Castor oil for hair – the pros and cons. howuse castor oil correctly for your health and beautyhair.

Ср, 22 июл 2015 Автор: Натали Аржанова Вы
Ever wondered how inexpensive care can be
for hair at home? Some of the ingredients are masks,
shampoos and a variety of emulsions are just in step
availability – at the nearest pharmacy. So, undeservedly forgotten
tar soap of domestic production can save you from
annoying dandruff is much better than expensive foreign shampoos,
Vitamin A and E capsules help hair grow faster
�”Penny” castor oil effectively cope with irritation,
will make hair cover docile and soft. You can endlessly
talk about how useful castor hair oil is, but
it is better to list all its advantages in facts, not forgetting
tell about contraindications. Also we will share with you great
everyday mask recipes to help your hair
gain strength and incredible brilliance.


What is the benefit of castor oil?

The most common opinion on castor oil: it possesses
almost lightning laxative effect, and it does not
contains absolutely no chemical impurities. Is made
This means from natural plants – castor, which can
grow even in the near yard. The plant adapts perfectly to
different conditions, so he is comfortable and in the summer cottage, and in
school garden

Castor bean gives fruits in the form of small oval beans from which and
produce castor oil by cold pressing. Such
the method is considered optimal because the castor bean fruits are poisonous, but
all toxic substances during pressing and pressing remain
among industrial waste.

In addition to the laxative effect, castorca also has
wound-healing effect. If applied on inflamed and
damaged skin, it will help to relieve pain, will contribute
speedy wound healing. Very often castor oil is used
as a means of dealing with so-called natoptysh and cracks

By adding castor oil to face masks, the beautician receives
a great wrinkle emollient to moisturize the skin
cover and smooth it out. Antibacterial properties of castorca
confirmed by its presence in the composition of healing ointments and
lotions that are used in the treatment of acne, acne,
boils and even burns.

Of course, the use of castor oil for hair and eyelashes –
the most popular fact that many have long forgotten.
For example, after building artificial eyelashes restore
you can literally take one or two weeks with just
castor oil No need to buy expensive growth boosters for
damaged cilia, just buy an ordinary pharmacy
Castor oil and cover them twice a day: morning and evening. Will help
Castor oil to cope with problems of hair:

• Significantly accelerate the process of hair growth due to the content
ricinoleic acid,

• Will restore structure after coloring, a chemical wave and
other procedures

• Suspend fallout

• Cover the hairs with a special film, protecting it from

• Will be a great help in the battle with dandruff.

In combination with other nutrient formulations, castor oil is gently
take care of your hair, so you can successfully add it to
shampoos and balms for daily use, as well as
combine with some oils (coconut, peach, butter
grape seed and olive fruit).

When can you not use castor oil?

Inside castor oil is forbidden to use when problems
gastrointestinal tract, ulcers and inflammatory processes
abdominal, during bleeding. Also castor oil
can not be used by pregnant girls and lactating young

If you want to use castor oil to care for
skin of the face and head, you should be aware of the following factors:

1. If there are ulcers on the skin, serious
dermatological problems and rash of an allergic nature, not
need to use castorca.

2. If you already know about inadequate skin reaction to castor
oil, it is better to refrain from adding it to the mask or another
средство для hair.

3. Do not mix castors with other ingredients for the night.
masks for prolonged use. By reacting with each other,
some ingredients may act aggressively on the skin
head and hair follicles that will not lead to the appearance of the desired
эффекта, а лишь к повреждению структуры hair.

Castor oil for hair: a recipe mask to restore
damaged structure

There are several ways to repair damaged hair.
cover, one of them is to use a combination of castorca with an egg and
decoction of medicinal herbs. Who has not heard of miraculous power
chamomile, calendula, linden flowers or nettle hair? Our mask
perfectly clean the scalp from flaking and dandruff, smooth
hairs, thereby greatly facilitating styling.

Let’s try to do at home mask with castor oil for
hair. You need to take:

• Decoction of chamomile, lime blossom or other herbs, in advance
prepared and cooled,

• Castor oil,

• Chunk of black bread,

• Egg yolk.

Half a cup of broth is poured into a deep plate, put the bread without
crust and soak it to a state of gruel. Now it is necessary
Add two teaspoons of castor oil and mix the yolk.
This mass is rubbed into the scalp and left to affect
1 hour. You can wrap your head in polyethylene, and top
thick towel. After a time, you will need to wash
thoroughly leftover bread with hair and clean them with shampoo.

Mask against greasiness: castor oil for hair in combination with

The unique content of beneficial trace elements in kefir allows
take care not only of the intestines and stomach during oral administration,
but also actively affect the skin of the face, body and head, if
add it to the masks and lotions. Try to cook
маску для волос с касторовым маслом и kefir. What can you
will need:

• A little kefir, half a cup is enough,

• 1 tablespoon of castorca

• 2-3 Art. l decoction of calendula or celandine.

Important: the mask will be quite liquid, so it is better to cover it.
hair in the bathroom and protect clothes from hitting the remedies,
throwing an old towel over his shoulders.

Mask your hair, rub it a bit into the scalp,
cover with a protective plastic wrap and then a towel.
Maintain the mixture should be about 40-50 minutes, and after that
wash off with shampoo for everyday use.

Reliable remedy for loss: castor oil for hair plus

Women suffering from hair loss actually suffer
after all, thinning hair and hairs scattered throughout the house are not
give pleasure to anyone. Unusual mask with onions,
honey and castor hair will be a great help in the fight for
thick head of hair. Try to make it at home. For this you
would need:

• Honey, previously melted in a water bath – 1 tbsp.

• Castor oil – 2-3 tbsp. l

• Onions, milled in a blender to a state of gruel,
which needs to be added together with juice.

Sometimes onion juice can burn sensitive scalp,
therefore, the time for exposure to the mask can be reduced to half an hour.
If you do not feel burning, then try to endure the minutes
40-45. To keep onion pairs out of sight, stand firmly
pack your hair in a plastic bag and cover it from above
a towel.

When the time allotted for the impact comes out, carefully
wash your hair and a drop of ethereal will help you to remove the smell of onion
oil that you need to drop in shampoo. It could be butter
lavender, mint or grapefruit.

Moisturize dry hair: castor oil with lemon and aloe

Excessive dryness of the skin and hair inevitably leads to flaking and
dandruff. If you do not like the kind of “snow
dust “on your shoulders and clothes, then you should think about moisturizing
hair. To do this, prepare at home a mask with aloe,
соком лимона и касторовым маслом для hair.

• Take the aloe stem, remove the skin, and from the inside
make a sticky gruel,

• Squeeze half a lemon,

• Add 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil,

• Apply this mixture to the hair, massage the skin a little,
cover with a towel and wait about 40 minutes.

• Now you can wash your hair with standard shampoo.

Lemon juice perfectly strengthens hair follicles, penetrating
deep into the skin so you no longer have to think about the problem
fallout. In addition, thanks to aloe, the structure of your hair
will become much more hydrated, hair will acquire
unprecedented radiance and power.

Interesting facts: castor oil for hair and not only

Did you know that the oil of the plant with the name “castor oil” is made
from fruits that look like ticks? Seeds
this plant is really so similar to blood-sucking insects,
that got the name “ricinus”, corresponding to a certain type

Another interesting and at the same time rather awesome fact:
Harvesting castor bean can kill a person. The fact is that beans
plants that need to be collected are coated with a toxic substance,
detrimental to the human nervous system. While the duck is not
will die even after 80 seeds, eaten in one sitting, to a person
It takes only 4 to 8 beans to disturb the work of the nervous
the systems became irreversible and even led to death. Convulsive
syndrome overwhelming the human body after consuming the fruit,
may not take about seven days.

Because of the toxicity of the substance casting the castor fruits, and
also, due to the presence of specific substances in their composition,
the plant is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most
poisonous. However, it is interesting that castor oil produced from
compliance with all technologies, does not bear any danger to
man, and even, on the contrary, is considered beneficial to health.

Castor oil was one of the tools of torture in times of regime
dictator Mussolini. The person sentenced to death was tortured
through the infusion, literally, castor oil inside. She is
caused severe diarrhea, and subsequently dehydration,
which led to a permanent death.

And also castor oil in North and South America
not at all used like ours: it is meant to
extermination of moths and field mice.

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