Beauty schedule for the week

Thu, Mar 27, 2014

We all want to be beautiful, but in the conditions of modern
the pace of life for beauty you want to spend less time getting
with the maximum possible result. How to be in such

Beauticians suggest not to dwell on one part of the body, but
pay attention to all problem areas, and this should be done
on a schedule so as not to forget anything and devote time to the topic on time
a place that needs it.

Your actions

Of course, it’s difficult to plan everything, for some it’s boring, but
others are uncomfortable. However, such a to-do list will even allow you to
busy schedule cram procedure for beauty and
body youth So.

1. To start, carefully examine yourself and check those without flattery.
sites that need help first. Main
the directions are: face and neck skin, hair, body skin,
problems with the figure, nails. It is worth considering that these areas will be
adjusted at home and not in the salon or sports
the hall.

2. Next, you should make a list of necessary procedures that
allow you to become problematic parts and areas more beautiful and younger.
The list will definitely be long, but do not forget that the schedule takes into account
only 7 days, so select only the most basic procedures. TO
For example, these may be:

  • masks and peels for the neck and face, moisturizing and nourishing
    treatments for the same body parts;
  • for the body it can be a peeling procedure, application
    masks to rejuvenate and moisturize;
  • As for the figure, anti-cellulite is commonly used here.
    wraps, massages and peels;
  • hair moisturize and nutrition, make masks for shine or from
    hair loss;
  • moisturize, nourish and strengthen nails.

3. Review your work schedule for the week, in the evening
Add one or two treatments for beauty. Two treatments at once
can be performed if they are not long lasting, for example, a hair mask
can be combined with nail baths or peeling or moisturizing
faces with cilia reinforcement. Try to give your beauty up
30-40 minutes, it is advisable to do this every night at the same time.

With proper planning for the week, you can bring yourself to
order and do everything that so long postponed. When regularly
creating such a beauty chart you will notice real improvements.
Actually, they will be noticed not only by you, but also by those around you.

TOак только основные процедуры для красоты были проведены, можно
use the to-do list and perform the necessary procedures
secondary nature. After a time schedule of beauty treatments
can be duplicated.

Your body is sure to thank for the work done.

Текст: TOсения Александровна

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