Components of moisturizing lipstick and its rulesof choice

Thu, Mar 20, 2014

Beautiful, well-groomed and healthy lips always look.
attractively. Various external factors, such as wind, sun
or severe frost may adversely affect their condition. Lips
may peel off, crack or wear out for that very reason
Recently, moisturizing lipstick has become so popular;
which not only gives beauty and colors lips, but also moisturizes
protects them from the adverse effects of nature. And even with
Considering that it is quickly erased or eaten, its
application only pleases the skin on the lips.

Correct purchase

To get started is to decide on the brand of the manufacturer. Not worth it
to trust one of the most attractive and seductive parts
faces to unfamiliar cosmetic companies or manufacturers from
China, this can only hurt.

Next, consider the place of purchase, it must be verified
store, not a tray in the stock market.

Pay attention to the composition of the product, its smooth texture and
smell. Application should be enjoyable, no weird or
stinging sensations. After washing off such lipstick should not be
spots on the lips. Another important point is the fluidity
lipstick, if it flows on your lips – this is not your brand and type
moisturizer, contact another manufacturer or
the seller.

If there are any alarming moments from the purchase
worth refusing.

An important factor when buying a moisturizer is its
expiration date, consider this. After all, after opening, lipstick can
use 5-9 months, until this point should expire.
If there is no such data on the tool, it may mean that
unscrupulous manufacturer or seller removed them. Conclusion –
refusal to purchase.

The integrity of the packaging and the uniformity of the lipstick should be seen.
Carefully consider the tool box, the presence of cracks should
force to abandon the acquisition. In this case, the lipstick could
get germs and bacteria that absolutely should not get on


Moisturizing lipsticks contain various substances. These are dyes and
fragrances (responsible for the color and smell of the product), the basis and healthy

The basis is usually used natural waxes and various oils,
shine after application, as well as allowing longer
hold onto the lips.

For moisturizing lipsticks, vitamins E and are used as additives.
A. They are both beauty vitamins, responsible for resilience and
youthful skin Vitamin E is able to heal small cracks and
soothe irritation, so without it rarely some lipstick
costs. Some moisturizers contain UVF factors,
предотвращающие попадание ультрафиолета на lips

Naturally, this is not all. Worth noting
preservatives in lipstick, they do not allow it to spoil ahead of time.

Also as an addition, these tools supply various
oils that have different effects from anti-aging to
healing. It could be coconut, avocado or lanolin oil.

As a conclusion, it is worth pointing out that
be sure to follow, even expensive and persistent lipstick will not make
flaky lips beautiful. If you know that this part of the face
most often exposed to the weather – take action, including
among them, use home remedies that are evening and night
time will help to quickly get rid of the problem and once again become

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna

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