Acne on the face – the types and methods of elimination. howget rid of acne at home for a long time.

Пн, 29 июн 2015 Автор: Анна Нестеренко

Acne is a skin disease that affects everyone.

So let’s see why there are acne on the face,
talk about their views and learn how to deal with this cosmetic
flaw in the home.


Why face acne appears – the main reasons

One of the causes of acne is increased production
androgen, which most often occurs during adolescence. With
this excess of male sex hormones occurs not only in boys,
but also in girls.

The second reason is also associated with increased production, but not
androgen, and sebum. Although, if we draw parallels,
quite often excessive greasiness arises owing to
excessive androgen production.

The third reason is microbial inflammation. Especially good bacteria
feel on oily skin. Acne can also occur on
the faces of those people who do not understand how important it is to clean the skin
from dead cells to prevent blockage of the gland.

Many girls think that acne is caused by
certain products. But some experts prove that communication
between acne and what a person eats, is missing.

Еще одна причина возникновения прыщей — demodex. it
a parasitic mite that lives in a hair bag or in
sebaceous gland. It contributes to the development of skin diseases. Pliers
can be transmitted to a person from another person or animal.
The development of certain diseases, which we will discuss below, also
может стать причиной появления acne. Such illnesses are usually
provoke hormonal disruptions that lead to
acne. True, more often these diseases themselves develop due to
hormonal disorders.

The link between organ diseases and acne on the face

Any of the diseases that suppress the human immune system,
имеющего демодекс, может привести к развитию acne. The fact,
that immunity suppression has a positive effect on the pace
breeding tick. An increase in the number of ticks leads to
development of skin problems.

A huge number of experts also have no doubt that acne
arise due to problems in the gastrointestinal tract. They speak,
that diseases of the digestive tract can lead to hyperstimulation of sebaceous
glands, and, as already mentioned, acne mainly occurs on
oily skin.

Acne – frequent guests on the face of women with diseases
надпочечников, щитовидной железы, гипофиза и etc. Therefore, if
you have pimples, be sure to contact the medical
facility to check the endocrine system. Many girls,
visiting the clinic, they learn that the first thing they need to do is not to clean
rashes, and normalize hormones and treat diseases
internal organs.

On the face of men and women can appear a variety of pimples:
red and white (purulent), subcutaneous, etc. Many are not hearsay
are familiar with teen acne. All sorts of rashes occur in
absolutely small children. All these pimples may appear in different
reasons: from mechanical damage to hormonal disruptions or
severe diseases.

Subcutaneous Facial Acne

Subcutaneous acne is called “closed comedo”. They arise
when the secret produced by the sebaceous gland cannot reach
skin surface. As a result, the iron begins to swell, which leads
to protrusion of a specific area of ​​the skin. Extrude content
subcutaneous pimple is quite problematic.

For information: to eliminate acne subcutaneous, many experts
prescribe drugs that block the work of the sebaceous glands.

Pustules on face

Gland-developed sebum, mixing with bacteria,
dead cells, forms inflammatory elements that
often have the appearance of pustules. how это происходит? Dead cells
are not only on the surface of the skin – they can fall on
walls of the oil-hair follicles. With смешивании сала и клеток
it turns out a secret structure that can form
traffic jams. These plugs interfere with the normal release of fat to the surface.
whatбы подавить застой, железы начинают вырабатывать еще больше
secret that only worsens the situation and leads to

If the nature of the appearance of an ulcer is bacteriological,
man can not do without antibiotics. When white acne occurs
due to the blockage of pores with a mixture of fat and cells, then solve the problem
can exfoliating means.

Remember that microbial purulent inflammations cannot be crushed. AT
Otherwise, the abscess may burst inside. AT итоге
inflammation spreads to nearby areas. But
it is not necessary to walk with ulcers on the face – they can be opened.

So, the opening of the abscess should begin with disinfection. Need to
just soak cotton wool with alcohol and process the ulcer itself with it and
a small area of ​​skin around it. After skin disinfection, take
needle. If the needle is disposable and before that was in the closed
package, process it additionally optional. Ordinary
the needle that used to be in operation, should be held
over the fire or wipe with an alcohol solution.

ATнимание: прокалывать гнойное образование
follows from the side.

No need to thrust a needle into a pimple. Puncture abscess on the side,
stretch the needle along the suppuration. Reaching its middle,
push the needle up and lift. Now you can delete
content. After that, the pimple needs to be reprocessed.

Red pimples on face

A common cause of red acne is mentioned
demodex. If this tick is in a dormant state, then it
practically does not cause acne. His presence
may produce enlarged pores or other small cosmetic
flaws. But when demodex is active, then on the surface of the face
pronounced red acne that may have
purulent head.

According to statistics, 90% of the adult population are carriers
demodex. And if you do not want to treat red acne, then you need
follow the rules of personal hygiene. Try not to use with
strangers and acquaintances one towel, makeup brushes.
When sleeping out, use your bedding or ask for it.
lay clean.

So, if you have red acne, you need the first thing
go to a medical center to diagnose a tick using
special microscope. In the case of its identification will have to go
laser or phototherapy.

Teen facial acne

Very often extrusion becomes the main and only
way to deal with teenage acne, which is fundamentally wrong.
Squeeze teen acne is also categorically prohibited as
the abscesses which have appeared at any age. But before
tell why you can’t touch teen acne,
let’s see why young people are prone to
inflammations on the face.

Normally, the sebaceous gland surrounds the hair follicle and secretes
small amount of oily secretion. And this is normal, because
sebum plays the role of safe natural skin cream
faces. But, as mentioned, in adolescence occurs
excessive production by the body of male sex hormones,
which cause increased sebum production. In the highlighted
bacteria begin to develop actively. They are continuously
multiply using fat as a nutrient medium.
This causes inflammation. At this time also increases
the amount of cornified scales. The latter simply close the duct
gland, which begins to swell, getting to the surface in the form

So why can’t teenagers squeeze acne on their own?
or go to the beautician for cleaning? The fact is that squeezing out
these pimples, we provoke the growth of the site of inflammation. After all
when squeezing out part of the sebum infected by bacteria
just goes down and spreads throughout the gland, aggravating
the problem.

In addition, it must be remembered that such procedures lead to
the appearance on the spot of acne wounds, which, in the absence of the correct
treatments heal with scar formation. Accelerate the healing of abrasions
and small wounds helps cream “ARGOSULFAN®.” Combination
the antibacterial component of silver sulfathiazole and silver ions
provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream.
Apply the drug can not only on the wounds located on
open areas of the body, but also under dressings. Remedy possesses no
only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and except
addition, promotes healing of wounds without coarse

How to be? It is necessary to deal with the causes of
adolescent acne: excess sebum production,
androgen, an increase in microbial inflammation, cornified areas.
With external causes of teenage acne can
deal with purchased or home cosmetic
products for problematic oily skin, which cleanse the face of fat,
dead cells, preventing the reproduction of microbes and blockages of the glands.
But the internal problem (increased production of male hormones)
should be addressed by the use of drugs affecting
on androgen production.

ATажно: девушке с высыпаниями в нижней трети
individuals who show significant hormonal
drops, it does not hurt to appear gynecologist.

Acne in young children

If any inflammation occurs on the face
the child should contact the doctor who will hold
examination, assign tests and, if necessary, give direction to
examination by other specialists. Self-medication in this case
is unacceptable. Acne on the face in children may result from
intolerance to certain products and drugs (allergic
reactions), due to improper performance of hygienic
procedures, etc. Rash in babies often occurs due to severe
diseases, including blood diseases. Pimples often
appear from mechanical damage to the skin, they can wear
infectious nature …

Getting rid of acne at home

Many wonder if you can completely get rid of acne in
home without attracting specialists. So, it all depends
on the degree of neglect of the problem. Severity Information
There are rashes below, but before you read it, do
next steps: go to the mirror, look at your face,
count the pimples, pay attention to the presence of knots on the skin and

We determine the seriousness of the problem: if a girl or a guy is
the face has no more than 10 acne, then this indicates the first
the severity of skin disease, up to 40 – about the second. Signs of
third degree: on the face can be counted more than 40 acne, on the skin
visible nodes, inflammatory infiltrates.

Calculated and determined? Good. If you have a third degree
gravity then handle the problem yourself while
Using only home remedies, definitely will not work. what
concerns the second degree of complexity of the disease, you also
it is necessary to make a choice in favor of visiting specialists who
after the examination they will be able to prescribe the correct complex treatment.
And only with the first degree of development of inflammatory processes on
the person can hopefully manage to cope with the problem of not
using nothing but cleansing, drying and brightening
домашних масок, скрабов, тоников и etc.

ATнимание: некоторые специалисты действительно
advise their patients with varying degrees of progression
inflammation in addition to drug treatment use
time-tested home remedies.

How to remove fresh acne from the face of folk methods

If you woke up and saw a huge pimple on your face, and on the evening of
you planned a serious event, then dry the annoying
misunderstanding, lighten the red bump and reduce inflammation
several folk remedies. Let’s look at the most
simple acne masks, the ingredients for the preparation of which
surely there will be in every home.

Honey and butter

So, you need one teaspoon of honey and a few drops.
tea tree oil. Take the honey and put the right amount
sweets in a plate. Now drip butter on top of nectar and
mix the ingredients. The mask should be applied point. Remove
a cotton pad smeared on an inflamed area after 25
minutes after application. Pimple should decrease in size
lighten up

Honey and Aspirin

whatбы частично снять воспаление и подсушить прыщ, сделайте маску
three tablets of aspirin and a small spoon of honey. Aspirin need
crush and soak in half a teaspoon of boiled water, after
honey is added to the white gruel. This tool is applied as
previous mask, only on the acne. Wait half an hour and
wipe the mixture with a wet disc.

�”Clean” pimple paste

Another folk remedy, by which our girls are taken to clean up
acne is a toothpaste. Particularly tender feelings for women
mint paste. All you need to do is apply the mentioned
remedy for pimple and walk with it until you get tired. Ladies who
cleaned acne with toothpaste, assure that the seal
almost completely takes place in some 2-4 hours.

Budget funds from spots after acne on the face

Pimple stains can be clarified with ordinary products.
which we regularly eat. For example, from steamed and
pre-shredded oatmeal turns out great
Scrub that cleanses the skin and brightens acne spots. How do they
to use? It’s simple – put a scrub mask on your face and
Massage the skin with this oatmeal for 20 minutes.

Bleaching effect and lemon juice. Rubbing every day
speckles from pimples with lemon juice, you make them less
pronounced. You can also remove such cosmetic flaw kefir
or a cucumber mask. The composition of the first mask includes sour
kefir, the second – fresh cucumber gruel. Both products withstand 20
minutes Kefir mask is first rolled off the skin, then wash off the face
warm water. Cucumber mass is removed with a cotton pad, and at the end
face is rubbed with a tonic for problem skin. you also can
Prepare a decoction of parsley and dill to lighten stains after
acne. This decoction is better to freeze. Wipe face with a piece
Healing ice follows every morning.

Homemade products from scars and acne scars

The most popular home products in the fight against post-acne
Many women have a mask of powder and 3 percent
hydrogen peroxide. But with this tool you need to be as close as possible.
cautious. It can not be kept on the face for more than 20 minutes or
use in the summer. It is also forbidden
apply on sensitive and damaged skin. Such products
should be pre-tested.

1 – E.I.Tretyakov. Complex treatment for a long time
non-healing wounds of different etiology. Clinical Dermatology and
venereology – 2013.- №3. It is necessary to get acquainted with the instruction or
consult with a specialist.

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