Clenbuterol tablets – how to take fordrying and fat burning

Clenbuterol – a drug for the treatment of bronchial
asthma, which is widely used in fitness and bodybuilding.
With the correct regimen clenbuterol significantly accelerates
fat loss However, it has a number of side effects, for which
blacklisted as potent drugs.

Its closest counterpart is ephedrine. Unlike ephedrine,
Clenbuterol is considered less dangerous for the body, but in practice,
The side effects of their use are almost the same.

Clenbuterol tablets - how to take fordrying and fat burning
According to the structure, clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist, a compound that
activates receptors in adipose tissue, and thereby accelerates the breakdown
fat In addition, Clenbuterol increases the synthesis of adrenaline and
norepinephrine, which also has a positive effect on weight loss.

Previously, it could be bought at the pharmacy. The recipe for his purchase
conditional, which made clenbuterol one of the most popular
fat burners. At the moment, find clenbuterol in pharmacies is extremely
difficult, even in private.

Clenbuterol remained available as a syrup, but its use
unjustified and ineffective for losing weight, so we will not
consider this form of drug.


How does clenbuterol work? Action on the body.

The person loses weight on clenbuterol due to the complex action

  • Body temperature rises, which increases consumption
  • A huge surge of adrenaline increases the rate of decay
  • Severe excitement of the nervous system suppresses appetite and
    increases stamina
  • ATременно блокируется процесс отложения fat
  • Reduced muscle breakdown, because body extracts energy
    преимущественно из fat, а не из мышц

Reception of clenbuterol reminds a strong
pre-training complex. You want to move more, you do not
can sit still. Training is easier because
excited nervous system. In addition, appetite fades away. You
eat less, move more, and do more productively,
totally simplifies weight loss.

What does a person feel when taking Clenbuterol?

The effect of the drug begins gradually. Here are the main ones.

    • Decreased appetite, which is especially easy to notice in the morning, with
      taking the drug on an empty stomach
    • Increased pulse, heartbeat becomes more pronounced and
      distinguishable even when touching the chest area
    • Excitation of the nervous system, as if you drank 3 cups of strong
    • The desire to move, jump and do something, you are bored sitting,
      monotonous work becomes unbearable
    • Cold sweat, as in a strong fright, as if you forgot in the subway
      handbag with documents and money
    • Strong trembling hands, it is difficult to hold a small object, for example
      write something with a ballpoint pen. Typing on the keyboard
      computer does not deteriorate, which can not be said about using
      a smartphone. Your touches will be past the touch keys.
    • Slow extinction of all the above effects (during
      3-5 hours, depending on the dosage, the duration of reception
      Clenbuterol and fullness of the stomach)

Where to buy clenbuterol tablets?

Pharmacies have not sold several tablets of clenbuterol.
years old. Bodybuilders and fitness professionals use sites
selling banned steroids.

Almost all manufacturers of doping, distributing it by
their channels, release their own clenbuterol. It may be
Pharmacom, Balkan, Vermodje, Lyka, Olimp, Alpha-Pharma, etc.
There is no difference. The standard dosage of maple from these manufacturers –
40 mcg, in the pharmacy version of the tablet at 20 mcg.

A beginner who has no connections in professional sports to buy
Clenbuterol tablets is quite problematic. There are no guarantees that
you will not fall prey to scammers. Neaptechnye variants of clenbuterol
may be banal fake.

At best, a non-professional will slip a dummy, and at worst –
secondary chemical raw materials that will worsen the state of health and violate
hormonal background.

How to take clenbuterol for fat loss and weight loss

In professional fitness circles, the admission scheme is popular.
Clenbuterol tablets, based on the gradual increase

If you could somehow get the pill
clenbuterol, you must apply a long-known in fitness circles
схему приема, основанную на постепенном повышении dosage.

Clenbuterol is initially a cure for asthma, as a result
the drug has a pronounced biological activity. Organism
tries to quickly minimize the negative effects of its reception, and
speeds up adaptation, getting used to the chosen dosage of clenbuterol
literally within 2-3 days. After addiction, the drug is not
It has the same effect, including not helping to lose weight.


• Day One – 20 mcg (half a pill of classic clenbuterol)
• Day 2 – 20 mcg • Day 3 – 40 mcg • Day 4 – 40 mcg • Day 5 – 60
mcg • Day 6 – 60 mcg • Day 7 – 80 mcg, etc. • Day 16 – 160

Шаг увеличения дозы – 20 mcg (полтаблетки), то есть через каждые
2 дня его принимают на 20 mcg больше. Reaching 4 full pills
(160 mcg) бодибилдеры заканчивают курс приема clenbuterol.

The duration of the drug is strictly limited – 14-16 days.
You can not infinitely increase the dosage, because the more
man takes Clenbuterol, the stronger the effect
drug, including negative.

Как правило, на дозировках свыше 120 mcg в сутки дрожь рук
becomes visible even to others.

Admission precautions

ATTENTION: the indicated dosages are suitable for experienced athletes,
and those who are already familiar with strength training and interval
cardio. Новички женщины должны остановиться на дозировке 120 mcg (3
pills). That is, by increasing the dose to 3 tablets, they continue
drink 3 tablets per day until the end of the course.

WARNING: be sure to eat at least 1200 kcal per day.
If taking Clenbuterol takes place against the backdrop of a starvation diet, then after
drug withdrawal, the body will increase the appetite by 400-500%, due to
what the receiver pounces on food like a hungry wolf.

Organism будет ощущать страх голодной смерти. Man with
ease eat and 1000 kcal and even 1500 kcal at a time. therefore
on clenbuterol one cannot go on full hunger strike with the goal of faster
lose weight

Drink clenbuterol in the morning, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach,
washing down pills with a large glass of water. During the day it is important to drink
plenty of pure water without gas.

The combination of clenbuterol with other fat-burning agents and

On the Internet you can find recommendations on the combination
Clenbuterol with other drugs. Consider each option:

  • With sports fat burners, thermogenics or complex
    – possible, but only with frequent trainings 4-5 times a week. AT
    small dosage and short time. After the course
    clenbuterol need to stop drinking any additives, including
    fat burners. There is a risk of falling into overtraining.
  • With light fat burners – you can use it boldly, especially with
    добавками без стимуляторов, будь то coffeeин, гуарана или йохимбин.
    The best option: carnitine
  • With yohimbin – not recommended. Depression of the nervous system and
    collapse against convulsions even during training.
  • With ephedrine – does not make sense and is dangerous. Preparations очень похожи
    by structure and effects. Their mixing will not speed weight loss, but
    however, the risk of side effects will increase significantly.
  • Thyroid hormones (t3-t4, thyroxin and other synonyms) –
    It is not recommended to use thyroxin and its analogues, since
    interference with the thyroid gland may end in failure,
    especially for women.

Side Effects of Clenbuterol

Cardiovascular overload, CNS overload, stress,
work to failure, overtraining, the phenomenon of increased hunger
5-6 hours after taking the pills and much more – this is only
tip of the iceberg.

Clenbuterol is a safe medicine, but this is true only when
taking it in therapeutic doses according to instructions for treating asthma.
AT фитнесе используются огромные дозы, которые не проходят бесследно
for the body. If you want to lose weight without harm or risk for
health then forget about clenbuterol.

Ketotifen may temporarily save you from many side effects –
anti-allergic drug that, thanks to the synergistic
Effectу уменьшит стрессы от приема clenbuterol.

It needs to start taking in the second week of “maple”. 1 mg per
night before bed. Shaking hands and sweating will leave almost immediately.
Ketotifen care is only relevant for 7-10 days. Long
the deadline for his admission will also cause adaptation.

The most noticeable side effect is muscle cramps. With every
increasing the dosage you will suffer from such attacks, and
both at night and day.

We decided to raise our arms and slightly stretch upwards as
warm up? – cramp. Strongly yawned before the bed? – cramp.
Sharply bent in search of fallen keys? – cramp.

Such episodes abound, and for some reason they are silent
articles about clenbuterol. Negative effect caused by features
drug. Good cramps do not manifest during training, and
only at rest. Experienced bodybuilders, through cramps, determine
Whether they use real clenbuterol. Have a cramp? – means
The drug is not fake.

Will Clenbuterol Help Lose Weight?

If you lose weight with current nutrition and exercise, then you
создали достаточный для похудения дефицит calories. Adding to this
Clenbuterol, you can accelerate weight loss, but in return you
cause damage to health. Many people think that they will pass the course.
clenbuterol only once, and the harm from taking will be minimal, but
such a scheme does not make sense, since it will not give long-term

Reception of clenbuterol is justified in preparation for the competition for
fitness or bodybuilding, when the athlete needs to reduce the percentage
fat, но при этом сохранить мускулатуру на короткий промежуток
time – go on stage and show the result.

Immediately before the competition, the athlete uses
clenbuterol and goes to the peak of its shape, and after 2-3 days
возвращает прежний процент fat

For fitness lovers, for those who are building a beautiful body in
long term, clenbuterol will not be a panacea. Him
Effect observed only during the reception. Use it for a long time
will not work, therefore, the result will be short-lived.

What does day with clenbuterol look like?

In the morning after waking up, the selected dosage is drunk. Let’s say it
5 day course – 1.5 tablets, which are washed down with water. Stimulation
helps wake up and eliminate night hunger. Further according to plan
light jogging low intensity (slow running) from 30 to 50
minutes Thanks to clenbuterol, even after your workout, you won’t
suffer from hunger.

Example of diet with clenbuterol for 1500 kcal:

Breakfast – skipping – 0 kcal

Lunch: 604 kcal

– Borsch with meat -1.5 servings (280 kcal) – Black bread – 3 large
slices (270 kcal) – A glass of orange juice (75 kcal) or a cup
coffee с сахаром и сливками (100 ккал)

Dinner: 843 kcal

– Portion of ravioli – 200g (572 kcal) – Greek salad – 120g
(192 kcal) – Tea with sugar (2-4 teaspoons) (80 kcal)

For many, at first it is difficult to refuse breakfast, but reception
clenbuterol simplifies the process of habituation. I will note: 2 large reception
meals of 600+ kcal psychologically facilitate the diet. It seems to man
that he eats a lot, and at the same time losing weight. 300 small portions
ккал даже 4-5 раз в сутки – не дадут аналогичного Effectа, и
man will suffer from eternal hunger.


Should I Take Clenbuterol? – for the beach season or for
certainly not myself. AT этом случае игра не стоит свеч. ATред для
Health is not worth such an amateur goal. If you are performing
fitness bikini or similar sports disciplines, then the reception
clenbuterol has a place to be.

You should not look toward clenbuterol if you do not want to follow
diet or in the absence of motivation to train. It’s not magic
a stick that will lose weight and sit on the couch. It’s just
�Fat burning accelerator, which is closely related to your
own health.

I, as a practicing trainer, consider clenbuterol
unjustified. Cramps, trembling, drops of excitement,
sweating, recessions of hunger, and much more – not painted
drug, and does not make it useful.

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