Botox-based procedures that are importantknow

Mon, 07 Jul 2014 A well-known procedure such as
Botoksky something attracts, and scares someone. Just look at
some celebrity faces to understand that Botox is a procedure
not for all. But it concerns the classic Botox – methods, when with
using an injection of botulinum toxin into the muscle, temporarily “paralyzed”
and stops shrinking.

Completely relax your face while standing by the mirror: do not wrinkle your forehead,
Do not try to raise eyebrows. If you like the reflection, you can
Feel free to prick Botox according to the classical scheme (if there aren’t any
other contraindications). But, if you decide that
relaxation did not decorate your face, but on the contrary: eyebrows dropped,
the face has become a sullen expression, then the classical methods of introduction
Botox is not for you.

If at the same time you are still very concerned about mimic
wrinkles, you should pay attention to the procedure Mezooboks. In contrast
from injections into the muscle, Botox in this case is injected by micro doses into
skin (the principle of mesotherapeutic injections). Resulting in muscle
normally reduced, and there is no effect of a mask on the face. BUT
skin receptors, on the contrary, thanks to Botox do not receive a command to
contraction, and the skin remains completely smooth. The only minus
such a technique is its relative fragility: 3 months
instead of 8.

Lifting Nefertiti procedure is another alternative.
Botox method. It is suitable for those who have already begun to suffer from
problems of gravitational ptosis. If you have “swam” an oval face,
“flew” appeared, corners of the lips dropped, then Botox injections
made in the lower third of the face and neck. Thereby blocking
depressor muscles pulling the tissue down (by the gravity vector), and
at the same time, “lifting” muscles, the elevators, are activated. AT
результате ATы получаете мощнейший лифтинг на срок до полугода безо
any operations!

Знаете ли ATы, что Ботокс блокирует не только передачу импульсов
muscles and skin, but also sweat glands. This property is used for
combat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). But, even in the case
normal sweating, many demanding clients
prefer not to have any problems associated with the allocation of sweat:
don’t think about smell, stains on clothes and things like that
�”Trouble.” Therefore, the procedure “Botox in the armpits” acquires
increasingly popular. Moreover, it is safe (unlike
from many deodorants), and absolutely simple.

Over the years, Botox has gained the fame of one of
the most highly effective cosmetic products. However, for
to unleash its potential to the full and without
negative consequences, do not risk and address only
certified institutions to truly experienced
to specialists.

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