Burdock hair masks. How to make masks forhair with burdock oil.

Thu, Mar 31, 2016


About the benefits of burdock oil

Experts believe that burdock masks are great
restore damaged hair, improve their structure,
prevent loss and accelerate growth.

Burdock oil, which at a very affordable price today you can
buy at any pharmacy is a truly unique gift of nature
for those who care about beauty and health of hair.

The raw materials for its production are fruits and burdock roots, active
substances which regulate metabolic processes in the scalp and
strengthen blood circulation, awaken and activate flaccid hair
bulbs. This is why people who regularly use burdock masks
for hair, have well-groomed and shiny hair.

Tips for using burdock hair masks

To use the burdock hair mask
successful, you should know a few simple rules: – put a mask
should be up to shampooing; after rubbing her head necessarily
should be covered with a plastic cap, and on top of it – with something

– it is necessary to hold burdock mask on hair for at least an hour, after
what you need to thoroughly wash your hair using your usual
shampoo (to wash off burdock completely, have to do it
twice). In order to evaluate the effectiveness of a burdock mask for
hair should be done at least 2 times a week. Then after a couple
months you will see your hair grow better, stop
fall out, gained brilliance and strength. If hair problems have
pronounced character, the mask of burdock oil is applied through
day for one and a half months. Then follows a two-month
break, after which the wellness course is repeated. AT
prophylactic purposes such a mask can be applied once a week,
The course is about 20 procedures.

Burdock hair masks – contraindications

Burdock oil will help hair of any type, it has almost
no contraindications. And yet, in order to exclude
individual intolerance of its components, do not be lazy before
using a burdock mask, test it on
skin sensitivity, for example, at the crook of the elbow. If in half an hour
you will not find warning signs in the form of itching or redness
skin, you can safely proceed to the procedure of recovery

Burdock hair masks – the best recipes

Рецепт 1: Самая простая репейная маска для
(для восстановления и лечения волос)Для коротких
hair will be enough 1 tablespoon of oil for long hair
need 2 tablespoons of funds. Burr oil,
pre-warmed slightly, rubbed into the hair roots, gradually
soaking their hair the entire length. Leave for 2 hours. Carefully
wash off with shampoo. Рецепт 2: Репейная маска с
медом, лимоном и яичным желтком
(для борьбы с облысением и
accelerating hair growth) Mix burdock oil, honey and lemon juice,
taken in 2 tablespoons. Warm up in a water bath until
obtain a homogeneous mass. Let the mask cool slightly, add to
She has 2 egg yolks. ATтираем маску в кожу головы, держим
one and a half to two hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo. Recipe 3:
Репейная маска с какао и яичным желтком (от
hair loss and for their growth) Mixing 3 tablespoons of burdock
butter with a teaspoon of cocoa and egg yolk, apply the resulting
mass on the hair roots, lightly massaging the head. Keep about one and a half
hours Carefully wash off with shampoo. Recipe 4:
Репейная маска с красным жгучим перцем (от
hair loss and for their growth) add to 3 tablespoons
burdock oil half a teaspoon of red hot pepper.
Warming up slightly, rubbing the mixture into the scalp. Keep not
more than 15 minutes! Carefully wash off with shampoo. Can do
such a mask, buying ready burdock oil with pepper. Recipe 5:
Репейная маска с луком и медом (для роста
hair) Mix burdock oil, onion juice, honey and shampoo, taken by
tablespoon. ATтираем полученную массу в корни волос, затем
distribute it to their entire length. Keep around двух hours Carefully
wash off with shampoo. Рецепт 6: Репейная маска с
коньяком и яичным желтком
(для улучшения роста волос)
Mix well brandy and burdock oil, taken in a tablespoon,
add to them the egg yolk and beat everything well. Keep around
hours Carefully wash off with shampoo. Recipe 7:
Репейная маска с алоэ (для прекращения выпадения
hair and improve their growth) Mix burdock oil, aloe juice and
мед, взятые по tablespoon. ATтираем в корни волос и держим два
hours Carefully wash off with shampoo. Recipe 8:
Burdock mask with castor oil, egg yolk and
Хорошо смешав две столовые ложки масла репейного,
yolk, a tablespoon of castor oil and a teaspoon
pressed yeast, process the resulting mass of hair. Hold
маску не менее двух hours Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Рецепт 9: Репейная маска с касторовым маслом и
Смешиваем репейное масло с касторовым, взяв их
two tablespoons. Add vitamins E to them and A (half
a teaspoon of oil solution) and thoroughly mixed
смесь, втираем ее в корни hair. Keep around hours Carefully
wash off with shampoo. Рецепт 10: Репейная маска из
отвара лопуха
(для прекращения выпадения волос)Не всем
I like to use oil for healing hair. AT этом случае
can be used for masks decoction of burdock roots, of which,
in fact, preparing burdock oil. Pour 2 tablespoons
chopped burdock roots 200 gr. hot water. Boil on the weak
fire for about 15 minutes. Then, tightly covered with a lid, leave the infusion
cool. Процедив, втираем в корни вымытых hair. Do not wash off.
This broth can also be rinsed hair, but water in this
case should be taken twice. Applying burdock masks to
hair, remember that the success of any caring procedure lies in
consistency. Therefore, masks made from burdock oil,
meet your expectations only if you will use them

Even better, if you work on the hair complex,
that is, not only from the outside, but also from the inside, controlling your balance
nutrition and providing the body with vitamins and minerals that
необходимы для здоровья hair. Then they will definitely
well maintained and beautiful!


ATиталина 03.04.2016 Да, ни чего страшного! I, too, now only
I realized that burdock and burdock are one and the same!))) Come them
make out! But I read a lot and heard from stories that a mug
strengthens hair, and burdock oil gives them shine, accelerates growth
волос))) ATек живи – век учись))) Оооо! This site surprises me all
more and more! I have discovered so much here for myself! I read, and
eyes widen! For example, to my absolute shame, I now
I just found out that burdock oil is made from BRAKE !!! It’s a shame – but
fact, did not even know … Svetik 03.04.2016 With castor oil
I do not know, did not do, but with burdock – just a class! And butter, and
just a decoction of burdock – a great tool to care for
hair And the fact that they have someone below the waist, I very much believe.
If she hadn’t cut her hair herself, it’s possible that I would have grown so much.
Italian 04/03/2016 Believe it or not, but mine
grandmother, which is now 77 turned, awesome just hair!
ATо первых, они у нее до пола почти, во вторых – густые до кончиков
hair, which is very rare. And brilliant what !!! And all this
thanks burdock oil! I don’t know for sure, but in my opinion, she’s his
aloe juice makes. I’m running after burdock! Immediately! I’m a hundred times
heard about its miraculous effect! Me and girlfriend
she said … No, you have to wait, when you see your own
eyes. ATсе почти ингредиенты у меня есть, хоть любую маску делать
you can, lacking one, in fact – the most important,

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