Brown skirt for all occasions! What with herwear?

Что одеть с коричневой юбкой?Summertime gives wonderful
the ability to update your wardrobe, show your ingenuity and
taste, picking up things that blend in with the very best
in a way. But, on the other hand, the exhausting heat, from which not
even the air conditioners that are most difficult to carry in the office save,
It requires us to select things so that, as they say, in people
it was not a shame to go out, and the heat could be brought out.

The look of black fabric gets even hotter, but fortunately,
there is a universal brown color that can
regarded as a wonderful opportunity to look strictly and
stylish at the same time.

But what to wear with a brown skirt?

A brown skirt will allow you to observe the necessary dress code and not
look like a “blue stocking” – besides, she is beautiful
Compatible with many colors and accessories.

It looks great cream, beige and color
baked milk.

In addition, carrot-colored blouses may also be suitable, as well as
flawlessly white.

What to wear with a brown skirt in terms of jewelry?

Brown skirt can be combined with gold jewelry –
This choice will be a sign of impeccable style, in the event that
decorations will not be too large and will be matched in color
stones and form. Jewelry looks great with brown
products made of semi-precious stones with or without frames (carnelian,
agate) golden, brown, green and purple hues.

What to wear with a brown skirt when it comes to accessories.
The brown skirt looks surprisingly good with neckbands.
scarves and stoles purple and violet flowers. AT
In general, a brown skirt can be worn with many things, combining
colors and textures. As for the handbag, it is not necessary
so that she was in the tone of the shoe – you can shod brown shoes
or with brown decorative elements, and choose a bag more
bright, in tone with accessories.

ATот примерный образ, созданный на базе коричневой юбки:
brown skirt, made of thin knitwear, length slightly lower
knee, tulip shape. ATерх – оливковая блузка простого кроя,
�”Men’s shirt” – a scarf around the neck with a pattern in which
dark olive, brown and purple are present. Footwear
– purple shoes. ATид – деловой, строгий и одновременно
quite individual and bright.

It blends perfectly with orange and brown, therefore, deciding that
dress with a brown skirt, you can choose this option: brown
straight skirt, blouse with a large ruffle of pastel orange,
black shoes, brooch with black and orange stones.

Gray is the perfect color for business style.
nobility, especially since today there are so many different
shades. For the office, you can choose a gray-pearl dress,
reinforced with accessories in the form of a scarf or belt, or a suit,
allows you to take off your jacket and demonstrate easier and
free style. This is especially true for the summer period.

You can give preference to short-cut trousers, length
which reaches the middle of the calf or ankle. They can be like
brown or gray or black – complete with them
shirts of a free cut, blouses with
vest or jacket.

Shirts should be discussed separately – as summer fabrics
fairly light and thin, despite the heat, the office is still
should wear shirts with sleeves, creating a strict image.
Shirts can be of any color, but necessarily pastel, but not
bright blue – blue, greenish, white, cream. For
solemn events are perfect more saturated
colors of blouses and shirts – scarlet, purple, emerald green or blue,
put on in combination with breeches or short skirts.

Creating your own style is a delicate matter and requires knowledge and
taste, so it is advisable to notice all the subtleties of people’s wardrobe
public professions and study fashion trends.

Что одеть с коричневой юбкой?

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