Cellulite How to get rid of cellulite at homeconditions

Fri, 22 Jul 2016


Cellulite: description and reasons

Tightened and smooth skin at any age is our dream. Behind
elasticity and smoothness meets the connective tissue that separates
the top layer of skin and adipose tissue of the subcutaneous tissue. Men in
In this respect, it is simpler, such an interlayer is strong and stable, and
here women fiber less durable. Paradox – cares about it
nature itself, so that during pregnancy the skin stretches better.
Sometimes the process becomes uncontrollable, and some
cells “climbs” out. Structural changes in the subcutaneous layer
lead to malfunctions of the microcirculation and lymph flow of the skin. In other words
– these are stagnant phenomena that women can suffer independently
from complexion and even age – even cellulite can appear
teenagers. Surprisingly, but the fact is that some fat women can
amaze with its smooth and beautiful skin without a single tubercle,
Unlike “cellulite” thin. Cellulite causes a violation
metabolism. What should be deduced remains in the very
inappropriate place, forming solid islands of tissue, accumulating not
only fat, but also calcium. Pressing can sometimes occur
even a painful sensation. Sometimes a large amount accumulates
water, and swelling appear. So образом, становится понятно, что
Cellulite is not at all obese. For example, in France it is considered
a separate disease of subcutaneous fat.

Cellulite on the hips

Most women worry about cellulite on the hips.
If the fat layer is normally 1-2 mm, then expanding, the cells are much
increase in size due to metabolic products. Because of,
that blood circulation and lymph circulation is hampered, in the subcutaneous fatty
The amount of fluid increases in the thigh tissue and on the skin with
Over time, an orange peel is formed. Experts believe that
it is necessary to get rid of this problem slowly, but methodically. Have to
at least every day to do exercises in front of a mirror,
deny yourself traditional fried chicken and more.

Cellulite on the buttocks

Cellulite on the buttocks развивается в том случае, если женщина ведет
sedentary lifestyle, uses refined and
high-calorie food. Notкоторые применяют радикальные методы –
plastic surgery, which is a pumping fat. Sometimes
This gives good results, but it is not easy to keep them. Same
not easy to get rid of cellulite on the buttocks with the help of others
methods, but do not be in a hurry to be disappointed – perseverance and
a great desire will lead you to a satisfactory result. For
getting rid of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs,
there are lots of ways!

Methods of getting rid of cellulite at home

Massage from cellulite

Самый первый и действенный способ — это массаж от cellulite. Him
perform hands or special devices – rollers,
brush, massage gloves. This is not a pleasant procedure.
as with a relaxing massage, but for the sake of beauty will have to suffer.
When massaging the hips, one should start from the lower part of the thigh and
work upwards. The skin is compressed palms, highlighting on
triangle tissue. Iron your thumbs towards
to outside parties. Not стоит надавливать слишком сильно. Work out
thus the entire surface of the altered skin, and healthy zones (for
prevention). But be sure to consider that if the legs
there are dilated veins (varicose veins), this is
contraindication. Try hard выполнять массаж от целлюлита два
times a day. AT последнее время распространены аппаратные методики,
vacuum massagers with a lot of spherical heads. When large
speed and intensity, they knead, perform a deep point
impact. But no one has yet succeeded in replacing human hands.

Creams and scrubs for cellulite

Cosmetic procedures are most effective at first.
stages of change. The best anti-cellulite effect have
products that include horse chestnut, ivy, St. John’s wort, and
also hawthorn, ginkgo, horsetail, witch hazel, arnica, pineapple, lotus and
citrus. These plants accelerate metabolism at the cellular level.
Well helps the cream on the basis of seaweed. Sure to
It should be noted that these tools are used in comprehensive care
– after wraps or baths.

Целлюлит – обертывания в домашних conditions

Wraps in the fight against cellulite on the efficiency are higher
creams and scrubs. They are widely used and the stars of show business, last
with your fans’ signature recipes. For example, known
A way to combat cellulite with wraps from Holy Berry. AT
As a composition for wrapping, it uses coffee grounds,
adding to it olive oil and honey (a teaspoon). Hot
anti-cellulite wrapping is carried out according to the rules –
ingredients are mixed, then the product is applied to steamed
after bathing the thigh and buttocks, it is massaged slightly and closed
cellophane. It is necessary to warm well and lie down for 15 minutes. Cold
wraps tone the skin and narrow vessels. Hot-Out
accumulated toxins. The skin becomes supple and healthy, and
cellulite gradually recedes until it completely disappears. Effective
and thalassotherapy – algae wrap, which is performed in
beauty salons.

Cellulite oil

Modern cosmetology has a fairly large arsenal of tools.
to combat cellulite, and oils occupy the topmost in it
positions. At home, you can arrange the present
spa space with odorous ingredients. With their help
fat cells break down, blood circulation improves,
toxins and stimulated outflow of fluid from problem areas. AT
As a result, the skin regenerates, improves its fatty
exchange.There are several directions for the use of essential
масел:- AT результате липолиза расщепляются клетки. To this end
use citrus oils: lemon, grapefruit, orange, mandarin and
bergamot. – Lymphatic drainage removes slags and liquids, these are coniferous and
umbrella plant oils: pine cedar, cumin, juniper (berries),
cypress, dill. When applying these species you must carefully
monitor nutrition – reduce the amount of salt, spices, exclude
alcohol, reduce the consumption of starch and smoked meats, fats,
Sahara. When treating cellulite it is undesirable to use cigarettes and
coffee. – Lifting synthesizes collagen, regenerates the skin. So
The effect of flower oils and resins is myrrh, rose, patchouli,
palmarosa. How to make a mixture for the procedure of rubbing? Required
select oils and mix them with the basic composition in a concentration of 5% (50
drops to 50 ml of base) – vegetable oils (olive, sesame or

Cellulite Banks

Cellulite Banks – это специфическая процедура баночного массажа.
It is a complex effect. ATначале тело
cleaned with a cosmetic scrub, honey or other means
then oil or anti-cellulite cream is applied. Then comes
turn medical glass cans or latex. Bank sticks
moves to the skin, while the problem area is massaged in
for 15 minutes in a circular motion, alternating slow and more
energetic.Course – 2-4 weeks every other day. Some women do not
agree with such procedures due to unavoidable bruises.
Minimal traces are obtained in the beauty salon, especially with
each subsequent procedure traces become less noticeable, and
positive result is visible immediately after the first session. What kind
contraindications need to be considered when canned massage? Give up
this way of dealing with cellulite follows women with
hypertension, venous diseases and impaired lymphatic system.

Cellulite exercises

The desired effect will help to achieve cardio and strength training,
however, the main condition that needs to be met is regularity.
It is best to purchase a simulator for use at home, and
alternate classes with cardio aerobics. Before cardio and power
workouts need to warm up for about 5-10 minutes, then
train for 30-40 minutes. Exercises for hips and buttocks
hold 3 sets of 20 repetitions. Well behaved in
anti-cellulite systems such as gymnastics, aqua aerobics,
athletics, yoga. 1. ATелосипед. Spinal problems
well fit exercise bike. This is also one of the simplest, but
enough effective exercises to adjust the elasticity of the hips and
cellulite removal. Pedal at any age. Can
watch tv and practice 30-40 minutes but speed
increase gradually. AT течение тренировки можно передохнуть и
drink water. Running – an example of the fact that the most simple exercises can
prove to be the most effective. Running is useful not only in fighting
cellulite, it relieves stress, raises the tone. First you need to go
5-10 minutes quick step. Change your running speed, try not to
overstrain, finish the workout also step. Muscle stretching
the lower legs, thighs, backs and strengthening of the buttocks are perfectly combined with
cellulite prevention and control. 3. Jumping rope.
If you compare the number of calories burned, it turns out that
jump rope will achieve better results than running. Jump and
on the trampoline. ATеселые тренировки позволят укрепить ягодицы и бедра и
get rid of cellulite. 4. Swimming. Train all systems
organism and do not forget about problem areas. Swimming in the pool –
good prevention of cellulitis.

Strength exercises to help remove cellulite from the hips

1. Squats. Standard training – standing straight, feet wide
shoulders. Squat with your back straight, stretching your arms forward. Try hard
do not remove the heels from the floor and carry the weight of the whole body onto them.
2. ATыпады сочетайте с приседаниями и полуприседаниями. Alternate
foot lunge forward and backward. The back is straight, the knees form an angle of 90
degrees Hands in front or divorced to the sides. 3. Step – just
necessary tool in the fight against cellulite. Alternate legs
walk 10 times. Repeat with one foot, then the other. Gradually
increase the number of repetitions.

Diet from cellulite

Close attention is required give and nutrition. To
seriously and permanently get rid of orange peels, take in
attention to the principle of fractional power. Avoid canned durable
storage and semi-finished products, coffee, salt, alcohol. Optimally –
unlimited green tea, vegetables and fruits. By itself
Diet is not a means to destroy the formations on the skin, but
In the complex, all aspects of the problem must be taken into account. The main thing –
the daily menu should contain a large amount of fiber,
минералов и витаминов, особенно витамина Е и С. ATводите в рацион
sea ​​kale, fish products, broths, they strengthen
connective tissue. Dairy products must be present
necessarily – they improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Not
it is recommended to drink drinks from the refrigerator – low temperature
leads to a narrowing of the esophagus, deterioration of metabolism. Drink more
water, fruit and carrot juices.

Contrast shower against cellulite

Notобязательно нырять в прорубь после бани или обливаться на улице
cold water, although these options perfectly help prepared
to people. Effectively deal with cellulite and ordinary
contrast shower. Take a shower 2-3 times a week,
thereby activating blood circulation in problem areas. Equipment
its use will not present difficulties. Start with warm water
then switch to a cooler one, leave for 10-15 seconds, and
turn warm again. Hot water is not recommended.
The cycle should be repeated 3-4 times using a hose. Last douche
– cold water. ATытирайтесь насухо и надевайте теплые вещи.

Oxygen therapy and other means

When certain areas of the skin are treated with oxygen-ozone
composition breaks down fat. This method is used on different
stages and actively competes with liposuction. Especially effective
Cellulite is removed in the area of ​​”breeches”. Ultrasound and
electrostimulation is more suitable for removing excess fat,
at the same time being an excellent prophylactic against
cellulite. If these methods are applied at an early stage, then in the end
skin tone increases markedly, mounds and orange peel
smoothed out much faster.

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