Almond oil for hair – works wonders.Recipes for making homemade masks based on almond oilfor hair

Сб, 12 ноя 2016 Автор: Юлия Еркова

Among the variety of various natural remedies popular in
cosmetology and trichology confident leading position occupies
sweet almond oil. Wrong lifestyle, too high
its pace, bad ecology, junk food, addiction, stress and
many other factors have a direct impact not
only on the appearance of the hair, but also on the condition of the hair follicles.
Миндальное масло for hair — это доступное целебное средство,
which has a minimum list of contraindications and is able
to return the shag health and radiant shine.


Особенности состава миндального oils for hair и его полезные

Effective effect on hair condition almond oil
renders due to the high content of active and
useful components. At the time of use all the substances of the oil
penetrate deep into the hair and take part in the exchange
processes. Therefore, almond oil can treat strands like
from the inside, and improve the appearance of the outside. Every component is important.
in its own way, it also plays a certain role:

• витамин В9 создаёт защитный барьер for hair от воздействия
temperature drops, for example, in extreme cold or, conversely, in
heat, also stimulates the active growth of hair;

• Vitamin PP saturates both natural and acquired tone.
hair, gives curls shine, is a remedy for strengthening
root bulbs, stop falling out, eliminate dandruff,
normalization of the sebaceous glands, used to combat
high fat content;

• composition rich in protein substances that charge hair
energy, they will come to life and shine noticeably;

• a huge amount of organic acids, among which
linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, arachin,
palmitoleic, linolenic and others. Acid capable
regenerate damaged hair cells, thereby restoring
their structure, so they can be used to revitalize dry
tips, as well as for the rehabilitation of hair after a hard and strong
exposure to chemicals;

• fats help to establish the subcutaneous circulation of lymph and blood, which
able to enhance blood flow to the hair roots. Thereby
the nourishment of the hair improves, they become stronger and stronger, and their
loss is eliminated;

• carotene has a moisturizing effect on hair, which
able to liven up even the driest strands and saturates dim
natural color;

• squalene is a component with rejuvenating functions, which
makes hair elastic, but at the same time soft and docile;

• Vitamin E or tocopherol is needed to enhance the natural
qualities of squalene, in particular, rejuvenating.

Rare use of such a unique ingredient as oil
almond nut and give quick, but short-lived results,
the best effect in the form of complete recovery of hair can be achieved
only with regular use. Oil can be applied to curls
both in pure form and used as an ingredient
various medical masks.

Советы по выбору миндального oils for hair

The finished product is almond oil – it is viscous in its
consistency is not a thick liquid that has a light yellow
a shade, quite pleasant aroma and small degree of fat content. From
other cosmetic almond oils are distinguished by the fact that
it is faster washed off from hair, does not leave on them a fat gloss. Butter
Almond is very convenient to use at home, but before
it is necessary to choose it correctly.

1. Butter должно быть высокого qualities, следует избегать
fake and expired products.

2. There should be no sediment in the bottle with oil.

3. The liquid should be clear, with a yellowish tinge.

4. The smell can be slightly perceptible as sweet, and
completely absent.

5. To taste felt delicate nutty notes.

6. You should not buy almond oil in large volumes.
Намного лучше for hair будет, если приобретать масло объёмами по
250-500 ml, so the product will always be fresh.

7. It is necessary to acquire and store oil in bottles from dark
glasses to preserve all their properties.

8. Both types are suitable for cosmetic purposes.
almond oil: bitter and sweet.

Особенности использования миндального oils for hair

Best for the storage of almond oil suitable bottom shelf
the fridge. Однако перед приготовлением лечебной маски for hair
product must be obtained in 2-3 hours to become room
temperature To enhance the properties of the oil and improve the impact on
the hair of the active components of the oil can be heated in a water bath,
maximum up to 40 ° C.

Depending on the exciting problem, you should choose the method
applying almond oil:

• if you need to strengthen the roots, stop hair loss,
It is necessary to apply masks on the basis of soft massaging movements.
almond oil on the scalp;

• to restore split ends, only
just get them wet prepared composition preferably

• for saturation with gloss and color enhancement must be applied
finished formulations evenly over the entire length of the hair.

After any method of applying a therapeutic mixture to the hair or skin
it is necessary to create a vacuum effect on the head using
cellophane. You should wear a warm hat over it for warming.
to wind a terry towel.

The duration of maxi wear with almond oil depends on the type
skin. If the skin is thin or sensitive, and the components of the mask
aggressive ingredients like mustard, alcohol, lemon
juice, then keep such funds need no more than 15 minutes on the hair.
In other cases, you can vary the time from 30 minutes to 8
hours, that is, quietly leave the mask on all night depending
from selected components.

It is not difficult to wash masks of almond oil from hair, they are not
make hair sticky and too shiny. To wash off
You need any regular shampoo. But rinse after washing
hair will be useful herbal decoction or water with the addition of
lemon juice.

The frequency of mask procedures is 1-2 times a week. it
optimal amount for all types of masks. After a cycle of procedures
(10-15 pieces) it is desirable to take a break for 1 month and give for it
time for the hair to rest and recover on its own.

Рецепты масок на основе миндального oils for hair на все

1. Mask for feeding dry tips. Frequent use of hair dryers
ploek irons, exposure to wind, sunlight
primarily worsen the condition of the ends of the hair. To prepare
nutritional mask for their recovery will need 1 tbsp. l
each ingredient:

• almond oil;

• cereals;

• milk.

Apply the composition only to the ends of the hair,
leave covered for 30 minutes and then wash off.

Another recipe mask for the rehabilitation of damaged ends
включает миндальное масло, желток 1 яйца, лимонный сок 1 ч. l
Such a composition is applied similarly to the previous one, and washed off with warm

2. Mask to enhance hair growth. The composition of such a mask

• almond oil;

• 1 yolk of an egg or 3 quail egg yolks;

• Peach oil 1 tbsp. l;

• the same amount of brandy – this ingredient is able to eliminate more
oily hair.

Apply the composition to the hair roots for at least 40 minutes, maximum at
1 hour. During this time, the head must be warm.
wrapped up.

3. Mask against hair loss. Another mask recipe that
includes egg yolk as well as a powder variety
mustard 1 tbsp. l, основное масло, воду и кефир (можно заменить при
the need for yogurt) in a mass ratio of 2: 1: 3. Rubbed
the mixture is in the roots and left on the hair for about 1 hour in a warmed
the form.

4. Mask for greasy hair. To create this mask you need
mix a few oils – almond and any essential from
offered to choose from. it может быть лимонное, кипарисовое,
cedar, bergamot – they all have a favorable
impact on the hair. Apply a mixture of oils should be massage
movements on the radical plot. Then you need weeks
plastic cap or bag wrapped over his head
towel and keep the mask on hair from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
With this procedure every week you can reduce
the fat content of the hair is significant, and the hair follicles strengthen.

5. Mask for dry hair. It will need 1 extra
ingredient – ylang-ylang oil of fragrant kananga 2 drops
(can be replaced if desired, tangerine, orange or

You can wear such a mask without using insulation, in the open
the form. Another option mask to eliminate dry hair includes
itself is such an auxiliary component as any brown oil in
proportions 1k2 in relation to the main. Apply this mixture
полностью на всю шевелюру 1 hour.

6. Anti-dandruff mask. Scalp problems like dandruff
and itching will help eliminate the mask from almond nut oil and pulp
aloe vera plants. Ingredients must be taken in equal
quantities in the ratio of 1k1.

Another recipe for dandruff mask: you need 2 tbsp. l oils
almond and liquid honey, as well as 2 drops of eucalyptus and

Any of the formulations must be gently rubbed into the skin and wait
result about 1-2 hours.

Существенные достоинства миндального oils — это его
universality and lack of contraindications. Only individual
intolerance to the product or its components can be an obstacle
to use.

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