скрабе есть сливочное масло, то перед смешивание
the remaining components, the oil must be slightly heated
water bath.

5. If a в скраб входит шоколад, то нужно использовать только
really quality product that is first rubbed on
мелкой терке, а потом подогревают на water bath.

6. Any scrub against cellulite (and especially hot!) Is necessary
apply only on intact skin. If a есть прыщи, трещины и
other problems, should be deferred.

7. To rub anti-cellulite scrub is best special
massage glove or hand massager. Effect of the procedure
will be much more. Just do not get carried away and much
press on the skin.

8. Pounding the scrub with active hand movements towards
lymph flow – bottom-up.

9. To wash off the scrub in two ways: with warm water or dry
a napkin (if the scrub is not greasy).

10. After applying the scrub to enhance its effectiveness will help
douche and application of nourishing cream.

11. When using anti-cellulite scrub it is necessary to remember
that it removes the top horny layer. If a процедуру conduct
In the summer on a tanned body, the tan in problem areas will peel. it
worth considering if you plan to bask on the beach in
bathing suit.

how выбрать состав скраба от целлюлита в домашних conditions

Many women prefer not to buy ready-made scrub, but to do
his own. The main advantage of home remedies is
naturalness and the complete absence of all kinds of chemical
components. Then a logical question arises: which components
include in scrub? This is where skin type comes to the rescue. From this and worth
repelled when cooking scrub.

If a кожа сухая

As a basic basis you can take: apricot, olive,
almond, sunflower or peach oil. Suitable
abrasives should be very fine: sea salt,
coffee, chopped oatmeal, zest, nuts. Also for dry skin in
the composition of the scrub, you can add honey, cream and sour cream.

If a кожа жирная

From anti-cellulite oils (base) will suit those that are not
form a film: sesame or any stone fruit. Abrasive
substances are allowed to take the following: salt, sugar, coffee,
crushed cereals and fruit pits. Instead of water in the scrub can
add decoctions of herbs. It is also permitted to include the following
components: oatmeal, pea or rice flour, cosmetic
clay in the liquid state.

If a кожа смешанного типа

In this case, you can do a scrub, which is based on
chocolate, pulp of berries and sour fruits, as well as fatty moisturizing
base. Use of such powerful oils as red is allowed.
pepper, peppermint, lemon balm, all citrus fruits, cinnamon,
juniper, cypress, eucalyptus. Only with such oils should
be careful and add no more than 8 drops per serving

Рецепты скрабов от целлюлита в домашних conditions

The basis of all home scrubs should be abrasive
substances and biologically active substances (primarily essential
oils). it обуславливается принципом действия: сначала абразивное
the substance removes the stratum corneum and polishes the surface, giving
penetrate the active substance deeper under the skin, stimulating exchange

Almond Butter Coffee Scrub


• 2 tbsp. coffee;

• 1 tbsp. olive oil;

• 1 tbsp. almond oil;

• 5 drops of mint or cinnamon essential oil.

A well-mixed scrub is applied to the skin, which is massaged in
for 5 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. it горячий
anti-cellulite scrub suitable for all skin types. During
applying coffee can stain the skin – this is normal, not worth it
get scared.

Honey scrub


• 0.5 cup of honey;

• 1 tbsp. coffee;

• 6 drops of lemon essential oil (you can use a mixture of
oils: lemon and juniper, bergamot and orange).

Scrub is applied to problem areas that are not massaged.
longer than 5 minutes. It should be noted that the procedure with such a scrub
is painful, therefore, in order not to injure the skin, it is not necessary
long massage the same place.

Chocolate scrub


• 3 tbsp. chocolate;

• 7 drops of any essential oil;

• 0.5 cups strawberry, apple or peach puree.

Scrub is applied to the problem area, which is massaged.
in circular motions for 15 minutes. This procedure
suitable for sensitive and dehydrated skin.

Hot scrub


• 0.5 cups sea salt;

• 0.5 cup of sugar;

• 5 g ground red pepper;

• 5 g ground cinnamon;

• Warm olive oil for breeding.

The resulting mixture is applied in circular motions on the problem
plot. Massage is performed until the skin starts to burn.
(no longer than 10 minutes!). Scrub is NOT suitable for damaged and dry

Coffee scrub with honey


• 0,5 стакана coffee;

• 1 cup of honey.

The resulting mass massaged problem areas for 10 minutes.
Такое средство подойдет для любой skin.

Coffee with shower gel

itт вариант антицеллюлитного скраба очень прост и подойдет тем,
who does not have the time or desire to prepare a separate scrub.


• горсть coffee;

• shower gel.

A small amount of shower gel is squeezed into the cup;
add a handful of coffee. The resulting mixture is applied to problem
plots and well pounded.

Anti-cellulite scrubs: when and what results to expect?

Using anti-cellulite scrubs, women first
Are interested: when to wait for the first results? With confidence you can
to say that if everything is done correctly, then after a couple of the first
procedures skin will be noticeably smooth and taut. But to
cellulite completely disappeared it may take more than one month
regular procedures.

It is necessary to understand that at least anti-cellulite scrubs
are effective remedies, yet in the fight against cellulite
It is necessary to apply complex measures: to revise their diet,
do sports (at least just move more!), refuse
from bad habits, lose weight.

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