Footwear on the platform has long been recognized by all
world fashionistas. It is very convenient and practical, and besides
suitable for all women regardless of
age The main thing is that such shoes successfully complement the overall
Of course, the main purpose of the platform, like shoes on
heels, is the ability to slightly increase growth. Meanwhile
the platform with the wrong selection, on the contrary, is able to visually
make the girl more squat. For example, rough, bulky and
too heavy platform only spoils the appearance, depriving him
femininity. Yes, and a solid platform will look appropriate
only on the legs of those girls who are tall,
slim figure and beautiful gait.
Fragile women, in turn, will make such a model awkward.
In any case, to avoid such problems, it is necessary
give preference to more sophisticated platform options,
which rather even resemble a wedge.
How to wear shoes on the platform?
As for the elements of the wardrobe, which successfully
shoes on the platform are combined, their choice is very diverse. AT
In particular, very harmoniously similar shoes will look with
blinkers from denim and bermudas. In the summer, it is also ideal for
tulip skirts and pencil skirts, sundresses on the floor and bloomers.
Complement the image of shoes on the platform and when combined with flared trousers,
skinny pants and leggings. But with strict trousers with an arrow
the platform is still better not to combine, otherwise it will look
somewhat ridiculous.
Create a romantic and innocent look will, if
add a beautiful cocktail dress on the platform with shoes. Wherein
The material and color of the shoes on the platform must be in harmony with
the rest of the clothes so that there is no visual dissonance.