If your locks started to fall out uncontrollably or completely stopped growing, masks alone to care for them will not be enough. Sign up to your nearest Darsonval salon for hair and scalp. This is a cosmetic treatment that solves problems. alopecia, dandruff, seborrhea.
Darsonval has long been used in hardware cosmetology. But if earlier it was used exclusively to eliminate various imperfections of the face, then today in many salons with his the help can be put in order and the scalp. And he changes and improves not only their appearance – first of all, he makes them healthy.
That is why darsonvalization is often prescribed by trichologists. after making an appropriate diagnosis. Procedure regarding inexpensive, very useful, not time consuming, so on it is recorded as prescribed by a doctor, and without it.
Learn more about how Darsonval works for hair, what are its pros and cons and whether it is suitable for fix your problems.
Procedure Efficiency
The Darsonval hair dryer used in salons came to cosmetology from physiotherapy. It is a special high voltage alternating current generating device frequency. Despite this, the discharges are not very strong, so their use as a cosmetic is safe, and most the main thing is completely painless.
Darsonvalization of the scalp can be contact and non-contact. In the first case, the specialist will be a nozzle to the device drive directly over the scalp, in the second – on a small distance from him.
Current acts on cell membranes, and their response to this stimulus stimulates metabolic processes and leads to normalization of their own chemical composition. Result – vasodilation, improved blood circulation, increased outflow fluid from tissues.
- Effect 1 – accelerate hair growth
In a salon, with the participation of a specialist, application Darsonval for scalp activates hair follicles due to increased local blood circulation and cell intensity processes. Cells divide, which leads to accelerated hair growth. The period of activity of the bulb is extended, increasing as a result the density of hair and allowing you to grow long curls.
- Effect 2 – Eliminating Hair Loss
The transition of the follicles to the inactive phase slows down, and rejection the rod does not occur.
- Effect 3 – normalization of sebaceous function glands
Darsonvalization of hair can eliminate excess fat or excessive dryness of the scalp. Result – curls will not be look like sticky icicles due to the large amount of skin fat. However, it is enough to moisten dry strands. After a course of procedures, the hair acquires an extraordinary smoothness and beautiful shine without any lamination.
In addition, after Darsonval, the scalp does not suffer from dandruff, seborrhea and itching. Reason – the device lowers sensitivity of skin receptors and kills pathogenic fungi, which are the cause of most hair diseases. Exactly therefore, trichologists so often recommend that their patients contact for help with this procedure. Since she possesses not so much cosmetic, how much healing effect, she has lists indications and contraindications.
Through the pages of history. Arsen d’Arsonval – French physicist and physiologist. He was the first to prove the healing effect. impulsive current on the body of a sick person. His name was assigned medical physiotherapeutic device, which today is so actively used to restore open hair to them methodology.
Indications for darsonvalization of hair
Despite the fact that the procedure is carried out mainly cosmetologists in beauty salons or centers of aesthetic medicine, Darsonval hair treatment requires serious approach both from the specialist and the patient. You can’t just come and say: I want to sign up for darsonvalization! There are indications for it stick to:
- alopecia (its any form);
- hair loss;
- thin, weak, dull hair;
- their slow growth;
- lichen;
- dandruff;
- psoriasis;
- seborrhea (dry and oily);
- gray hair;
- eczema on the scalp.
Judging by the reviews, the use of Darsonval for hair in elimination of all these diseases and deficiencies manifests itself in most cases. Indeed, awakened follicles cause to intensive growth of strands and prevent their loss. But with this must be understood that the reaction of each organism to a given the device is purely individual.
There are cases when patients conscientiously attended all sessions, undergoing a full course of treatment with generated current, but their problem is so and has not been resolved. So go to the procedure or not – everyone’s personal decision. But if there are contraindications there are no more options left.
It is a fact. Despite the high degree the development of cosmetology, trichology, medicine, Darsonval remains almost the only and most effective treatment various forms of alopecia.
Being a generator, albeit weak and not so powerful, but still electric current, has darsonval for hair contraindications – and there are not so few of them:
- cardiac arrhythmia;
- pregnancy;
- hemophilia;
- hypertension;
- infectious diseases accompanied by fever in stage exacerbations;
- pacemaker;
- bleeding
- nevi;
- tumors anywhere in the body;
- mental illness;
- salon procedures for introducing fillers under the skin of the face and head, gold threads, implants (botox, reinforcement, biorevitalization);
- blood coagulation is poor;
- convulsions, epileptic seizures, tendency to them;
- thrombophlebitis;
- active tuberculosis.
In addition, Darsonval for hair during breastfeeding does not recommended because focused research how it affects current for milk production, no. Many people mistakenly believe that current so low power, which is aimed locally on skin treatment head, does not affect the work of other organs. Circulatory the system is common – and any failure in its operation is fraught with serious consequences:
- any bleeding can so intensify that it will stop them very hard;
- benign tumors are often transformed into malignant;
- implants are deformed;
- in the brain in the presence of mental illness can be observed irreversible processes that lead to prolonged seizures and protracted neurosis, etc.
So do not trust the assurances that Darsonval for hair is completely safe. There is always a certain proportion risk when exposed to high-frequency current on the body – let even locally and non-contact. Individual body reaction it is impossible to predict, so you need to be before the procedure 100% sure that it is not contraindicated for you.
Keep in mind. Seeing darsonval’s device free sale, many women began to purchase it with the aim of home hair restoration. However, such an effect as in salon, they are unlikely to succeed, since without medical and cosmetic education it is impossible to take into account the various nuances in its application.
Stages of darsonvalization
Nothing complicated Darsonval hair procedure does not represent. In salon conditions it conducts cosmetologist with the appropriate education, in whom everything actions brought almost to automatism. Despite this, they able to find an individual approach to each client. All together this significantly improves the impact of electric current to the follicles. So what skillful hands will do with you a professional in a beauty parlor.
- General examination and conversation. The goal is to identify contraindications and the solution to the question, is darsonvalization needed at all to hair.
- The choice of nozzle and the type of procedure, how it will be carried out – contact or non-contact. It makes sense at this stage to discuss with beautician how long will the course of hair treatment Darsonval in your case, since everything is individual here. 5 sessions will be enough for someone, and 10 will not be enough for someone. But after all finance must be calculated in advance.
- The head is thoroughly cleaned with a special solution, washed and is dried up.
- Individually selected therapeutic cocktail, which designed to solve your main problem. He might be antifungal or anti-inflammatory, with vitamins or amino acids.
- After this, comb with a special comb comb hair from the crown to the back of the head and temples.
- The procedure time is no more than 15 minutes.
- After this, the beautician usually does a relaxing massage.
- Consultation on further hair care.
The question is how often do darsonval for hair, It is decided individually. If assigned as treatment procedure for seborrhea or alopecia, you have to go to salon every other day. If to repair damaged, requiring special care of curls – once every 3-4 days. The result will be largely depend on how well you care for your problem hair after the procedure.
It is interesting. Back in the last century Darsonval was present exclusively in physiotherapy cabinets. But with the development of the beauty industry, they began to use it in cosmetic purposes and it has turned into salon equipment beauty. And not so long ago, he even became available for sale to everyone. for use at home.
Support for the effectiveness of the procedure
Beauticians warn that the effect Darsonval for hair is only possible if after the procedure, they will receive appropriate care.
- Do not wash your hair on the day when darsonvalization was carried out.
- As a maintenance therapy, use pharmacy remedies for the treatment of the disease: shampoos and vitamins from loss hair, for their growth, etc.
- Regularly undergo examinations by a trichologist.
- Many ask how to smear hair after Darsonval to make recovery quicker. Usually recommend making moisturizing masks, because after the current curls can be slightly overdried (again, individual reaction each organism individually). However, the choice of such a tool in In any case, it must be agreed with beautician.
- Another common question: why after Darsonval hair fall out? Usually this side effect is big rarity. And he arises from the fact that it was ignored contraindication to this procedure. Due to blood diseases after spasm under the influence of current the vessel cannot return to its usual condition – and perishes.
On a note. In salons before the procedure darsonvalization usually offer a general massage, and after it – a cosmetic mask. This triple tandem features excellent therapeutic effect and allows you to get rid of many skin problems head and hair.
Darsonval’s beneficial effects on hair are not dictated by myths and hype. The operation of the device is based on electric current – a physical phenomenon long known to science. There is nothing mythical or incomprehensible, so it’s not worth it. to doubt the effectiveness of darsonvalization. If you have any serious problems with the scalp, you should definitely sign up for this procedure, not afraid of side effects and not worrying about result. In the case of alopecia of various forms and total loss this is one of the most lifesaving tools in modern trichology.