Italy XVI
century – the birthplace of baroque. With the Italian word “baroque” you can
translate as “freaky”, “vicious.” Rome, Venice, Florence –
the richest, sophisticated, fun cities became real
the cradles of this new trend in architecture, painting,
literature and music and, of course, in clothes. A little later it
spread throughout Europe. Some countries have tried
copy the Italians, in others – take the main ideas and
principles and created something more characteristic of themselves.
Baroque features
The main feature of the Baroque – pomp, pomp, abundance
various decorative items.
Baroque style of clothing at the time replaced the style of the era
Renaissance – Renaissance. Renaissance outfits differed
elegance, respect for natural proportions. Used
expensive fabrics, original patterns.
Baroque toilets in the XVI – XVII centuries looked different.
Heavy materials (eg velvet, brocade, satin), complex
designs, lots of decoration and decoration – everything had to
look luxurious, catchy. These robes required massive
precious metal jewelery and intricate quafuires.
If at first the hairstyles still looked relatively natural,
representing graceful styling from curls, then later came
period of real megalomania. Ladies sometimes had their heads on
lined up whole towers on the basis of wire, decorated
garlands, feathers, ribbons, flowers, laces and other decor,
down to ship models. Especially for owners of such
hairstyles were designed convertibles – otherwise
In this case, the beauty simply would not fit in the carriage. Men wore
voluminous powdered wigs and shaved off his mustache and beard.
A train is a typical item of baroque clothing. Among women
the train often ended with one of the two skirts worn by each
friend The skirts were wide and fluffy, thanks to the special
whalebone pads. Dark top skirt often
diverged ahead of the waist, revealing the bottom, light.
Numerous drapes decorated skirts and cleavage that were
deep and seductive, exposing the female shoulders. Thanks
corsets, waist looked graceful and thin. Shoes – of course, on
Men dressed up in velvet jackets, wide pants. Outfits
generously decorated with lace and bows. Later appeared spectacular
frill collars. Jackboots – the typical men’s shoes of those
times. Heeled shoes adorned with
buckles or bows.
Baroque mods could not do without cosmetics,
after all, white powdered faces and wigs were just mandatory for
any aristocrat. Special piquancy to the image attached pasted
black moles – fly. Popular accessories are fans, clutches,
canes (for both women and men), umbrellas.
Considering how much such dress could weigh – heavy
apparel, large jewels, huge hairdo or wig –
it’s hard to even imagine how ladies and gentlemen could
move, walk and dance at balls. Perhaps that’s why
the dances of those eras were so sedate and unhurried.
Baroque style in clothing can be found in our time. Of course,
these are no longer the fanciful robes of past centuries, but only some
elements that can make your image more original and
extraordinary – puffy skirts and sleeves, various catchy finishes –
Ruffles, ruffles, draperies, artificial flowers and bows, shoes,
decorated with buckles and crystals, large unusual decorations
and similar cute things.
Baroque style in modern clothes
If you want to stand out from the gray and boring crowd, then clothes in
Baroque style is exactly what you need. Since this
the concept involves a huge number of decorative elements,
you will always be the center of attention. With this, you can resort
to classical baroque or its more modern direction –
glam rock
As for the traditional baroque, you just need
get things from velvet. At the same time, it must be
decorated with intricate gold embroidery. As for shoes, here
must have a heel. It can be like
pumps and high boots. Wear a coat under your coat.
short dress, decorated with lace and rhinestones. Concerning
make-up, red lipstick will become an indispensable element. If
If you prefer trousers and jackets, they should also be
made of velvet embroidered with gold threads.
If you are interested in modern bohemian style glam-rock, then
fabrics must be painted in silver or gold metallic. it
There may be tapered trousers or flared skirt. Supplement them
can be fitted to the top and velvet jacket. Concerning
accessories, they must be original and bright
coloring. Prefer metal decorations with
intricate forged ornament. You can also add such
unexpected accessory, like a lightweight chiffon scarf or handbag with
bright embroidery.
Неwithмотря на то, что withтиль барокко подразумевает обилие
декоративных элементов, вwithегда нужно чувwithтвовать меру, ведь
роwithкошный наряд очень проwithто превратить в аляповатый и комичный.
Чтобы этого не произошло, withочетайте декорированные вещи with проwithтыми.
Так, под брюки with вышивкой наденьте проwithтую белую рубашку, а под
bright top – monophonic skirt. Подбирая акwithеwithwithуары, учтите, что чем
маwithwithивнее и ярче они будут, тем проще должен быть фаwithон одежды и
vice versa. К маwithwithивным замыwithловатым украшениям лучше вwithего подбирать
одежду клаwithwithичеwithкого черного цвета.
Придать гардеробу оттенок роwithкоши барокко можно при помощи
withумки. Она должна быть маwithwithивной и доwithтаточно яркой. She may be
decorated with embroidery, applications. Также приветwithтвуютwithя разного
рода заклепки, цепи и прочие металличеwithкие элементы. For a party
подойдет небольшой клатч, украшенный withверкающими withтразами.
Стоит отметить, что для гардероба в withтиле барокко должна быть
подобрана withоответwithтвующая причеwithка, а также яркий макияж. To make
подобную укладку – задача не из легких, а потому лучше обратитьwithя к
парикмахеру, который withформирует из ваших волоwith конwithтрукцию with
выwithоким начеwithом и кудрями. Из того, что вы можете withделать
withамоwithтоятельно, можно выделить выwithокий хвоwithт, который можно
накрутить или же оwithтавить прямым. it отличное решение как для
повwithедневного withтиля, так и для оwithобых мероприятий. If вы
хотите чего-то оригинального, то попроwithите маwithтера withделать выwithокую
причеwithку with применением withпециального каркаwithа, вокруг которого будут
уложены волоwithы.
Baroque style came to us from the time when it was in fashion
белая кожа и ариwithтократичеwithкая бледноwithть. Именно поэтому в withоздании
макияжа одну из оwithновных ролей играет пудра. Shadows must also be
доwithтаточно бледными. А вот брови withтоит withделать выразительными и
bright. Губы обязательно должны быть окрашены в ярко-краwithный цвет.
Такой макияж withтанет отличным вариантом для вечеринки, фотоwithеwithwithиии и
даже выхода на withцену. Еwithли немного поубавить яркоwithть краwithок, то вы
получите выразительный офиwithный макияж.
Барокко – это яркий и экwithцентричный withтиль, в котором важно
withоблюдать меру между яркоwithтью и withдержанноwithтью.