Coconut oil for the face: skin benefits.Ways to use coconut oil for face, lips, effectivenessanti acne

Чт, 01 дек 2016 Автор: Анна Онуку

Coconut oil is an absolutely natural product with
wide range of applications. Get it without adding
dyes, flavors and other chemical artificial
compounds. The benefits of coconut oil for the face is beyond doubt.
Nature laid in him a complex of vitamins that takes care of
derma. The product is ideal for the care of any skin, even
most sensitive. Coconut oil does not cause allergies
irritation and itching.


The benefits of coconut oil for the face and its composition

The benefits of coconut oil for the face are due to its extremely
rich composition. Nature endowed him with everything necessary in order
so that it becomes a universal cosmetic product.

1. Almost 50% of the product consists of lauric acid. This
The substance is characterized by pronounced antibacterial properties.
Acid protects the dermis from acne and inflammation.

2. Hyaluronic acid. Maintains optimal skin cells
moisture balance, prevents its drying after a long
interactions with UV rays and other natural “whims”. Besides
Moreover, this substance is characterized by a rejuvenating effect.
Hyaluronic acid penetrates deep into skin cells, smoothing
while mimic and age unwanted wrinkles.

3. Triglycerides start the process of cell regeneration, improve
general condition of the dermis and heal microcracks.

4. Vitamin B11 protects the face from sudden temperature changes,
aggressive rays of the sun, as well as slowing the process of early
fading skin. By the way, most often the dermis lacks this
vitamin, so it fades.

5. Folic acid covers the face with a protective sheath against
external stimuli, accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged

6. Ascorbic acid is characterized by a rejuvenating effect.
makes either smooth, gives it a velvety softness.

7. Vitamin PP copes with age pigmentation, evens
face tone.

8. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It smoothes
improves skin condition and fights early signs

The use of coconut oil for the face really gives
unique result. This product provides comprehensive
effects on the dermis, improves its condition and preserves youth,
beauty regardless of age.

Coconut oil facial masks: the best recipes

The presented recipes of masks can be cooked at home.
conditions absolutely every woman. They are simple, do not require special
ingredient costs. Almost all the components are always in
house hostess. Now a woman can use them not only in
cooking, but also to maintain its beauty.

1. Care mask for all skin types. In the same proportion
3 components are mixed – fat sour cream, coconut oil and
melted honey The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Means
distributed over the face, aged 20 minutes.

2. Mask for sensitive dermis. 50 grams of white bread crumb
you first need to soak in warm milk, then squeeze a little
from excess fluid. Coconut oil is added there
quantity so that the mass becomes similar in consistency to mashed potatoes.
Means выдерживается на лице 20 минут, процедуру рекомендуется
hold 2 times a week.

3. Mask for the care of the delicate area around the eyes. In 1 tea
a spoonful of coconut oil is added a few drops of vitamin E.
The resulting tool with finger pads is applied to the area around
eye for 15 minutes, 2 times a week. The mask moisturizes the skin,
smoothes wrinkles.

4. Mask for sagging skin. Blue clay pounded with
melted coconut oil. 2-3 drops are added there
orange essential oil. The mask is characterized by anti-aging
impact. After a few weeks of its regular use
face will freshen, wrinkles will be smoothed.

Coconut Face Peeling

Coconut oil for the face is useful not only in the composition of nutritious
masks, but also cleansing. Peeling can be done at home,
based on elementary recipes.

1. Coffee. The thick remaining after brewed natural coffee
Must be well rubbed with coconut oil. Consistency should
get creamy.

2. Yoghurt. Sea salt (50 grams) mixed with coconut
oil The resulting product is processed skin of the face. After
Derma procedure is smeared with natural yogurt, it is aged
15 minutes and washed off.

3. Sugar. Take the same amount of liquid honey,
brown sugar and coconut oil. Ingredients are combined in
deep containers and grind to a homogeneous mass.

Submitted recipes peeling with coconut oil
very simple but effective. Regular beauty treatments
allow you to carefully remove dead skin areas and speed up the process
регенерации cells. The face will always remain soft and gentle,
like natural velvet. During the peeling the selected means
rubbed into the skin fingertips, while not too
strongly press on the tissue so as not to damage the dermis.

Coconut Facial Masks: Important Recommendations

So that coconut oil for the face gives the best result, with its
use need to follow some rules.

1. Care products are applied on pre-steamed
dermis. It is very important that the pores are open and the skin

2. Masks with coconut oil for the face in order to prevent
applied to the skin no more than 1-2 times during the week.

3. Rinse off any excess skin from the skin or keep it cool.
hot water, it should be at room temperature.

4. If you are allergic to coconut oil or others.
Mask components, cosmetic procedures
are prohibited.

Natural coconut oil is truly unique
natural gift. The main thing – do not forget to follow the simple rules.
during the home cosmetic procedures.

Coconut oil for the face: a good ally in the fight against

Coconut oil contains capric and lauric oil.
acid. These components make it an effective tool for
борьбы с угревой сыпью и acne. Besides того, кокосовое масло
characterized by an excellent ability to fight germs and
bacteria. It cleans the pores of greasy plugs and impurities,
solves the problem of acne, prevents their further occurrence.
The main thing is to know how to apply it correctly.

Coconut oil for the face is guaranteed to relieve acne if
follow a strict sequence of cosmetic

1. The skin is pre-steamed above the herbal bath (you can
use chamomile, calendula). This will expand the pores.

2. The face is rubbed with a tonic that matches the type of dermis.
It is not necessary to wash it off right away, for a start it can take 10-15 minutes.

3. The face is washed with water at room temperature and rubbed.
dry with a soft towel to avoid injury to the fabric.

4. Massaging pads with your finger into the dermis rubbed
Coconut oil. It must first be melted to mix
was liquid. Oil is left on the face for 15 minutes.

5. Remove excess coconut oil with a paper towel, or
wet wipes. After этого умываться не нужно.

It is best to perform the procedure with coconut oil before bedtime,
so that during the night the dermis is soaked with nutrients. Do
It should be 2 times a week for a month to get rid of acne.
Then in order to prevent the procedure is repeated 1 time in 7

Coconut oil: gentle lip care

Coconut oil is recognized as an indispensable natural product for
moisturizing the delicate skin of the lips. It will protect the dermis from weathering better.
any hygienic lipstick. It is also recommended sometimes.
Use a homemade lip scrub.


• Coconut oil;

• any herbal essential oil;

• cinnamon sugar (if not, you can use white).

It is necessary to wash and dry a small glass container. AT
coconut oil and brown are placed in equal proportions
sugar. If desired, you can add 2-3 drops of essential oil. If a
it is not – not scary. ATсе компоненты смешиваются до однородной
consistency. Scrub stored in the fridge, you need to use it
as needed. AT зимний период времени 2-3 раза в неделю,
In the summer 1-2 times a week. Means прекрасно питает нежную кожу губ,
moisturizes it, saturates with useful components. Regular
the use of such a scrub will keep your smile soft,
regardless of the weather. Coconut oil covers lips invisible
protective shell from the negative impact of natural “whims”.

It is interesting! Coconut oil can
use for the care of eyelashes. The easiest recipe –
add to 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil 1
капле витаминов Е и А. ATсе хорошо перемешать и наносить смесь на
eyelashes 2-3 times a week (for this it will be convenient to use
washed brush from the mascara). AT результате они станут длиннее,

Coconut oil is useful not only for the skin, but also for the lips,
eyelashes, eyebrows. This unique natural product contains
everything you need to maintain the youth and beauty of women.
Coconut oil for the face can be used by representatives
beautiful sex at any age. The main thing in the procedures is
regularity and adherence to the basic rules.

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