Baby foot, or How to properly care forheels

Sat, 25 Jan 2014

A real woman is different from just a woman, including
that the first take care of their legs all year round, and the second only,
then when the weather allows them to bare – in summer, when necessary
делать педикюр и ухаживать за heels.

But you and I are real ladies, so we understand that women
beauty is daily work.

In particular, our marigolds and heels require no less
attention than the face and hairstyle.

The concept of baby foot – baby feet, firmly entering into everyday life each
women. Of course, everyone wants to have infant feet, without
cracks and keratinized skin. How to achieve this?

Homemade recipes

If for some reason you are not able to attend regularly
beauty salons, then it is necessary to establish a procedure for courtship
kicking at home. So.

Foot baths

You can make special foot baths that soften
rough, cornified skin on the heels. At the end of the procedure using
pumice stone or special razor remove ugly growths.

In the baths add a special softening mixture: a glass
warm milk add two tablespoons of shampoo and two tea
spoon of soda. After stirring the mixture, it is poured into a container with
with hot water, in which they keep their legs for about half an hour,
periodically pouring hot water.

After the bath, the heels are treated with fine-grained pumice and
lubricated with a foot belt. A similar procedure is better to repeat two.
times a week.

Recipes of our grandmothers

Our grandmothers, unfamiliar with modern advanced technology
self care, put their heels in order the simplest
way: mixed butter with a teaspoon of honey and
a few drops of fish oil. With this mixture they sat about
half an hour, waiting patiently, as a rule, for a brilliant effect.
The skin on the heels became velvety and elastic.


Oddly enough, onions can help you fight
ugly growths on the heels. Onion not only softens the skin of the legs,
but also disinfects it. The recipe for an onion mask is simple:
the average cleaned onion is crushed and the resulting gruel
distributed in several layers on the decomposed gauze, which as
compress put on his legs. With such a mask on his feet should
spend the whole night. However, the result is worth it – baby foot you
provided, perhaps for a whole month.

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