Can kelp wrapping help in the fightoverweight? How to do homemade kelp wrapsconditions

Пн, 29 фев 2016 Автор: Радимова Светлана

Wraps are quite popular in the fight against
overweight and cellulite.

Various ingredients are used for them, including
and seaweed.

Laminaria wrap is offered in salons, as a procedure for
losing weight

Also, women often spend it on their own at home.


Kelp wrapping: to do or not to do

Kelp or simply sea kale belongs to the family
brown seaweed. This plant contains a large amount
iodine, vitamins, as well as a rich set of macro-and micronutrients.
Used kelp as a traditional food
peoples living in close proximity to the sea. And
successfully used in medicine and cosmetology for skin care,
борьбы с целлюлитом и losing weight

The miraculous power of kelp lies in its chemical
composition. However, to assert exactly how much one or another element
present in seaweed is impossible, since everything depends on
specific place of its growth. In nature, kelp is enough
widespread, has many varieties. It is mined
in the Japanese, Okhotsk, White and Red seas.

Laminaria contains:

• iodine

Sea kale contains iodine in large quantities, and in
bioavailable to the human body form. It makes her
unique remedy to combat diseases caused by
iodine deficiency.

• Alginates

These are substances responsible for the elimination of toxic
substances, radionuclides and heavy metals. Besides the fact that they
perform the function of sorbents, proved their ability effectively
fight the formation of malignant tumors.

• Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Normalize metabolic processes in the body, activate
blood supply to organs.

• Vitamins

Laminaria contains a set of vitamins useful for the skin. In her
Vitamins A, C, B1, B6, B9, PP, and

• Trace elements

In the seaweed composition are present: potassium, sodium, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and iron. All of these substances are important.
role in the active life of the body and the skin in particular.

In cosmetology, kelp is used for skin care and as
эффективное средство для losing weight And it is not at all surprising at
таком богатом на полезные вещества composition.

Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the assurances
beauty salon professionals offering wrapping
kelp, as an effective procedure for losing weight, is not at all
groundless. Beauticians say seaweed
capable of:

• to clean the deep layers of the skin from toxins and slags;

• reduce body fat in the waist and abdomen;

• eliminate edema, removing excess fluid from skin cells;

• prevent the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite;

• saturate the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances
making it smooth and elastic.

With the help of seaweed wrap can be achieved
significant improvement in the condition of flabby skin, including
including in the chest area.

An important advantage of wrapping kelp, as a means for
losing weight is its accessibility. For those who can not afford
позволить эту процедуру в conditions салона, есть альтернатива:
обертывание ламинарией в домашних conditions. Buy this sea
seaweed can be in the usual supermarket, pharmacy or in the store

Kelp wrapping for weight loss has its
contraindications. This procedure cannot be performed:

• in the presence of allergic reactions to any of
components, first of all it concerns an allergy to iodine;

• pregnant and lactating;

• on injured areas of the body where wounds are present,
burns, deep scratches, etc .;

• immediately after epilation;

• in the presence of skin diseases;

• in diseases of the heart and vascular system;

• with diabetes;

• with cancer;

• at elevated body temperature or just bad

Kelp wrapping: preparation

To ensure that the effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately after
first use, the raw material for wrapping must be correct
prepared by Algae can be used in the form of whole layer
or powder. The process of preparing different types of raw materials has some

Laminaria sheets, before becoming a cosmetic raw material pass
drying process using a special technology that allows maximum
save all the useful components of the raw materials. Before use
leaves are soaked in water and this completely returns them all
useful qualities of fresh algae. For wrapping the whole body
Only 0.5 kg of dry leaves will be needed. They must be immersed in 5
liters of water. Water temperature and soaking time depends on
way of wrapping.

To improve blood circulation in the skin is enough to hold a cold
wrapping For this, the raw sheet is soaked in room water.
temperature for 1 -1.5 hours.

For enhanced penetration of existing components in the skin
covers are recommended to carry out hot kelp wrapping. For
This leaf algae soaked in water, heated to 50-70
degrees for 20-25 minutes. Use hotter water not
recommended. Otherwise, plants can lose significant
amount of nutrients.

For подготовки к обертыванию порошкового сырья, подогрейте воду
up to 50-65 degrees. Mix water and powder in a ratio of 1: 4, then
there is, for one part algae need to take four parts of water.
Stir the mixture thoroughly, let it swell for 20 minutes. For
whole body kelp wraps will need approximately
150-200 grams of powder.

Laminaria wrap: types and their purpose

Wrapping procedures are divided into hot and cold.
They differ from each other in the way of preparing raw materials and
used to achieve various cosmetic effects.

Laminaria cold wrapping most often has a local
character, that is, is carried out on a separate problem area of ​​the body.
It is designed to relieve swelling by enhancing the outflow process
lymphatic fluid. At the same time the skin becomes more elastic and
elastic, fatigue is removed from the muscle tissue.

Hot kelp wrapping causes dilated blood
vessels, and activates blood circulation. Active components
seaweed penetrate through the open pores into deep layers
epidermis, and stimulate the onset of an active cleavage process
subcutaneous fat. This wrapping method is very effective.
while losing weight. It is used to combat cellulite and treat
various forms of obesity.

There is also a contrast wrapping method in which
combines the two previous methods. This is first used
hot and then cold. Most often the combined method
used on certain parts of the body to combat the “orange
crusted. “

Kelp wrapping: sequence of actions

After the raw material is ready, you can proceed
directly to the procedure itself.

The first thing before the wrapping procedure should be
take care to maximize the openness of the skin pores,
and thus ensure the smooth penetration of existing
substances in its deep layers. For этого можно принять душ или ванну,
and even better to visit the steam room.

In the next step, the skin is cleaned. For этого лучше
use body scrubs containing sea salt or

Further, the following manipulations are performed:

• Algae soaked in water are superimposed on the body. It may
there is a procedure in which the whole body or its individual is involved
plots. Laminaria can be applied directly to the skin or with
using gauze or fine cotton fabric. On fabric
or folded in two layers of gauze stacked laminaria leaves (if
whole raw material is used), or applied in a thin layer
pre-prepared algae powder mask. Application
fabric allows you to get rid of excessive stickiness and significantly
facilitate the rinsing process.

• For усиления эффекта поверх водорослей тело оборачивают тонкой
cellophane film and insulated. For утепления можно использовать
a large terry towel, blanket, blanket or even a sleeping one

• During the procedure, it is better to relax and allow for beneficial
substances calmly carry out work to improve the state of your
skin and body shaping. The exposure time wraps from 40 to 60
minutes For первой процедуры достаточно 40 минут, а в дальнейшем
exposure time should be gradually increased, bringing to 1

• As time passes, algae are removed from the body.

• Next, take a shower.

• Finally, apply a nourishing cream on the skin.

Kelp wrapping: professional advice

Kelp wraps for weight loss recommended
carry out courses of 7-14 procedures. Procedures must be carried out
daily or with a one-day interval.

For достижения долгосрочного результата курс лечения следует
repeat every 3 months.

Between the sessions of kelp wraps
It is recommended to treat the skin with nourishing lotions.

In the period of intensive weight loss, along with wraps
kelp should be regularly drink clean water. It contributes
faster removal of toxins from the body.

Kelp wraps can be performed with the participation of additional
Ingredients: Honey, Pepper, Blue Clay, Essential Oils, Marine
salt or cinnamon. Such combinations allow the body to lose weight even

For того, чтобы получить максимальный эффект от обертывания
kelp, you must first prepare the procedure for the skin. For
This can take a bath or shower. However, if you wish
use the beneficial substances of algae to the maximum you
should take care to completely open the pores of the skin.
The sauna is 100% capable of coping with this task.

For обертывания ламинарией с целью похудения можно использовать
combined method. For этого на проблемных участках тела
the procedure is done first with hot seaweed, and after
mask applied with laminaria with a cooling effect.

Prepared kelp can be used for wrapping not
more than two times. Keep it between procedures.
in water. Maximum shelf life of soaked algae – 4-5

Do not rush to pour out the water remaining after squeezing the kelp.
She during the lock turns into a concentrated infusion,
which can be used to make masks or cleanse
skin of the face and neck. You can also freeze it and wipe your face.
ice cubes. This is especially good for the condition.
fading skin.

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