Beauty budget: why so much money goes tocosmetics. How to save money on cosmetics, but not in yourselfrefuse?

Ср, 01 ноя 2017 Автор: Ольга Иванова

Tell me how often in the cosmetics shop you look
on the coveted tube about which the glory goes, that this
miracle cure, and think: “No, I do not

Meanwhile, if you carefully scrape the bottom of the barrel, carefully all
plan and rationally approach the issue of buying cosmetics, then
It turns out that you can afford very, very much.


Accounting and control

Do not forget to check the general shelf life, but also the shelf life
after opening (it is usually marked on the packaging as an image
open lid with a number indicating the number of months in
for which cosmetics should be used). For example, the general term
can be three years, and the shelf life after you
first opened the lid, – only six months.

A very useful approach can be borrowed from stylists.

Surely, you have repeatedly read that the formation of the image begins
it is with the analysis of the wardrobe: get out of the closet all
clothes, shoes, accessories, carefully sorted, disposed of
unnecessary and determine what is missing for the perfect

This practice applies to both the dresser and shelves in
bathroom. Surely many have donated by someone or bought in
impulse shopping five masks for hair and four shampoos, most
part of which you are not impressed. Often we just do not have time
all use, we forget that we have, we buy too much with
Thought “what if”. Many cosmetics have much more than you can
put on one average person, which means we are dealing
with frozen and wasted money: most likely you
You will not have time to use all this before the expiration date, but
something may just get you bored.

This is not a call for radical change in life with one piece.
soap, but healthy minimalism allows you to control spending and
gives a pleasant feeling of space.

Therefore, the best that can be advised – in the next free
minute ruthlessly clean the shelves in the bathroom and chest of drawers, leaving
really necessary and favorite means. The rest is better to distribute
friends, but rather expensive, but for some reason not suitable
creams and shampoos can be sold in special groups in social networks (and
with the money to buy really something you need).

Make it a rule to mark right on a waterproof jar
date marker when you first used this tool

Clear plan and informed shopping

Now that you have gotten rid of all the excess, you can do
New shopping plan, which will be exclusively necessary
facilities. Which – everyone defines for himself. Someone
focused on growing hair. Someone: important skin is important, and
someone prefers to experiment with makeup.

As you know, a huge amount of cookies and chocolates is eaten:
a) for the company; b) because it is sad and I want to raise myself
mood: c) because you want to switch or need a break
while working.

The same thing often happens with the purchase of cosmetics: we buy
new lipstick or cream to cheer yourself up by running into
shop on the way home from work for the company with a friend.

Результат: три новых блеска и
several lipsticks that will be dispersed in different bags, oh
half of which you will soon forget. Make it a rule: walk
To shop specially, with a detailed list.

To avoid such blunders, try even inexpensive
means before buying test. Spending two unsuccessful lipsticks
and one tonal tool even medium price range
equivalent to spending a tube of a good cream that you would with
pleasure could use. Feel free to ask from
sellers probes. And in some stores you even pour
funds in small jars.

Professionals – cheaper!

Significantly save, oddly enough, help make-up artist and
beautician. Yes, visits to good specialists cost money, however
they will pay off with interest in the future: with a high degree of probability you
take with you lists of what you really need, and
also a lot of tricks and valuable recommendations. Sensible makeup artist
make you look different with ten different shades of lipstick
experiments in the style of “cheap buy, if that – give my mother.”
A good cosmetologist will tell you what components in the composition should
avoid and dissuade from the procedures and means that you
really too early or just does not make sense

Such specialists should be chosen carefully, deliberately and better.
on the recommendation of those with whom you know personally.

In general, home bookkeeping is very useful and
fascinating thing: at least you know how inconspicuous
streams and where your salary flowed as a maximum – you plan
costs for a long time. Accounting can be used in private
case – with decorative and care cosmetics, but much more useful
and it’s more interesting to put in a “beauty budget” right away: plan on
long term (for example, for a year – why should I waste time on trifles) all
necessary purchases related to your image (here you can
include clothes, shoes and accessories), as well as necessary
procedures (visits to the hairdresser, makeup artist and dentist).

To do this, you can use a beautiful notebook diary.
Try to immediately recall and record the maximum amount.
his plans: and trips to the beautician, and the wedding of a cousin
(need outfit and hairstyle!), and teeth whitening. When before eyes
a holistic picture and you imagine the scale of spending, much
easier to plan.

This method has two major advantages: first, for you
it will be a surprise that it turns out, it’s time to hygienic
cleaning to the dentist, and you forgot to put off the money, secondly, you
you can review and release financial assets based on
their priorities.

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