Applemania, as a fashion for expensive simplicity

Thu, Nov 17, 2016

Today, the name of Steve Jobs is known to millions of people around the world.
The hero of his time. Attractive, inflexible, categorical,
smart, dead. The man who gave the world a new brand that has become
cult not only among representatives of Bohemia and secular lions, but
and hipsters who deny any involvement in modern fashionable
currents. How did it happen that the fashion for expensive emptiness is not
Bypassed, it seems, anyone?

The iPhone was the first mass device to support
multitouch, and this fresh wave, bursting into our lives in 2007,
turned the concept of convenience and sense of style. Down with
multibutton heavy gadgets! Bulky camera phones,
which were discharged rapidly, and did not allow to use
the possibilities of the Internet as many would have liked

Thin and graceful lines leaked even to where it seemed to be for
they simply can not be places. Yesterday geeks interested
only video games and old school series about which no one
I did not even hear, they were almost on the crest of a newfangled wave.
Apple has taken care of all of its potential customers.
making us want to get them graceful and incredible
performance devices. The answer was obvious: Steve Jobs
calling for all creativity, thought out a brilliant move –
resizable body of smartphones.

Everything is in your hands, just act! Want to be trendy, for
you trim the case in gold, artificial or precious
stones, rare species of wood or leather. Do you want to prove to everyone that
you do not care about the instructions of leading experts in the field of business style
or secular glamor – engrave your favorite superhero or
airbrushing with the never aging “The Beatles”.

In many fashionable films, serials, including sidkoms,
The main characters use the technique of Apple. As if casually reminding –
no matter who you are, how old you are, what you work and what
doing – you can have an iPhone or iPad, it’s so stylish
and comfortable, and most importantly, you always remain yourself, whether you are London
dandy, administrative assistant, geek or housewife. After all, all in your

In June 2013, Apple mobilized reserves and finally
seized the hearts and wallets of their loyal fans. Now
in the US, it is possible to exchange old iPhone phones for new ones with
surcharge of the difference in cost, but perhaps someone can
stop? After all, the best designers and engineers have already developed a series
limited edition cases using precious metals
and skin, and the New York company The Natural Sapphire Company
created a pure gold case for iPhone 5, decorated
precious stones. Is it possible to resist all this
splendor? You can be anyone, you can have any wealth,
You can deny fashion trends and trends, but almost impossible
abandon the apple, stretched by Steve Jobs.

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