Dark circles under the eyes – how to remove them quicklyand get rid of them forever

Пт, 26 июн 2015 Автор: Анна Нестеренко

Circles under the eyes – unaesthetic spectacle that we are used to
see in the mirror.

Our main tasks are to determine the cause of the appearance of dark circles.
and eliminate it.

Secondary – learn how to mask bruises and try
improve the condition of the skin, vessels under the eyelids with the help of home
products and exercises.


Why do under eye circles

When you have bruises under your eyes, it’s very important to identify
the reason for their appearance. This may be the usual pigmentation or
the reaction of vessels that are located under the thin skin around the eyelids, and
etc. Why do such changes occur? They may appear in
result of venous congestion in the lower parts of the skin, as well as in
circular muscle of the eye. Black circles often arise due to
wrong lifestyle.

If everything is normal with the skin, it has a pinkish tint.
Experts say that the surface vessels give it color,
which feed the skin with oxygen. He is tolerated by such
highly specialized cells like red blood cells. They have red
Colour. It is these red blood cells, shining through
skin, give her a pink tint. When all is well, blood supply
happens intensely.

As for the vessels located under the eyelid, they are very
thin. Doctors say that the lumen of the capillary may already become
red blood cells themselves. If the lumen narrows, the blood begins
stagnate because its normal outflow is disturbed. What
What happens in the end?

Red blood cells trying to squeeze through the capillaries
begin to slip out. This slipping is nothing
like a microscopic hemorrhage. Guess what it is
spills out. That’s right, under the eyelid appear ugly dark circles
– bruises.

Highly qualified specialists have no doubt that
bruising is in most cases signals of
the emergence of failures in the work of any bodies. They also assure
that dark circles are able to tell exactly which systems are affected
in this moment.

So, any long-term blood stasis in the eye fossa under the eyelid
arise due to blood flow problems, which is expressed in color
skin changes. Circulatory disorders in this area
appear most often due to the development of diseases. But people do not
pay special attention to bruises, counting circles under the eyes –
consequence of overwork.

Everything would be so, but the circles from overwork should disappear after
how a person gets enough sleep. Usually such circles appear along with
dilated vessels of the eyeball. Bruises and extensions also
can talk about the manifestation of an allergic reaction. Another view
dark circles – hereditary.

Warning: if the circles under the eyes did not disappear after a full
sleep, their presence is likely to indicate the development
a disease that leads to impaired blood circulation.

So let’s talk about the circles under the eyes that protrude
disease indicators. If circles appear under the lower eyelid,
which consist of a blue venous mesh, this suggests
vascular dystonia. It leads to the development of hypertensive
diseases and serious heart diseases. Venous mesh under
lower eyelids often indicate hormonal disorders.
Yellow-brown circles talk about liver disease,
biliary tract. Blue circles under the eyes can
свидетельствовать о проблемах с почками и etc.

For your information: some women noted that the circles under the eyes
they began to appear precisely in adulthood. It may be
associated with thinning of the skin, through which more clearly show through

We remove the dark circles under the eyes of cosmetic products

Bruises, of course, can be masked with concealer. But
let’s first decide how to work with the skin under the eyelids.
To reduce the likelihood of dark circles, you need
use high-quality moisturizer for eyelids. Cream follows
apply a dot, starting with the outer corner of the eye and ending

Warning: eye cream can not be intensively rubbed. Wherein,
distributing it, you need to gently press the skin with the fingertips.
In this way, we will be able to promote stuck red blood cells.

For those ladies who are used to hiding traces of fatigue under
eyes, rather than trying to identify and eliminate the cause of them
occurrence, more detailed information about the rules will be useful.
masking flaws. Disguise “stale” skin under the eyelids can
with the help of concealer – lightweight corrector. Need to choose
one that is lighter than the skin in several shades.

Интересно: отдельные косметологи советуют
select masking products, focusing not on skin tone
face, and on the color of the outer cover of the wrist.

But если у вас очень сильно проступил пигмент, под глазами
huge bruises appeared, a two-tone lightening masking agent
there is no getting rid of – you have to carefully select the color of the corrector.
For example, when the circles under the eyes have a gray-greenish tint,
need to use concealer pink tones, which is applied to the skin
under the eyelids after the distribution of moisturizer. Concealer
distribute with oblique strokes and shade sponge or

Brown circles are leveled by a salmon concealer,
bluish – warm yellow or light orange tone. If circles
mild, you can do a light masking. It
almost invisible on the skin. Such products will refresh the skin.

Highly visible bruises are cleaned with dense textures.
and bright color, they are able to perfectly block the dark

Внимание: консилер нужно наносить, захватывая
upper eyelid. In this way you will get rid of color contrast.
If the skin on the face is oily, the upper eyelid instead of the corrector should
apply basic shadows echoing in color with masking

As for the subtitle of the foundation mentioned at the beginning
or powder, behind which girls are accustomed to hide circles under the eyes,
they are not able to work as effectively as concealer. Such
the product simply seals the area under the lower eyelid, due to which
bruise hiding. It can not smooth the flaw as it is.
makes concealer correctly matched in color.

In the end, using the toner, girls are even more attracted
attention to their shortcomings. Essential minus of foundation –
its greater density, which is higher than that of concealer. One more
lack of foundation – he, unlike concealer, dries
on the skin, then highlights every wrinkle.

And bear in mind that the use of concealer is only
The first stage of applying embellishing and natural makeup, rather than
last and only.

Folk remedies and circles under the eyes

People often try to get rid of circles under people’s eyes.
means. They apply raw potato pieces to the eyelids,
tea bags. But такими процедурами ситуацию в корне, конечно,
do not change.

However, if you have already turned to a doctor and are now being treated for
diseases that caused dark circles, it is not necessary
give up and disguise at home
problematics. This can be done with the help of such a homemade
products like eye mask and skin beneath them.

To prepare a nourishing brightening mask, you will need
take two teaspoons of grated potato, cucumber and mix them
with the same amount of finely chopped greens (parsley, dill).
In the mask, add half a teaspoon of olive oil and double
more homemade sour cream. The tool is laid out on a cotton pad,
after which it is placed on the eyes of not more than three or four

Many women not only rely on black tea bags either
potatoes, but do not neglect the purchase of products,
intended, to put it mildly, not for the eyes. For example, it is used
Hemorrhoids ointment, which improves blood circulation.

Circles under the eyes are afraid of exercise

Sadly, the problem still cannot be solved with cosmetics.
It is difficult to change something drastically with home products.
But чем неплохо действительно заняться, так это тренировкой
vessels. So, deal with stagnation developing in
narrow vessels of the lower eyelid, you can use special training
ocular muscle. How does this happen?

Exercise number 1

Sit up straight and look forward, after which, without changing position
body, lift your eyes up, return them to their original position, and then
lower your gaze down. This exercise should be done about 10

Workout method number 2

Another exercise that can be preventive
dark circles built on slow rotational motions
eyeballs. First, the movement is done clockwise,
later counterclockwise.

Exercise number three

The third exercise consists of two stages:

first stage – concentrate on the tip of the nose;

the second is looking far in front of us.

Last spurt or exercise “blink
circles “

The essence of the fourth exercise: close your eyes tightly and do not open
eyes for five to seven seconds, after which we begin to actively

So, forcing the muscle to work, we improve the blood flow. how
consequence dark circles resulting from stagnant
processes do not appear.


If you have circles under the eyes that do not go after
good rest, consult a doctor for passing
examinations and tests as they can
to testify about serious diseases. Especially worth
alert yourself if besides bruises under your eyes bother you:
fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling, sudden weight gains, heartburn and
etc. Based on the symptoms and diagnostic results, the doctor
prescribe adequate treatment that will prevent the development of complications.
You may need to revise your diet (less
eat salty and fatty foods, convenience foods, drink more clean
water), to carry out the adjustment of physical activity. Desirable
to refuse from bad habits.

As for the disguise of under-eye makeup circles, you
You can use concealers until you solve the problem from the inside,
but do not replace the treatment corrector. But
safe home products and the above charge for the eyes –
suitable aids in the fight against dark circles.

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