Cuticle – what it is, correct removal andcare

Tue, Apr 05, 2016

For a beautiful manicure is very important to have a neat and well-groomed
cuticle. But this is not the only reason to pay attention
on the dense skin rollers adjacent to the nail plate.
The purpose of the cuticle is to protect the nail from infection,
most beneficial effect on the growth and condition of the nail. Foreign
the bodies under her protection are protected from the penetration of foreign bodies to
sprout zone. But she has a few drawbacks. Sore and
dried cuticle is divided into “live” and “inanimate.” Main
акцент в careе делается на удалении ороговевшей части, которая и
called inanimate cuticle. This should be done very carefully,
special tweezers to prevent sores or scratches
the appearance of infection and did not cause damage to the surface of the nail


Why do I need to remove the cuticle?

It is best to remove the cuticle by clipping or moving it away.
This is done to ensure that the excess skin around the nail is not
clung to the nail plate, inhibiting its growth. The consequence of such
�”Braking” may be the formation of grooves and irregularities on
the nail The uneven surface is a consequence of the disease of the nails. To that
growing on the nail, the cuticle may dry up or
crack allowing the infection to get inside
organism. Inflammatory processes deform the formative part.
the nail.

Современные способы careа behind cuticle

Some experts believe that cutting the cuticle is not at all
worth it. An alternative to cropped classic manicure can
serve a European manicure, which is carried out dry (uncut
Но такой разный care behind cuticle имеет свои плюсы и минусы, и
definitely their admirers. Uncut cut really
safer. Trimming the cuticle makes the manicure more neat,
if the stratum corneum is too large, although it provokes even more
overgrowing of the skin. If you remove extra space special
means nail polish does not stay very long, it shrinks
due to the porous structure and uneven surface. The best thing
prevent a problem – so you just need to choose the time
для careа behind cuticle. Moreover, the cosmetic industry
offers us enough money.
Good effect is given by means with a large amount of essential oils,
the more so that therapy for the hands in this case will be accompanied
aromatherapy that relieves stress and promotes
psychological relief. Do not rely only on the masters
маникюра, а обучитесь элементам правильного самостоятельного careа.
It must be understood that the manicure master does not have a magic
chopsticks to give an eternal result. At home it is worth
ограничиться лишь careом, без обреbehindния, чтобы не причинить вреда
nail bed.

How is trimmed manicure

Although most go to safe ways
manicure, if the cuticle is very running, it is difficult to do without scissors.
Completely switch to unedged manicure after 5-6 sessions.

The skin should be steamed and softened to separate the horny skin.
cells and living epithelium. Water can not be used. If you touch
living cells, a defensive reaction can lead to something that cannot
stay long. Hard grinding helps level the surface
the nail. – When exfoliating the skin, it is well processed first.
growth zone. Use scrub for delicate cleansing, with
particles of small abrasiveness. – Maceration procedure
ends with application to the cuticle and side bolsters of the cream,
able to hold moisture. – Problem fingers with big
the number of burrs and violation of the skin need
process anti-inflammatory or antiseptic
healing agents. Well help funds with oil green
tea, ginkgo leaf extract, rosemary. Put in order
the places of possible appearance of burrs are capable of only droplets of oil
wheat germ, jojoba or peach.

How to soften the cuticle area

1. Прекрасным средством careа behind cuticle является массаж рук,
which has beneficial effects on blood circulation and is able to make
the skin is soft and supple, preventing the appearance of burrs. Soften
epidermis can be a variety of oils, creams or balms for
nutrition and hydration of the skin. Massage of the cuticle area prevents
the appearance of a burr helping to deliver oxygen to the border of the nails and
necessary components for growth. Maintain your nails with vitamins.
To ensure their full value, use butter, elixirs and creams.
with vitamins E.3. If an inflammatory process occurs or
fungal disease, treat nails anti-inflammatory,
antiseptic and coolant and consult a dermatologist.
Sometimes a slight redness on the cuticle occurs in
exposure to household chemicals, and takes place when changing such
facilities. Make sure that household chemicals do not cause allergies,
try to use emollient cleansers or use
перчатки.Виды полезных, действенных и качественных средств по careу
behind cuticle

Cuticle oil

И растительные и эфирные масла хорошо помогают неbehindвисимо от
степени здоровья кутикулы, обеспечивая прекрасный care. Successfully
applied oil with wheat germ, and nourish and soften
castor, burdock, almond, jojoba, apricot.
To soak the place near the nail, it is enough to put a couple of drops and
massage it into the skin and the base
the nail.Soften сухой и ороговевший слой можно абрикосовым или
almond oil that can cure and formed
небольшие behindусеницы. Castor oil is considered the best.
The rapid absorption and the absence of marks on objects and clothing is very
convenient to use. Good exposure can also be noted.
оливкового и репейного масел при профилактическом careе behind
healthy nails. It is necessary to note that soften the stratum corneum
unspecialized tool will fail. If we consider gels
and cream, then beauticians note that the fundamental differences in their
There is almost no action. The active substance is an alkaline component
when the cuticle softens under its action, the skin becomes
supple and ready for painless removal. Other
:- В гелях повышено содержание масла и различных
extracts. The best thing выбирать средства с натуральными
ingredients. – Natural is very popular
cuticle remover in the form of a convenient, compact capillary
pencil, quickly dissolving the stratum corneum. We are used to
similar means are issued in the form of a tube or a bubble with
brush, now have the opportunity to try something new and
choose the most convenient option.
– Cuticle Elixir – capillary pencil, caring
complex, at the same time nourishing the skin. – Peeling for cuticles –
exfoliating agent for dead skin promoting
легкому дыханию the nail.- Для сдвигания кожицы и коррекции
apply orange nail sticks. (5)

Уход behind cuticle — рецепты

1. Масляная смесь для careа behind поврежденной cuticle. Composition:
base oil (apricot or wheatgrass, 1 tablespoon).
Tea tree essential oil (3 drops), lavender oil (2 drops).
Mix the ingredients until completely dissolved in a warm form, apply and
втереть в cuticle. Repeat every day, a week at least 5

2. Castor oil with iodine. Composition – oil (20 ml), iodine (7-10
drops). Dip iodine into a vial of oil and mix well.
shaking Apply gently to the fingertip and gently.
rub into the nail and cuticle until completely absorbed. Use

3. Bath to soften. Composition: Пищевая сода (1 ложка),
water (1 cup). Dissolve the soda in warm water and dip your fingers on
15-20 minutes. We remove the skin with a special stick and, if necessary,
среbehindем лишний слой. Apply 1 time per week. (# 9)

4. Bath with liquid soap. Composition: абрикосовое или персиковое
oil (a few drops), liquid soap (1 teaspoon), water
(glass). Нанести несколько капель масла на cuticle. In the warm waters
add a few drops of apricot oil and soap. Lower
пальцы и оставить их в растворе на 15-20 minutes. Then you can easily
отодвинуть или среbehindть лишнюю кожицу. The effect of these remedies is simply
awesome. A week later, the skin near the nails becomes soft and
flexible, resistant to damage.

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