Botox for hair – treatment, lamination, recovery in one procedure

Not so long ago, salons began to offer their clients completely a new procedure – Botox for hair, which restores, treats, nourishes and moisturizes at the same time. Time passed – and these drugs won a lot of positive reviews. The effect is long lasting and awesome. Worth trying!

What is Botox, is known to almost all women. Seductive injection of beauty that makes in no time sponges – chubby, skin – smooth, neck – without a single wrinkle. Many experienced the anti-aging effect of botulinum toxin on themselves, according to appreciating the achievements of modern cosmetology.

Today, a procedure similar to name – Botox for hair, which promises to do the same miracles with curls. It’s no secret to anyone that aging processes do not pass them. The hair is thinning, turning gray, and hairs become thinner, break, lose their former shine, despite numerous stains.

Is there really an opportunity to return youth back and for your precious strands? It turns out that this is not so simply.


The essence of the procedure

It’s worth mentioning right away that the Botox procedure for hair is a novelty in the world of modern cosmetology, since appeared recently. However in a short period of time she made an unprecedented sensation in the world of beauty industry. These magical ampoules with a wonderful serum transform curls directly on eyes.

In addition, the effect is shiny, incredibly smooth and silky. hair is stored not a day or two, but several weeks. And this is still Not all. The results are not just visual: the drugs used restore hair from the inside, healing them. How is that possibly?

And here the most unexpected awaits you: in preparations called botox for botulinum toxin hair — no. This is a complex of nutrients, which have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect on the strands. The composition is approximately as follows:

  • vitamins (each manufacturer includes Botox drug for hair different combinations): A, E, C, B, – which nourish, heal, restore;
  • plant extracts (again, may be different, depending on the company): aloe vera, green tea, etc. – they stimulate the blood circulation of the head, moisturize and restore, participate in metabolism, accelerate hair growth;
  • keratin – a natural building material for strands, fills voids in microcracks, restores damage (split ends, brittle hair);
  • amino acids – have anti-aging effect, normalize the water balance in cells, strengthen follicles.

But the main active ingredient of Botox for hair is a mysterious molecule called Intra-Silan, which, according to manufacturers, creates a framework for curls and supports them from the inside out. In salons, these drugs can be administered. directly into the scalp (those same injections of beauty) or applied over hair. At home, only the second is available of these options.

Origin of name. Botox – the abbreviated name of the drug Botulinum toxin. He, in turn, so named, thanks to the bacterium Clostridium botnum, from which it receive.

Botox effect on hair

Of course, everyone wants to know what the effect of Botox for hair. If everything is clear with the skin of the face: they are smoothed out wrinkles, puffiness disappears, the contour becomes more prominent and fit, what to expect here?

Firstly, after the procedure you will be wet hair, and you don’t really notice anything on them.

Secondly, after drying them, you definitely do not believe your eyes: the “before” changes will become so noticeable and “after”. Thirdly, it will be possible to enjoy tremendous effect for the whole 3 months:

  1. possible straightening curly and curly hair botox, after which they become unrealistically smooth, silky and even, one might say, mirrored (the so-called lamination effect);
  2. restoration of damaged hair with Botox reduces brittleness and cross sections;
  3. Botox hair treatment involves no external the cosmetic effect of the procedure, and the effect on the curls from the inside: the main active substances change their structure;
  4. judging by the reviews, Botox is very good for growth hair, because after this procedure they grow noticeably, although before they either froze in their development, or they grew very much slow;
  5. some experts recommend Botox for prolapse hair, as it strengthens the follicles in their nests, providing them with the necessary nutrition.

And most importantly, hair after Botox remains shiny, smooth and beautiful for the whole 3 weeks. This the term, of course, is very individual, since it depends on the source condition of curls and the drug used.

Nevertheless, in most cases, the effect after this procedure for a long time it will be pleasant to surprise you and your associates. Result will also depend on how accurately indications and contraindications.

Paradox. Botox for hair – a procedure a name that is nothing more than a marketing ploy. Actually in the drugs used here are not botulinum toxin. Just their action very similar to beauty injections for facial skin, received in their time is immensely popular.

Indications and contraindications

The lists of indications and contraindications are due to the fact that Botox procedure for hair – not just cosmetic, but also therapeutic. The factor that also works is that the drugs used in its framework are still little studied in the laboratory, as they are the latest development.

Accordingly, it is not entirely clear how the same molecule Intra-silane will affect the body of a pregnant woman and her fetus. Therefore, in such situations, it is better to protect yourself from such little studied activities.


  • Curly, curly curls that are constantly confused and looking untidy shock, difficult to comb;
  • damaged, brittle hair;
  • split ends;
  • slow / stopped hair growth;
  • avitaminosis;
  • dropping out;
  • dandruff;
  • seborrhea.


  • Botox for pregnant women recommended because it is not known what effect it will have on fetus;
  • retirement age (after 55 years);
  • Botox for hair while breastfeeding also highly recommended: milk quality under the influence drug (especially if it is injected under the skin head) may change;
  • neuromuscular disorders;
  • botox for hair during menstruation is undesirable because the hormonal surge in the female body in a given a period of time can worsen the effect of the procedure or reduce it no longer in a week.

So be extremely careful: lists of indications and contraindications are not created to read them and to forget. They should alert you. Do you really need this procedure? Do you have any health prohibitions on her holding?

If you miss these nuances from the field of view, you can subsequently instead of benefiting, get frustration alone. Concerning step-by-step recommendations on how to do Botox for hair, then at home you need to stick instructions attached to the purchased product. And in the cabin so the master knows what to do with your curls.

Curious fact. The main acting the substance of preparations for Botox hair is the Intra-Silan molecule. it development of Arab scholars. She has on curls almost the same effect as botulinum toxin – on the skin.

Before doing the procedure

Botox hair saturation

It is highly recommended not to carry out this procedure at home. conditions, since the drugs are powerful, little studied, expensive. And all responsibility for failure and disappointment will fall on your shoulders – there will be no one to blame. The only advice you can give in this case – carefully read the instructions for Botox for hair and act on it with precision.

You will be much more comfortable in the salon, where the experienced hands of the master they will do everything competently and professionally. You need to understand that different funds suggest different methods of hair treatment with Botox. The following is just an example diagram, but it may vary in depending on the hot or cold technician performing the procedure, and also 1, 2 or 3 phases, which are incorporated in the preparations by manufacturers.

Phase 1 – Cleansing

The master washes the client’s hair with a special shampoo, which performs several functions at once: removes pollution, pours out as a degreaser, opens the hair flakes to drug penetration was maximum.

2 phase – treatment

Botox itself is applied directly to the hair (or injected as an injection into the scalp). He is left so on a certain amount of time. For better penetration into more deep layers can process curls with heat (under polyethylene hat). Then the drug is washed off.

3 phase – fixing

At the last stage of Botox, a special composition fixing the result of the procedure. It is as if seals everything beneficial substances inside the hair shafts for a long time.

Each step of the procedure has its own drug. Botox for hair. For example, shampoo – serum – mask. Each manufacturer chooses his own range of cosmetics. Some offer only ampoules that are so convenient to use. even on their own, without involving a master.

Yes, many people make Botox for hair at home, but note that the drugs are expensive, and the results are far from expected and in quality, and in terms of its duration. So 100 times think before you arrange a salon from your own apartment beauty. Well, for comparison, we bring to your attention a small a rating that will help you navigate this niche cosmetology.

It is interesting! Manufacturers keep in Secret is the true nature of the origin of the Intra-Silan molecule. there is the suggestion that this is a salt of an organic acid.

Best Botox Hair Products

Rating of the best drugs

It is difficult to answer the question, what is the best botox for hair. Despite the recent development, many manufacturers have released a variety of lines of tools for this procedure. Pay attention to the scatter of forms and means.

For example, 6 ampoules of a miracle cocktail from the Spanish company Tahe are $ 455, and the Hungarian Kallos – only $ 8. There is something to ponder. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, be sure to read reviews about each the drug.

  1. Tahe Magic Efecto Botox. Case of 6 ampoules. Spain. $ 455
  2. Carmen Sensitive. Vanite. France. $ 180.
  3. Rio Bottox Brazil. $ 135.
  4. H-BRUSH Botox Capilar: shampoo + reconstructor. Honma Tokyo. Japan. $ 110.
  5. Felps XBTX Okra Mass: a preparation with argan and macadamia oils. Brazil. $ 110.
  6. Sixtree. Brazil. $ 93.
  7. Fiberceutic: ampoule serum (2 options: for thick and thin hair) + mask. L’oreal. France. $ 34.
  8. Black Diamond Botox: active composition in one package. Sellecta. Brazil. $ 33.
  9. Kashmir Keratin Hair System. Israel. $ 20.
  10. Hair Botox: ampoules. Kallos. Hungary. $ 8.

This is a brief description of this unique, modern anti-aging procedure. Deciding whether to make Botox for hair, should be thought out and balanced. Despite on the obvious therapeutic and cosmetic effect and a lot of positive reviews, all these drugs – know-how, not yet had time to go through a sufficient number of laboratory tests.

How will Intra-Silan react to this amazing molecule? organism unknown. No dangerous consequences no one can to guarantee. However, the desire to have a thick, shiny, beautiful, and the main thing is healthy hair, outweighs all the arguments of logic in women and reason.

Well, hope no side effects as a present you won’t get from Botox for hair and you will only enjoy it magical action.

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