Avocado masks restore microreliefskin? Recipes and subtleties of using avocado masks at homeconditions

Пн, 06 ноя 2017 Автор: Елена Утятина

Avocados – a storehouse of nutrients that
necessary for the body to properly

Age, weather conditions, stressful situations, lack
good rest is not a complete list of factors that have
negative impact on our body. Biological reaction
systems – structural changes in the skin. Fruit Masks
avocados will help regain lost quality at home


Fruit characteristics

Avocado contains:

– vitamins – PP, A, C, B, E, D, folic acid;

– mineral substances – potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron,
manganese, cobalt, magnesium, iodine, sulfur, boron, copper;

-monosaturated fats, hormones, polyunsaturated fatty

The richest components of an alligator pear help to achieve
amazing results Using
масок из авокадо в домашних conditions – это максимальные достижения
for minimal expenses. The remedy favors the preservation
beauty, youth, healthy appearance of the skin.

Spectrum of action:

– prevents the effects of aggressive environment on
upper layers of the epidermis;

– regulates the work of fibroblasts, which are the key link in
the biological structure of the skin;

– reduces pigmentation;

-improves blood circulation, which contributes to the fastest
cell regeneration;

– equalizes the texture, tightens the pores;

– eliminates skin inflammatory processes;

– is struggling with premature aging;

– neutralizes the action of free radicals;

– restores the most dehydrated skin.

The effect of the use of tropical fruit masks accumulates
gradually, but persists for a long time.

Тонкости применения масок из авокадо в домашних conditions

Уход за кожей в домашних conditions с помощью собственноручно
prepared masks are not worse than the procedures and tools offered
beauty industry. Avocado has a low level of allergenicity,
what products of wide manufacture do not guarantee. At the base
The cosmetic mask uses the flesh of fresh, ripe fruits.

Determining your skin type and problem you need
eliminate, go to the following action algorithm:

1) prepare all the components and capacity (container should be
glass or ceramic);

2) combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly;

3) using cleansers, prepare your skin for

4) apply a mask on your face with soft movements, avoiding the area
around eyes; the treatment area may extend to the chin,
neck, neckline;

5) the duration of the procedure depends on the individual
testimony (15 – 30 minutes);

6) remove residues with warm water or

It is best to complete the procedure by applying a suitable cream.
for your skin type.


Fundamental role in maintaining structural integrity
skin plays a moisturizing. Lack of water provokes
loss of firmness and elasticity. Signs of flaking,
flabbiness, multiple fine wrinkles. Stop the process
dehydration will help plant minerals contained in avocados.
They will restore the water balance, enhance the protective function, provide
moisture retention by creating a hydrophilic film.

Dry skin

I. Complex ingredients: 100 gr. avocado pulp, 1 grated
potato, 1 tsp first cold pressed olive oil, 1
tbsp, sour cream 18%. Mix all until smooth.

Ii. To 1 tbsp. rolled oats (pre-cooked)
attach the fruit pulp. The resulting mixture diluted broth
chamomile (1 tsp. flowers pour 100 ml. boiling water, insist 1 hour).

IIi. Mix the avocado with shea butter (another name is carite).
The product is included in the list of healing cosmetic oils, which makes
its indispensable in the fight against dehydrated skin. Remove residues
warm milk.

Oily skin

I. Well dried skin egg white. His then add to 2
st.l. fruit and 2 tsp. lemon juice.

Ii. Get rid of long lasting oily shine and age spots
will help a mixture of exotic fruit and kefir (yogurt).

IIi. Well moisturize the shell and normalizes the sebaceous glands
соединение мякоти авокадо с 2 st.l. granular curd.

The human envelope, like any other organ, is subject to
age changes. Over the years, moisturizing face acquires the concept
extreme necessity.


The complex of vitamins that make up the avocado has a high
antioxidant activity. Due to it being restored
hydrolipid mantle of the skin, improves cellular renewal,
lost elasticity and elasticity returns. Biologically
important elements stimulate hyaluronic acid synthesis and
collagen, transforming the appearance of the outer shell, modeling the oval
face smoothing mimic wrinkles.

I. Четвертинку плода, 3 st.l. yogurt (preferably natural),
1 tsp honey (melted), beat until smooth.

Ii. Recipe for avocadal masks for very dry skin. To fruit
мякоти присоединить яичный желток, столовую ложку меда и 1 st.l.
glycerol. Pharmacological drug can be purchased at any
pharmacy without a prescription.

IIi. К смеси из одной столовой ложки juice алоэ и 1st.l. juice
orange to report fruit half and egg white.

Iv. Add a raw chicken egg to banana and avocado pulp,
1 hl меда или сахара, 1 st.l. heavy cream.

Chicken egg additionally enriches avocado masks,
изготовленные в домашних conditions. For skin prone to dryness,
used yolk. For oily and combination – protein.


Recovery кожного покрова процесс поэтапный. The best
results can be achieved through comprehensive care. At home
conditions восстанавливающие маски из авокадо не только питают и
moisturize the skin. They have an anti-inflammatory effect,
struggling with age-related changes. Natural ingredients condense
the epidermis, smoothes wrinkles, erases traces of fatigue, gives

I. Alligator pear pulp and one small carrot
grind in a blender. Add to the egg mix, 100 gr. sour cream
product, 2 tbsp. l honey and whip thoroughly.

Ii. Мякоть одного плода соединить с 1 куриным яйцом, 1 st.l.
меда, 2 st.l. kefir 3%, crushed orange slice. Received
Mix the mixture in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

IIi. 100 gr. soak rye bread in kefir, heated to
room temperature. After 30 minutes add to the mush half

Iv. Mix two tablespoons of avocado pulp thoroughly with
1 hl какао и 1st.l. melted honey in a water bath.

Gelatin can be used not only for cooking. Him
modulating effects on the skin are scientifically based. Therefore, to
fruit base can safely add gelatinous, bay it
boiled water, milk or cream. Hold for 30 minutes and
the tool is ready. The mask has a positive effect on the skin micro-relief,
provides a lifting effect.

Маски из авокадо для всех типов кожи в домашних conditions


I. К 100 gr. измельченного фрукта добавить 1 tsp fresh
лимонного juice и 2 — 3 листика свежей мяты. Beautiful refreshing
means. It activates the process of self-healing skin.


Ii. Компоненты: 1st.l. warm mashed potatoes, avocado, 1
ч.l растопленного меда, 1 hl alcohol tincture of calendula. Mask
has a matte effect, reduces inflammation and


IIi. Grind half an avocado and meticulously mix it with an egg,
a tablespoon of flour, a teaspoon of mayonnaise and the same amount
honey After use, the effect of salon dermabrasion is felt.
Deep pore cleansing occurs.

Iv. 50 gr. fruit, a teaspoon of olive (flaxseed,
sunflower oil, 10 gr. yeast. Components to connect,
insist for half an hour. The skin is cleansed as much as possible.
gently and carefully. The surface is polished and smoothed.

V. One tablespoon of white clay diluted in 80 gr.
fermented milk product, add avocado. Absorbent,
polishing mask. It has smoothing properties.
Suspends the aging process. White clay can be replaced
blue or pink. Both that and another deletes the horny layer

Avocado pulp can be used as a care product.
skin, without additional ingredients. Fruit will provide
relaxing action anyway.

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