Common Acne Myths

Thu, Mar 20, 2014

Acne is considered the most unpleasant appearance defect – so
counts 80% of respondents during psychological research
teenagers. Incorrectly or insufficiently cured
juvenile acne can cause loose skin and ugly
scars afterwards. There are many myths about
the root causes of acne and acute acne, most
of which have already been refuted by doctors.

Myth number 1. Sex

When a girl or young man begins to live sexually,
it is almost immediately cured of rashes. Unfortunately it
just a fairy tale for high school students. In fact, acne does not
associated with the number of sexual partners, number or
regular contact with the opposite sex. But women
cycles really affect acne exacerbations around
five to seven days before the onset of menstruation.

Myth number 2. Hygiene

Acne occurs regardless of how often and when
the help of which means the face is cleared. Moreover, too
aggressive washing and the use of alcohol lotions can
dry the skin, destroy its natural defense and provoke
only more “blooming” of rash, itching and peeling. Norm for
problem skin – facial cleansing twice a day with special
sparing agents with anti-inflammatory supplements.

Myth number 3. Nutrition

Neither chocolate, nor oranges, nor eggs can provoke
acne rash. But if after eating certain
An acute skin reaction and an increase in rashes were observed
it will be wise to review your diet and pass a medical test
on allergens.

Myth number 4. The sun

Tan regardless of whether it was obtained in a tanning salon or on
coast of the warm sea, makes eels only less visible, but not
cures them to the end. Moreover, ultraviolet radiation
contributes to the blockage of sebaceous glands and the emergence of comedones.
Excessive sunbathing can also reduce
natural immunity of the skin and allow infection unhindered
to spread.

Myth number 5. Stress

Many agree that acne is far from the most pleasant that
can be seen on the face. However, do not become depressed.
Perhaps excessive nervous tension does not affect the amount
rashes but positive emotions and positive attitudes
For sure they will help to quickly get rid of acne.

Text: Valentina Shmidova

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